Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?

Now that the dust has settled, what did we think of it?

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not as good as Discovery
partially better than Homework
Comepletely better than Human After All


really liked the variety of the guest performances too

would be a 10/10 but get lucky is too popular so 8/10

alive 2007 was better

Fifteen years later and people still miss the point of Human After All. You can't make a good cocktail without hard liquor, Human After All was the whiskey to Discovery's cola, and was rushed purely so they'd have something to mix into the Alive 2007 Jack and Coke.

I liked Instant Crush. Didn't think much of the rest of the album.

daft punk is shut and so is their music. quintessential touristcore


>being this retarded

>is popular therefore is bad

Attached: 2e1lxv.jpg (645x729, 31K)

>being so devoid of merit that you measure your self-worth through the obscurity of the music you listen to

It's true though

their best work

Why the FUCK wasn't there an Alive 2017


Because zoomers like me who missed 97 and 07 would've made a mockery out of it

I really wanted to go

The hype for this album was maybe the last time Yea Forums was genuinely enjoyable. It ended up being kinda forgettable, and the trailer for Get Lucky with the vocoder bit was way better than the actual song itself.

This and Boards of Canada's last album came out within a few weeks of each other. Insane amounts of hype for months on Yea Forums that both faded into nothing almost straight after release.

It's still the worst in their discography

No doubt, but it enabled Alive 2007, which was the best in their discography

Touch is the best track.

this but unironically
i bet you listen to lil nas x and xxxtentacion you fucking zoomer shill

we have this thread nearly every week, am I going insane?

Their second best after Discovery, most of the tracks are at least good and it has a decent number of very good/great tracks, and even the few lame tracks have their moments. Not at all what I wanted from Daft Punk but I love it regardless.

It's just a tad bit better than HAA. But it wasn't saying much.

both are incredible albums that fans rejected only because they are stylistically divergent from their preceding works

>Now that the dust has settled
Fun fact, I started this meme. It was way back around 2011 when you couldn't see unique posters and jannies completely ignored the board for hours at a time, so I just spent days spamming The Bends with like one other guy who joined in and we filled up the catalog with threads about The Bends, usually starting with the phrase 'Now that the dust has settled..'

Benzposting died almost immediately after I got bored of it, but using the phrase 'Now that the dust has settled...' to start threads caught on and remained part of the Yea Forums vernacular ever since. I'm quite proud of that.

And no, I've never had sex.


>actually claiming you invented a meme on Yea Forums

Yup. It is what it is bruh, dunno what else to tell ya. Peace B^)

really fucking great, has some of their very best moments.
discovery>alive 2007>ram>human>homework
if you disagree u a pleb

fun fact, I invented the dubs meme, so now check em

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if you dislike homework you are a pleb. it's a game changing album

discovery>homework>alive 07>ram>human=alive 97

homework is LITERALLY the worst man
you spend all day at school and then they expect you to dedicate hours a day of your free time too? fuckkkk offfffff
so glad i haven't had to deal with that in years

Yeezus came out somewhere among all that hype as well, what a clusterfuck of a month that was.

doin it right is overrated as h*ck and one of the worst tracks on the album
contact too although that's not bad just overrated


its okay. I like get lucky, touch, and gioder, but the other tracks dont do it for me somehow

Enjoyable but on the weaker side of their discography.
also this

Cringe as fuck

when i started to play the guitar the dream was so big. trying to remember what that guy said. in that track giorgio by murodor

Alive 2027 my dude,
[spoiler]I know your feel, I missed 97/07, I pray the next one will be close to me.[/spoiler]

Fragments of TIme is the best song and Motherboard is underrated. Great album.

Instant Crush is the best track

Fucking this.

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Homework>>>>>>>>Dance music>>>>>>>>trash with "muh cinematic universe and quirky characters">>>>>shit>>>>>the rest

fight me bro

t. can't hold his own liquor

amazing mostly with shitty pharrell songs

Best album of 2013. Period.