
no chartfags allowed edition
Previous: FAQ: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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Other urls found in this thread:


this is a good edit

melodeath sucks

where can i listen the individual tracks on this album?

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>swamp slipknot


You guys are getting the hang of this! Good work!
I'll stop spamming you now.

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Thinking about giving this a third listen today.

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Here, the best black metal album ever created.

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That's not Remains.

nice meme

it bothers me how the non-unicursal hexagram look so low effort in comparison and throws off the album art for me :/

hello newfag


youtube.com/watch?v=RDN4awrpPQQ ?

The barbecue has just begun.

that's not pic related, wtf

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Is burning down a satanic church kvlt?

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it would be extremely fvcking kvlt

yes, (((satanism))) is not european

Yeah, that's actually less gay than burning an actual church.

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yes because most bm fags consider Anton Lavey to be too humanistic

This is what real anons look like. They don't get offended by anything. We need more people like this.

Listened to a thrash song a couple days ago, but can't remember the name or artist or get any leads from searching. I just know that the album cover was of a jacked military dude shooting a minigun out of a plane. Does anyone know who the artist might be? This is driving me crazy

Agent Orange off the top of my head

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This thread should be dedicated to making new cringe edits
Recs include: Samael: Cringe Ritual
A cringe image featuring Gaahl
Immortal: Damned in Cringe

Are there any very fat metal musicians? Post pictures of them and laugh.

The Satanic Temple is so evil that Lucifer himself thinks it horrible.

Keep this up and the general will be alive again.

>people actually think holohoax is better than ETV
Im disappointed in you meal

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I remember seeing a very fat ginger faggot singing something. He had a huge beard. I'm trying to remember the video.


Oh shit.
I need to post it here again.

you posted wrong picture

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Let's see how far we can get this to go.

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Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Hat the Mad?

You thought Ildjarn was raw? Listen to Sanguine Relic.

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If anyone knows of some other sludge-doom filthy riffs that make me want to die like this album pls share

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What is your favorite track off this album?
For me, its Proselytism Real

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deathrash edition

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Did you know that there are two different versions of this album?

>satanic temple
>statue of baphomet

Baphomet isn't even meant to be an evil entity.

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Which of you faggots are voting against Massacra? Do you not like RIFFS?

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Baphomet is a Luciferian amalgamation and has very much to do with Satanism. Satanists don’t believe Satan is evil, they believe the demiurge is. That is if they believe in the metaphysics at all. Most Gnostics don’t see Satan or Lucifer as evil but just the enemy of Jehovah.

Do you know more bands like 'CUFF' or 'Dripping'?

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Blackies probably


>implying there are blacks on this board

kill niggers

You guys are starting to behave like real 4channers. Well done.
No summerfags are allowed

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this shit fuckin RIFFS

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>no summerfags are allowed
>literally started browsing 2 weeks ago
ok lad

Yup, the summerfaggots will get filtered in this thread now.

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maybe you should take the advice in that picture user

You're learning.

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I meant hang yourself

I guess i'll have to now since you got trips.

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Check out my poll as well.
I'm very interested in the response

I'm confused

"remember user, listen to the latest raw black metal album on bandcamp"
- wise man

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This thread is very grim. I love it!

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What is the best metal album of all time and why is it Paranoid by Black Sabbath?

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post thrash memes now

How are you confused?

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Best metal album.

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I'm not that familiar with the Ghaal meme. It started with a Vice documentary?

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Abbath is the only one who can put out a decent album anymore



I picked both of them.

Which part of it caused the meme? I need to find it.

I bring news from the metal gods. The KVLT king Abbath has unleashed a new album upon us.

Listen to Outstrider here for free now: youtube.com/watch?v=mZ3qh-k90kQ

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is cradle of filth worth getting into?

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Maybe I should start using my old images again. They are very iconic.

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Fuck Reboot. LMAO

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>Gaahl's new album
>Not great
I'm Surprised. I love that album

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The whole meme is that the interviewer asked what was the motivation behind Gorgoroth. After a long silence Gaahl says satan and sips red wine.

charts are gay

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lmao wut?

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eehhhh well ya knoooowww
in the grand scheme of things it does not matter that much
i mean after all we are ghosts traped in skeletons covered in flesh riding a giant ball going through space at about 460 meters per second
also music for this feel?

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>that bottom right album

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Yep. I'll link you the clip
It's actually Metal: A Headbanger's Journey

>tfw no new releases this week

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actually the correct answer here is Reqviem

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alright /meal/ I hate those fags at Yea Forums and /his/ so gimme your best recs for an epub reader
In return, this: youtube.com/watch?v=ZeakUdFCbPs

burning churches is gay pagan larping, burning faggot satanic churchs is trve kvlt

I only listened to their first two albums. How does the third one compare?

If it even is the third one, I didn't check. Sorry.

Reqviem is the first album previous are demos
also I only listened up to 93

also it's a different band

post albums to die of heatstroke to

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I'm a retard. My bad.

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>Black Sabbath
>dude the Devil is evil and he's a bad guy better not listen to him even the Bible says so lmao
>Black Widow

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Massacra's third album was mediocre as fuck but this song is good youtu.be/prmRovuZFoc
After that they became a groove metal band and the singer died from cancer

I don't think we are going to get any more votes than that.

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>plays groove
>dies from cancer
like pottery

I still think bands like Mutiilation and Darkthrone are the best. The atmospheric stuff doesn't seem to cut it for me.

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9/11.......Only Worse

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wtf is this?

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At the bar by myself. Music for this feel?

9/11...Only Worse

Why are you there by yourself? Don't you have friends?

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The boys are all either down at the Jersey shore or with their families. Split with my girl last month so I'm flying solo.

Don't you guys like this type of black metal? I can't get enough of it.

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no, fuck off blackie

Essential tourist metal?

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post more obscure


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You can tell if someones a Tourist if they think RiP is better than Peace sells

gr8 b8

l o l

>no buttbath

All black metal should sound like this. I'll take riffs over atmosphere any day.

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We obviously can't forget about Riffquisition

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looking for more like xasthur

sus indeed

>Anton Lavey
Howard Stanton Levey was a Jew with obvious Jewish behavior.

>his black metal song doesnt have a drum solo

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Rotting Christ is great, too. More RIFFS.

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I swear they sound like Metallica.

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fuck riffs



More black metal. Forgive my entry level taste.

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Has anyone updated the field guide to autism

Autism Speaks

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What do puzzles have to do with autism?


my negro

I've avoided /meal/ for over a week. is chartfag gone?

Thank You

I think he just got banned, half the thread got deleted.

He's probably just sleeping right now

imagine the smell

oh my god i accidentally sent u a picture of my cock and balls... please delete it! Unless...you want to look? lol just kidding please delete it...if you want... haha nah just delete it... unless?

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Rec me some metal with some top notch BASS

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formerly mantas


he'll ban evade soon

good thing that gets you permanently banned

it's for tourists to get into metal the right way

But Chuck did give the best head in metal. David Vincent had his Azagthoth, and everyone in Vader had Doc, but no one made a pink cock erect like Chuck. True, as the AIDS infested his throat it made it hard for him to deep throat, but even as he lay there rotting, stinking of AZT and covered with Kaposi's sarcoma, Chuck would signal with two fingers when a willing donor came into the room. All I can offer in addition to that is the fact that no sex will ever compare to colostomy hole love, especially when the hole is fresh and supple after a well-greased movement.

We will never forget you, Chuck. Every time I hear your name my prostate aches, both for your tender heart-shaped ass and that incredibly thin, probing member we shared many times. It is heartbreaking how many things bring Chuck to mind. The sound of heavy metal. The flavor of Taco Bell food on the road. The scent of semen. The world lost not only a great musician, but a great lover, when Chuck died.

To say Chuck was gay is incorrect. He wasn't gay, he was just open-minded, and he sought anal sex from men, boys, girls and animals alike. Anal was not his favorite. His favorite was the blowjob, and he liked to be held afterwards, with someone stroking his hair and saying, "Chuck you are king of the world."

I will never sell the copy of Leprosy (80 grain vinyl) he left me at our last meeting. It is battered now, and reeks faintly of manpoo, and maybe it does have a few suspicious smears, but it is all I have of him. That and the memories. Those gushing, sticky, illicit, clandestine memories... Oh Chuck I miss you more than I can say.

they called him chuck because he could suck and fuck

post only classics

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Any other bands with this sound?

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Why are brazilians so good at metal? It doens't make any sense. Isn't that country basically a hot jungle?

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fuck off boomer

Brazil is actual hell, so metal from Brazil is metal straight from hell.

lol, he just got banned again

>no gonorrhea pussy
it's shit

Why is Black Metal so comfy, bros


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Brazilian here, brazilian metal makes me proud of being a huemonkey. Despite all the problems of my country I love this shithole.
And it could be worse you know, I could indian or chinese.

Also, check Mutilator. It's awesome.

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>top notch BASS
>five string fretless
Absolutely disgusting. Get the fuck out and do not return.

Would be the best thing that could happen to bm

I hate people like this holy shit

I hate people holy shit

cvlt and based

underrated post

youtube.com/watch?v=KLQxnpNa7fc I really want to like Angel Witch more, its like i like the idea of it, but they do write mostly basic ass song structures

Read that book about how they made Doom.

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What did Kerry mean by this?

Is Thrash trash?

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Runnin' With The Devil
I know Van Halen aren't really /meal/ but it's a pretty interesting read even if you aren't into the band

Thrash works better as an enhancer. See blackthrash and deathrash

This pinball machine is amazing.

Attached: Metallica Premium Flyer Back.jpg (1313x1688, 826K)

This one's great too.
check youtube for gameplay footage.

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Are there any sneedcore metal bands?

These are great


power metal is gay

Is there any breakcore metal?

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Industrial Black Metal and Cybergrind are probably as close as you're gonna get.

How does this compare to Mgla

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laetitia in holocaust - fauci tra fauci

unironically more riffs like this one?

i swear one song from this album has a very similar riff but i cant place it

Is death metal?

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The band Death was death metal (early), and progressive death metal (later)

>death metal

Only death is real

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Okay I need metal that has this feel

>you're a caveman
>you have a tiny torch in the plains of Africa
>its pitch black

Fun fact: the term "Death Metal" comes from the metal band Death, they were the first metal band to create metal in this style and other bands were inspired to create more metal in this unique style, which they called "Death Metal", named after the band who invented the genre

Tyrant of Death
his quality is inconsistent, though


Best PdH album.

What non-unicursal hexagram?

Unarguably so. True black metal is elitist in nature, and "satanic churches" are for Dimmu Borgir fans.

I'm going to see the King in Stockholm. I'm hyped.

Is that a fucking womyn?

Thinking of doing the same desu

Post your favorite band logos

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One of my favorites

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This and carpathian forest

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gay logo desu

cum bird

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Cringe logos
Based logos

My black metal friends think I'm a poser, because I lack vital scene-information.
How do I convince I'm their equal?
Dudes play guitar and drums. I don't play, but I have voice for it, they don't know how to sing. They composed a lot of songs, but no lyrics yet. We might make a demo someday, we shall see. I may be out of my head though.

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>How do I convince I'm their equal?
That's poseur talk right there
Memes aside, you kinda answered your own question with " because I lack vital scene-information", just watch a documentary about the scene or something. You should also listen to any entry-level bands you haven't listened to yet. What bands do you like user?

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Spanish DM

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Was watching some Vitus live shows and damn Scott Reagers is rocking a beard.
Dave has not and probably will not change.

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why are you acting like you are their bitch? Man the fuck up.

Is this Cävemän-worthy?

this shit slaps, my nigga

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Melodeath rocks

death to melorock

Burzum, Mayhem, Marduk, Barathrum, War, Satanic Warmaster, Bathory, Wolfnacht.

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what bands have the best vocals? I want good vocals. no death/black metal please

Judas priest

Living in England is tough when it comes to seeing gigs that require open air. Just got Sabaton standing sticks, but the only venue they're doing is London.

I live in the north, so naturally I hate the south. But I especially hate London as its quite literally an overpopulated crime-filled shit-hole.

Why do so many bands favor 1-and-done shows per country?

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Rammstein are playing tomorrow in MK Dons stadium which is in the middle of bum-fuck no where (which is also in the south).

Probably all comes down to logistics and which cities allow them to play. Plus more people in the south than there is in the north i would imagine...

Nice, don't forget to check the pastebin for other cool shit.Here are some of my favourites, check them out if you haven't:
Dodsferd - Cursing Your Will To Live
Funeral Mist - Maranatha
Mütiilation - Black Millenium (Grimly Reborn)
Svartsyn - In Death
Spectral Lore - III
Forgotten Spell - Epiphaneia Phosphorus (Angel, God Or Insanity)
Abigail - Descending from a Blackend Sky
Arkha Sva - Gloria Satanae
Endless Dismal Moan - Endless Dismal Moan
Acrimonious - Sunyata
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Nadiwrath - Circle Of Pest
Dodheimsgard - 666 International
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Anorexia Nervosa - Redemption process
Sabbat - The Dwelling
Lucifugum - Ha кpючья дa в клoчья!
Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life
Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell
Juno Bloodlust - The Lord Of Obsession
Thorns - Thorns
Deathspell Omega - Paracletus



fuck out of here you scum


do not tell me what to do

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But that temple is in the US so it doesn't matter

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So basically metal started by 4 britbong christians (black sabbath)
Who wanted to be a rock/blues band but accidentally created a genre called heavy metal, three retards from britain who wanted to trolololololo the christians by making songs about devil worshipping, retarded bands like bathory,celtic frost,mercyful fate and hell hammer followed this sheeeeiiit, another gay band called motorhead who accidentally created speed metal and thrash. And then some gay retarded bands like possesed and death created death metal for no reason LOL it also have another shitty subgenre called slam metal. Four retards from norway who took venom's music seriously and decided to form a band called MAYHEM LOL and then this poser pagan larping idiot came... One man band called burzum (he couldn't find anyone to play with him cause his music sucks lol) his music quality is so bad that it sounds like a broken fan... Then retards like darkthrone,immortal,satyricon came.... True gay norwheigan black metal was created.... And then another retarded band called napalm death who popularized another shitty low quality no talent genre, GRINDCORE lol CORE CORE CORE fuck this band lol..... And another retarded mainstream pop band called candlemass who popularized doom metal along with skepticism,electric funeral and black sabbath and then another gay genre called alternative metal... retarded bands like soad and tool lol and then sludge metal
came in the ass, Acid bath,eye hate god,melvins and isis lol who is just another shitty tool ripoff... They also created gay post metal lol.... And then shitty groove bands accidentally helped uhh... Um... Nu- n- hmm... Okay... Here comes the worse metal genre called NU METAL lol more like no metal hahaha
Some gay retarded fags tried to mix pantera with rage against the machine and then they created nu metal... Seriously fuck this genre....

Anyone have any recs along these lines? Paysage d'Hiver type ABM?


fist time listening to any foo fighters song
and jesus why are they soo good , i thought it was a meme group

almost based

ETV is borderline core shit tbqh

Buy their cd's/vinyl idiot

Fuck you, Kiss is good.

ah shit, i got tired of them, 40 min into yt mix and all the song sound the same

do you think the oranssi pazuzu logo is hard to read you poser


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No it just looks like a fucking deathcore logo you poser

Agreed aside from Leviathan.

>ha ha bet you don't like it because you can't read the gay bird logo

Is there a nu metal chart?

of course not, don't be ridiculous. mince is even more primitive than caveman, we are talking hurling shit at walls äpe bärsärk primitive.
pic kinda related

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>tfw this is Hipster Black Metal guy's favorite band

Why the fuck did Sodom stop playing black/speed and started playing thrash? I fucking hate when bands soften their sound
It always happens when they get popular too, just look at fucking Sepultura

they need to make it safe for radio

Favorite band? You mean W E A K N E S S

Metallica and Soad suffered from that too

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what the fuck are you talking about retard

>implying the black album and Hypnotize aren't their best albums


It's at least in the top 10.

I really like this so far thanks for the rec user






They're not

best SOAD album is Mezmerize

is this post-contrarianism?

first time?

no sir, the groove hit harder this time

rec me some violent fucking dm

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nice, one of those days. i know the feel.

The mourning
of the trees

will stop

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isn't this grind

well, gory deathgrind but lots of death riffs.

Swanö is a great producer, he should stick to that

Dan should have done more with this project.

Well yeah, because they're not.


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I really tried but I don't get black metal. Every song on every album of every band sounds exactly the same to me.

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listen to Sabbat

Listen to Obsessed by Cruelty and Under the Sign of the Black Mark until they are your favorite albums by their respective bands. Then listen to Immortal.

what song are you quoting?

What's the point or downloading .rar when you can use slsk


>that scream

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based and Gezolpilled

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Abbath and Obituary are coming to my city in a few months. Are they good live? Is it worth shelling out the extra hundred bucks to touch Abbath?


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>He doesn't think Evoke is the best Sabbat album

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>Is it worth shelling out the extra hundred bucks to touch Abbath?
I'm a "fan" of the music, not the artists, so I wouldn't do it, but if you like him that much then of course go ahead

Being a fangirl is not very kvlt bro

fresh cringe edit coming through

Attached: causeofcringe.jpg (897x395, 95K)

Hypnotize is. The black album isn't

can you die of excess cringing?



I like it.


next youll tell me it isnt kvlt to suck dick

tell that to my 512 mb AAA battery powered mp3 player

I have a serious and honest question, but it is also somewhat gay.
How do I corpse paint?

Just put on a pair of sunglasses

Big sunglasses, not emperor sunglasses

Big sunglasses=cool band

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Sunglasses are rad, but it's for a meme and sunglasses won't help me to achieve the effect I'm going for.

If it's for a meme then why do you care how it looks? Just do the batman logo

But what do you use? There's so many kinds of paints and types of make-up out there that I genuinely don't know what I'm looking for or where to start. It's like being the biggest retard in special ed.

Black Sabbath were an English rock band, formed in Birmingham in 1968

Will the chinks fuck it up?

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I hope they do

mad, tranny?

no faggot

t. kike

Don't you have a mum? Just borrow her make-up. You can also ask google for trve kvlt tricks

rent free

Not everyone's blessed with a loving family.
Here's an album to make up for my awful posts.

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Albums with Severed Survival style bass?

>offended by Burzum
leave pussy

What exactly is rent free you dummy lmao

Whether you like Burzum or not, that is one ugly hoodie


I'm not offended, I just like to see tourists and one month listeners get shit on
rent free = these people live in your head rent free

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who is a tourist?

Who is living in my head? an anonymous meal poster? are you insane?

people who think burzum is good

I'm sure he just recognizes that FIlosofem is boring atmoshit. Now Burzum - Burzum, thats a real album.

would have been alright if the stupid shit on the arms wasn't there
can't possibly fuck up album cover on black background
>want an immortal shirt
>they all have autistic bullshit on the back
fucking bullshit

honestly these new zoomer memes make no fucking sense, like rent free what the hell?
I'm not a tourist and I think they Burzum is the best black metal artist, fight me

>faggot leftists crying about varg anytime he is mentioned
>r-rent free!
lmao. The irony

no matter how many black metal albums i listen to Burzum will always be the best


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why do people not like Varg, Morrissey or Donald Trump? I don't understand, even if they are racist who cares? their music is still good, I'm a huge fan of Trump's music


burzum slaps but varg is a cringe larper

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idk, maybe because Burzum was the first black metal i listened to

Because these people are basically a cult with fascistic tendencies and if you dont support all of their holy tenants you are the enemy

Hey lads, some of you may recall a poster last November who wanted to get into Heavy Metal to increase their T-count due to impotence issues.

Well, now I only listen to metal and have beat impotence. I am going to be a father soon. Many of you were very encouraging and I want to thank you.

Metal for the feel of fatherhood?

how the fuck does metal increase your t-coint? kys larper

>featuring Tony Iommi
what did they mean by this
this manages to be one of weirdest and the most chad cover arts i ever seen at the same time

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new thread new thread

old burzum albums are weird, they have some cool songs but overall composition is usually ruined by atmoshit or filter "songs"
his newer albums are pretty good though but i never see them being discussed or praised so its kinda weird

i love atmoshit so it's fine by me, Tomhet is one of his best songs