Is trap the new hair metal/the new disco?

horrible emo rap fad with tattooed faces and dyed hair?
Will this be the death of rap?

Attached: kurt cobain is lil peep.png (461x462, 585K)

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Nah that shit is already dead,only absolute normies listen to the new trap shit,it isnt evloving its just becoming shittier by the minute,the start of the trap genre was cool as fuck but now eh it sucks

trap was always bad, user

Old Town Road is the only trap song that normies and billboard care about nowadays... i'm pretty sure is gonna die soon, Post Malone will probably do metal again and Billie Eilish will do more lo-fi pop (trust me user, is the better from both of them)

thank god i can't handle this trap nonsense
hip-hop as a whole has been a genre that mostly disappoints me desu

Grunge was a back to basics form of Rock
When are we getting Golden Era Revival?

Nice bait faggot

1980's hip-hop revival.


why is he wearing the loveless album vover?

Trap kinda was that in a way. Moving away from samples to a drum machine based sound and beating it to death until you never want to hear it again.

>he’s not down with early 10’s 1017 Brick Squad

I can't unsee this now

i don't really like hip-hop in general
i'm a rock guy
i'm waiting for rock to make a resurgence and kill this retarded shit
I'm going to be waiting a long time.

I'd say you should look for bands you like regardless of mainstream popularity. That's my approach to hip-hop. I hate the retarded zoomer shit so I look for rappers that have a style I can appreciate. The record labels are never going to stop pushing cheap garbage that has a high ROI for them so it's better not to dream too much about it.

never gonna happen bro

nah griselda is bringing real rap back

This. Trap's popularity peaked in 2017, it'z been declining since then

>i'm waiting for rock to make a resurgence and kill this retarded shit

you're retarded, rock is fine

people that listen to hip hop will never just switch to being rock fans, it could never kill trap

It can't have helped when most of its key figures are dead/living under witness protection.

>you're retarded, rock is fine

Attached: 1554213813536.jpg (398x376, 37K)

it's fine it's just not gonna be mainstream ever again, at least not the good stuff, that's not inherently a bad thing

all rock music created now is boring, unmelodic, forgettable, no-balls trash, undergound or not.. I've yet to see an exception

kurt dies->grunge dead
peep dies->emo rap dead
i wonder whats the next popular genre desu

early 10s trap is more drill than trap, its nearly a completely different genre

grunge was already dead


thank fuck. Maybe lil peep and xxxtentacion dying was a good thing.

That has got to be the cringiest image I've ever seen.

op here again, i forgot about this thread desu
this is pretty accurate for the most part, yeah
i really like shit that sounds raw and fuzzy and this is hard to find nowadays
everything is weak indie shit, very polished
most music in general now is either really polished or it sounds like a guy literally pissing into a microphone

i believe someone actually made that image unironically to try to mourn lil peep

yeah rock music has lost it's grit.

>genre bad
why are you here?

Why I'm here? Why not?

hair metal didn't kill metal.
maybe it should've, but it's best years were still ahead of it.