I just got into far-right and white power punk and oi shit and a lot of these old bands i found don't have much if any...

i just got into far-right and white power punk and oi shit and a lot of these old bands i found don't have much if any music on youtube or anything besides skrewdriver. can you guys recommend anything out of curiosity? i'm not interested in having some moral debate either

Attached: skrewdriver.jpg (480x360, 23K)

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not even memeing, but you'd have a better chance finding this on /pol/ I suspect.

>i just got into far-right and white power punk

Cheap nasty shit, tastes like piss and rots your insides. Can only wish that on them.

out of curiosity i'm not a neo-nazi or anything there just isn't a lot of info on many sites about these bands

I recommend you don't listen to nazi music

Out of curiosity, the thing I recommend is that you put your cock and balls in an industrial blender and flick the switch.

Hmm ok. Doubt the actual lyrical content will be interesting and just end up being repetitive.

talk to your dad, if he doesnt talk sense into you it might mean he has some good recommendations.

Fuck communism


>saying nazis are bad automatically makes you a communist

imagine being retarded enough to buy into political polarization


Fuck the Yea Forums leftists
Here brother let some testosterone flow through your veins

Attached: CX1usUgWwAA5krt.jpg (492x493, 55K)

dude has a testicle for a head so your story actually checks out for once.

Not op, but outside of the lyrics a lot of these bands kick ass.

the only thing flowing through that guys veins is cholesterol


Try soulseek

i fully recomend listening to Avalon. its a bitch to find. here is the total collection of NSBM and the likes though boyo


Bumping this two hours later pretending to be against it. Fuck you.

>i'm not interested in having some moral debate either
okay this made me laugh

IDK, my sister has seen Hatebreed a bunch of times and the audience was full of skinheads even though they don't have any racist songs, it's just tough guy metal posturing. I told her she has blonde hair and blue eyes so she's safe there. :^)



Nazism is just a different variation on socialism anyway, so...

they used to put communists in jail, dude

Please take your Nazishit to the appropriate containment board. Thank you.

Communists tend to put the wrong kind of communists in jail

stop bumping this thread already

There's literally nothing wrong with being a national socialist.

Based und Rötpillen

fuck off

^This. Go the fuck back to /pol/.

National Socialism doesn’t imply genocide or hatred, but love of one’s own people and the desire for all ethnicities to have a homogenous ethnic homeland. One can be an adherent to NS without idolizing Hitler and all of his actions.

They weren't RAC but Combat 84 were nationalistic as hell and also one of the best Oi! bands ever.

Just listen to the Bruisers.

>stealth bump
No you don't.