Is this Guns N' Roses' best song? Name a better song.
Hard Mode: No Welcome to the Jungle, Sweet Child O Mine, Paradise City, and November Rain.
I think Patience is a close second.
Is this Guns N' Roses' best song? Name a better song.
Hard Mode: No Welcome to the Jungle, Sweet Child O Mine, Paradise City, and November Rain.
I think Patience is a close second.
no it's so easy is
Slash’s solo should be longer, that’s my only beef with that song.
for me it's Mr. Brownstone
you are joking, right?
anyway if you are not, this is the best by far
>use your poosion
>not even the first one
feast your eyes
the story behind the machine:
Cringe song
Appetite for Destruction is their only decent record
better gameplay video:
(((Not true by the way)))
actually this.
>Hard Mode: You can't say any of their good songs
Well then I don't know what to tell you
This. What the fuck else am I supposed to pick from? The Spaghetti Incident? Chinese Democracy? Yikes.
t. zoomer
It's Coma
The best Gn'R songs says I are as follows
Think About You
Rocket Queen
Dead Horse
Don't Damn Me
Garden Of Eden
Don't Cry
Civil War
These are some of my personal favorite ones, that's why I say this, I don't care!
Not a bad song desu
Patience is their best song
>Hard Mode: No Welcome to the Jungle
Well this should have been /thread right here since that's their best song.
How would have Axl done if he got into the fist fights with people he almost did
>Bruce Dickinson
>Vince Neil
>Kurt Cobain
I think Axl would have beaten all of them to be honest...though not sure about Bruce, he was an athletic lad, but didn't seem all that tough.
Bruce is a manlet. Axl would pummel him.
Who the fuck would Kurt Cobain win in a fight with? He was the soiboi before it was a thing, dude wore women's clothes. Pathetic.
Guns has more than 4 good songs
the since i dont have you cover.
based gnr
Four is being generous
Appetite For Destruction: 10 Good Songs
Lies: 2 Good Songs
Use Your Illusion I: 13 Good Songs
Use Your Illusion II: 10 Good Songs
Chinese Democracy: 3 Good Songs