Which one was the last real important rock album? The one that both critics and the public cared about for...

Which one was the last real important rock album? The one that both critics and the public cared about for? The one who was successful into the mainstream?

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The Strokes - Is This It

Either The Black Parade or American Idiot
And in Minor way, Riot (the Paramore album) or Death Magnetic

This. Also it will be the last one it seems

we will revive rock, user! you just have to believe! believe and innovate and actually be good and learn an instrument and learn how to sing and learn how to write good songs! it will be easy, user... rock will reclaim its rightful title as the dominant genre, just you wait...

something by ghost

american idiot


depends on what you define as rock really, in the 2010s rock didn't die so much as it took a much poppier sound

to be fair it feels like everything got that way, including hip hop, last album I can think of that had a super traditional rock sound was maybe arctic monkey's AM

It was also the last rock album to be successful on the mainstream while being critically acclaimed

Probably either one of the first two Linkin Park albums. Unlike the post-punk revival and blues revival bands that were also highly praised around that time, LP sold more and their approach to layered production in rock music was a far more original idea.

What was the last important mainstream funk album? What was the last important mainstream jazz album?

White Stripes- Elephant

unless Blackstar by Bowie counts, and even then it has a lot of "jazz" elements in it

I’d say either
Qotsa - ...Like Clockwork (2013)
Royal Blood - S/T (2014)
They’re just very important to me though, maybe not in the grand scheme of rock music.

Both probably 70s

Why it was just released just a few days ago.

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black drummer

not mainstream enough. No hits crossed over outside of rock radio and didn't sell that many copies.

oh look its more unmelodic trash with no balls

so you like balls then, are you hungry for some nuts? faggot?

>real important
doesnt check out user


This is the unfortunate truth

like clockwork was a comeback album so i'm not sure if it counts
and only 50 year olds listen to royal blood

the correct answer

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I've been digging Ghost a lot lately. Tons of BOC vibes.