It hurts bros
Yea Forumssic to help me get over being dumped my gf of 3 years
Other urls found in this thread:
haha faggot
stop being such a pussy
Who gives a fuck
Nothing matters fuck life
Find somebody new
fuck music. go and meet new people even if you dont want to. im pretty sure that if you spend your time brooding and isolated, it gets a lot worse, and can even fuck your life up long term.
Go out, find some chick and dance on that bih
While it is bad to let it brood up, I think sometimes its best to just take the time to be single. This shit happened to me a few years ago, and I was devastated. I haven't seriously dated anyone since and I've found out a lot about myself. The sadness fades over time OP, don't stress yourself out.
anything by kozelek
>Normies who can get gfs still complaining
You guys have no idea how deep the rabbit hole actually goes
imagine being this autistic
I've experienced pain beyond your comprehension
no you haven't you just like procrastinating like 99% of the people who say the same thing
Some of the most important things to getting a girl are confidence, health, and the ability to socialize. These are all things that you can work on, and if you weren't so desperate you may be able to find someone in time after working on your bad traits. Eat correctly, talk to people without judging or expecting anything out of it, and the confidence will come naturally. If you allow yourself to fall into that rabbit hole you are the only thing in your way.
>not spending all your free time brooding alone in your apartment
sounds gay
tim heidecker - im a cuck
Also, arrogance is not confidence. You're too much in your own head, focusing on all your imperfections, and telling someone to be confident like I just did can be dangerous.
So basically become a normie? Lol. The vast majority of women are and will only date men who are too (or who at least hide their power levels whenever they're around). That's something I'm just not willing to do.
you lurk pol way too much man
Don't complain then, if you want to sit alone and rot in your own filth then feel free to do so, but don't complain about it.
You make your own bed.
would you mind explaining to me the parts of your character that you refuse to hide from women and normies in general?
taken the gripspill
Life is fucking meaningless so just do whatever crazy shit you want
>Eating right and being nice makes you a "normie"
Woods of Ypres-Move On! (The Woman Will Always Leave the Man)
youre right
most normies arent nice
>who at least hide their power levels
nice bait
How is being healthy a normie trait? You can continue to be yourself, but just work on your worse aspects that you obviously don't like that cause your insecurities. Men are much more focused on physical appearance than women, that's why you see women try so hard to look good and most men don't care all too much outside of typical hygiene and health. I know plenty of ugly dudes who got women because they are just good people. Having the attitude you have is specifically the reason why you aren't getting women, and maybe if you got to know someone on a personal level before showing interest you would have more luck.
I don't even use /pol/. I'd blame it more on WordPress/cavetwitter
Have fun being stuck with a "woman" who thinks of you as a pawn in the libido-economic junk circuit she calls her life
My unwillingness to accept(and reciprocate) their gregarious nature, their faux sincerity (which is the epitome of an emotionally undeveloped society), or their close minded ass, territorialized way of (un)life
Health unfortunately is a privilege
a. Anorganic Transmutogenesis (Synthetic Division), b. Coitus Interruptus, c. I Know You're Fucking Someone Else
you're such a hopeless fuckwad. the way you talk about women is delusional. I love my girlfriend, we have fun together, support each other. if this isn't just an elaborate troll you truly deserve nothing
virgins will never understand true suffering because theyve never experienced actual loss.
virgins are unable to understand actual pain or loneliness. This is the sad fact about incels, they're totally oblivious.
Jesus Christ. I tell myself that this whole "incel" thing is just exaggerated, but then you see shit like this.
Go outside
wont help you get over her
will help you let out the tears and feels you cant express to her just yet.
The worst thing is that you KNOW she's fucking someone else already.
Falling in love is the worst poison there ever was.
you're just not woke enough
>or who at least hide their power levels whenever they're around
this man is a god damn genius and will go down in the same breath as bach, beethoven, and the joker from christopher nolan's the dark knight
>falling for the women meme
The 2016 song of the summer:
Tim Heidecker’s hit number one single:
‘I Am A Cuck’
Are you sad because you’re on your own?
Red House Painters- Down Colorful Hill
>gf I met when I was 19
>we were together for 8 years
>built our life together
>we had our dog
>she fell away 4 months ago and took our dog, blocked me on everything
I'm 27 now, no motiviation to meet anybody else.
Just work, and coping with drugs. need to exercise so my body doesn't deteriorate
I'm fully prepared to die alone. I think I'm going to just keep going to my liver fails. I don't care anymore. That women was my wife. There will be nobody that comes close to our connection.
>coma cinema - wrecked
>failure - space song
>Built to spill - joyride
>The story so far - Empty space
Cmon user I believe in you
Sucks to be you dude. Hope it gets better. I don't know if drugs are going to help though.
I was dumped about a month ago and it fucking sucks. Try to use this as a chance to get your shit together. Ganbare.
they won't
exercise and eating healthy will
but I have no motivation to even try right now.
well memed beary
I'm sorry my friend
well memed beary
my long distance girlfriend moved to a remote village in the arctic circle without hardly a goodbye before blocking me on everything
push yourself into fitness and self improvement, I think it's the only way
Do you have a job? Or any reason to leave bed every day at least?
Go give /fit/ a visit. I did that and they were really supportive. I still struggle with the do exercise thing but I've at least done it twice.
I'm This is the only way out I can see,
push myself to my physical limits, in my case long distance running
eat healthy
stop drinking
fucking read a book once in awhile
But it's 4th of july and I'm alone. My puppy got hit by a car at a crosswalk. I was drunk on my phone texting and when she pulled I didn't have enough time to stop her.
I blame myself, my parents blame me. My family, my siblings all stopped talking to me. Shortly after that my gf left me with our other dog, my best boy.
All I have is myself. I can either waste away with drugs or I can push myself to the absolute limit. After today no more alchohol, no more speed. I need to change something before I off myself.
I'll give /fit/ a visit
my job is all I have left, I love my programming job. I like my coworkers but they don't know my true issues. only a couple close friends now that.
But I wake up each day to that job. I like programming.
going thru the same thing user, since friday. stay strong brother, here's a band that i always love to listen to
arctic circle feel bro here, you got this, bro
I was lightly active the last month or so but I decided to spend less time on Yea Forums and more time on /fit/
I've been eating less shitty and running further all week and feel way way better. it distracts you from how shit your situation might feel, and I definitely have more energy and a better mood since diving in. just go for it really, this is the only life you get.
Starting lifting next week, if you can feel better and look better in the process, fuck it, why not?
nothing to lose really, why not?
thanks user. I am trying to build myself up to it, but your input helped for sure.
this, at least op actually had a gf, that's something i'll probably never experience
just bee you're self
I'm truly sorry user.
My heart feels for you. There isn't not much else I can say.
I would be a heroin addict probably if I never had a chance with a girl.
who knows though, have you seen these assholes walking around with gfs? if you are mildly average looking and you focus on exercise and eating healthy, practice talking to people, it will come.
If you are a full blown wizard, I'm sorry I can't help. I have seen that world but I am not a part of it.
unironically this
try me
Lololol cuck
I had to crack my skull to truly get over my ex cunt. Love yourself and value what you have to give to the world. Nothing else matters. If it's in the cards a woman will see this and tag along. Even then, don't give up on you. Dont become synchronized with someone else. Be your own person. Value yourself.
nice reddit spacing faggot
>tfw virgin but know sex won't fill the void anyway
there truly is no escape
It doesn’t stop hurting bro. Not for a while. Same thing happened to me not but a month ago. She was probably perfect, user - I still think mine was. These things aren’t dispelled by a song - no matter how many people tell you the same thing happened to them, you know they weren’t there and didn’t know her, it doesn’t make it any less special to you. I know it hurts user and it’s killing me right now too but love is real and it’s out there if you choose to believe so.
just bee yourself
Yeah... try B for this kind of posts
Kill yourself
so if i don’t do 1, 2 or 3, then surely i must be ignoring someone who wants me. qt 3.14 gf here i come
i am ignoring someone who wants me because she's too young
music for this feel bros??
don't get sad user. Get pumped and go to the gym. Do nofap so your brain becomes capable of realizing there are women you see in public on a daily basis who are more attractive to you than your ex was. Eat loads of grass fed butter (or another high quality saturated fat source) and celery to pump up your T. Get as much sun exposure as possible. You'll feel better in three days.
chaste and epicpilled
user, there is no music or post that will help you get over it. all music you listen to when you are depressed merely is a way to vent your own self pity while you wait for your brain to get over it, because getting over things like that is something that only comes from within yourself.
perfect / fucking young and itaots
tyler and jeff mangum are the only two artists delusional enough to openly express their desire to fuck underage girls
the way I think of it there are two routes in life, be an outsider take the blackpill and see the world for how it really is be a more unique individual with better taste in arts but have no social life, girlfriend or a bright future or be a full blown generic normie who listens to top 40 pop and who has a girlfriend but will never understand the world and how evil it and the people in it really are, it's your choice
Kill Yourself - $uicide Boy$
hook line and sinker reatard
elliott smith is my go to
You probably aren't in this thread now but I'm glad to hear that you like your job. I also like programming a lot, and am studying for IT eng. So just stick to that and try to go out.
I get why people say this but maybe some people prefer to leave a space between paragraphs? It doesn't automatically mean they come from reddit.
What's the point of nofap?
anything worth anything was built on sex drive, you better buhlieve einstein was expecting pussy in return for relativity
>What's the point of nofap?
In this context specifically? It will break OP's oneitis. It makes you extremely horny at least at first and that makes a huge portion of all women attractive to you. At least in my previous bad breakups, I started feeling much better once I was able to feel attracted to other women again. Of course, intellectually, you always know there are other women and probably other women who you could have just as good of a relationship with if not better than your ex, but unless you actually feel attraction to other women you just keep obsessing and being sad about your ex. Nofap will make you attracted to other women, and will probably also make you realize your ex wasn't that hot/unique/whatever.
Einstein was already banging his cousin though
fag. if she broke up she doesn't care. don't care either. idiot
Normies gtfo of Yea Forums
Take your meds and go outside.
turnover-peripheral vision
most normies don't fucking eat right
mfw reading incel comments