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Is that Laura or whatever its name is?

Still aoty no matter how many epic social media screenshots you post


im posting in the 100gecs general!

trans girls are 100x cooler than cis men


Makes me ill

somethings seriously wrong with you and you should kill yourself. you realize you are performing your cis gender every day dumbass


Which doesn't make performing an aspirational if slightly apologetically ironic representation of the other gender any less contrived. What happened to shades of grey and shit instead of just lol I dressed up as what society considers to be the opposite sex fuck society?

>listened to 1000 gecs like a week ago
>wierded out at first but then really grew on me
>fun tongue and cheek album
>come to Yea Forums

I just liked the way it sounded, geesh.

user, first rule of Yea Forums is disregard anything Yea Forums says

More like 73 YIKES lol lmaoooo

>Listened to it
>thought it was overall shit
>dont understand why the album is being praised so much
>find out the singer is trans
>it all starts to make sense

>talking with your mom
listen to more music pleb

Glad the tranny spam started for this album, it's shit anyway so not a big loss for music.

Transwomen are women, you fucking mudslime

what is this album and why do I keep seeing it everywhere?

ironic shit for the art hoes that think they're too cool to be an art hoe

100 gecs - 1000 gecs
it's an interesting post-modern avant-garde take on crunkcore, ska, early 2000s club music etc.

did you know that the guy from the horses in the back is a homo? very interesting indeed.


dont hear any ska influence
Not sure how you could miss it.

Get AIDs and die tranny

you should kill yourself too

100gecs more like 100keks 'cause that shit makes me laugh, bro.

Yea but statistically you are more likely to do that

>Xhe think being mentally sound is a "performance"

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i'm a straight cis bougie white college-educated male doofus, i exist at the intersection of every possible privilege and my life is statistically better than yours. have sex loser.

shit, I made it sound like I'm the doofus, to be clear when I wrote that I was referring to you user

read a book you fucking brainlet

Attached: sjw book.jpg (321x499, 26K)

gender is entirely constructed by the society we live in. often its a subconscious choice. but its always a choice how you choose to perform your gender.

thanks for not assuming my gender tho.

*cough* Faggot *cough*

Oh wow a cis bougie white college-educated soimale bravely standing up to online bigotry. Yas kween, slay!


why are they putting their faces in a tree though

Gender is a social construct. Literally just google it

>/pol/fags betting BTFO ITT
I always knew Yea Forums was better than that

I do read; That's why I don't buy into your bullshit.

>mentally ill
>skinny fat
>makes garbage music

Attached: 1560822007600.png (480x478, 152K)

Cope harder, tranny.

okay, then refute Butler's book.

Literally just kill yourself, moron.


I miss when trannies didn't swarm this board like Yea Forums. Please /pol/ posters save us. Turn this board into Yea Forums

Yea Forums is fucking shit but Yea Forums despite being entertaining is still pretty bad

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? Future historians will consider you part of the ignorant masses

Did they use Wind Waker samples?

>crossdresser boys are SO much cooler than regular boys

>there are people who actually believe this
holy shit lmao

>things are going to change any day now and people will be less accepting just like /pol/!
yeah no. go seethe somewhere else

not them, but you're definitely and inevitably (albeit slowly) losing the culture war. there was a poll out recently that showed that 57% of people in the UK support transgender rights, given how different that was just 5 years ago I think it's almost impossible to stop now, it's soon to be a settled issue like gay marriage. the only way I see the right winning the culture wars is by the triumph of global fascism, and well, that's not worked too well in the past.

Yikes. You need to check your transphobia.

A lot of what we consider "mental illness" is in fact socially constructed. There are plenty of examples of things that we don't bat an eye when normal people do them, but if someone with a mental illness does the exact same things it's considered a symptom of the illness and therefore problematic. It's medicalized. "Normal" is determined by society. We often consider disliking eye contact, for example, a symptom of autism or social anxiety, but there are entire cultures where it's the norm. Same thing with performing strange rituals to ward off bad luck. If one person does it they have obsessive-compulsive disorder, but if everybody does it then it's a superstition and it's part of their culture. Look up the social model of disability.

read some foucault and butler you absolute retard.

Not the retard user you're replying to but can you recommend a Foucault book pertaining to the subject?
I've been interested in getting in to him and now may as well be the time.

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not him and I don't know about Foucault, but Butler sets out her theory of gender performativity in this

You're a complete fucking idiot. It's not what they do, it's why they do it. If they perform an odd ritual because it's part of their cultural heritage then that means they're okay just practising their culture. If someone performs an odd ritual because they have an unstoppable compulsion to, that's an illness. Hell there is no cultural practice on Earth that gets close to what OCD actually is. I know of nowhere where it's considered culturally sound to wash your hands until they bleed or turn a light switch on and off exactly 67 times or else you have a nervous breakdown. Doctor's will take things into account to issue a diagnosis. If you're from a part of the world where eye-contact is generally avoided, then avoiding eye-contact won't really be used as a tool of diagnosis. Actual honest to God mental illness isn't a construct you fucking moron. Unless you come from a part of the world where dissociation and altered perception is considered and everyday occurence. All you're doing by propagating this stupid idea is devaluing actual mental illnesses and even stopping people from realising that what they have is an illness that needs treating.

"mental illness" is just a symptom of capitalism

Foucault's The History of Sexuality is basically the basis of what Butler was working off of. He does not write a lot about gender but he writes about how sexuality throughout time and culture has been completely different and ideas of how its ties to gender are social construct and in certain cultures and times sex and sexuality were thought of completely differently. Most of his work is essentiall examining how systems like Idk who wrote but thats essentially a very Foucaltian idea. He wrote extensively on how medicalization and human difference is medicalized and treated as illness in Madness and Civilization. Essentially most of his work mainly deconstructs how power structures of capitalism influence these various aspects of our life and how the terms, education systems, medical complexes, etc construct our experience of such things. He also writes about prison and law and justice systems extensively and how they relate to ruling class power systems. He writes in more verbose academic language than Butler though and is a bit denser.

Another primary aspect of his work is examining how different cultures of the past and societies that existed outside of European imperialism thought of treated these different system juxtoposed with current systems which he views as systems to uphold power systems which uphold capitalism. And how institutions including schools, hospitals, prisons, and basically all government forms enforce and manifest the human psyche.

dumb trannnies... RREEEEEEEE


Imagine being so lame, boring and pathetic you have to tie your entire personality to gender.

Foucault sucks

remember to take your meds tonight, Dr. Peterson

>implying traps aren't better

have pharma approved hrt
see, i can do it too.

It's garbage that is being spammed here by the band themselves. Trust me, ignore it like the rest of these shills that post these garbage albums and hopefully it will fade away.


Attached: dude weed lmao keep it onehunnid gecs.png (699x303, 12K)

It's STANK and a DISGRACE is what it is.

would be 5/5 if people could keep their transmisogyny in check

Dream on. This piss-poor attempt at an album fell flat on its face. They are shilling, and paying money for people to shill or review their shitty album. Using the "trans" angle now to sell more of this garbage. It's a joke album and has nothing of value at all. "LOL! So random and strange guise! Aren't we unique?! Isn't our production and song structure kewl?!" Get the fuck out of my face already with this shit and gain some taste.

damn why is her being trans so important to you fucking incels grow up

yea but all the tranny hate on this board actually gives them more attention so even if you're right, you're playing right into their hands by constantly shitting on them
so calm down and stop posting my dude