Who else stopped watching him now that he's a faggot into politics?

Who else stopped watching him now that he's a faggot into politics?

Attached: Fantano.png (1362x724, 1.55M)

fuck off back to work tony

I still watch him but him going into signaling overdrive after people called him "alt right" for having Sam Hyde on was pathetic. I lost a lot o respect for him

I watch his videos for entertainment but he's full of shit when he comes to ratings

Why would you watch this retard even if he wasn't into politics. He makes factual errors and his opinions are terrible.

Me but I started to not like him before he went full commie

I think the Fader conflict definitely affected his content from that point forward. Nowadays he's just pandering to groups he doesn't want to offend in hopes to not lose his reputation.
I really miss thatistheplan too.

Oh you’re just mad he’s not an idiot trump supporter and you’re upset this “cuck” is smarter than you. Sad.

settle down, fantano

I could never sit through even 30 seconds of this faggots videos.

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Like clockwork

Completely agreed

You probably would have written him off forever if you read the Fader article

hey, i think i know this guy

>calls himself fantano

>2010 review

"do you know why I started this channel? Do you know why? To show you music you-don't -know"

>Reviews starting from 2016 or even 2014

>mainstream albums that require no publicity, only reviewed them because of the emergence of the twitter/youtube zoomer mob

He at some point was forced to feed into the demands of the viewers and now has less time to look for worthwhile music (or rather something that sounds fresh). I'm actually surprised he hasn't completely shilled himself by now, he still reviews good lesser known albums from time to time, but if this were 10-15 years ago he'd have his own MTV show by now.

Who wants to hear politics from a melon?

I like his videos, but I can see why nu-Yea Forums would be triggered by his content

>regrets not having reviewed litourgiya sooner as it's a BM masterpiece
>doesn't review or acknowledge the new batushka album
fucking retard ooga booga nignog rap lover

will Yea Forums ever stop spamming this fucking asshole?

>ever watching that faggot
imagine being that much of a braindead mongoloid


I know i want somebody else on the chopping block of hate. But Anthony is so popular that he's low hanging fruit. Like if some random Joe reviewer was in the image instead of Anthony nobody would care.

His politics are contrarian and he should stick to giving inane ratings to good and bad music.

I never watched him in the first place

Critics are worthless individuals, an inflamed appendix of western culture. They were useful when in order to hear music, you had to travel a distance and likely spend money. However today you can go on youtube and hear something interesting. So, their opinions are no longer advice so that you do not waste a significant amount of time and money. You can form your own goddamn opinion in the same time it takes to read or listen to these faggots. The only function they serve is telling impressionable retards who will bow down to any asshole they believe has "clout" what to think and what to mindlessly repeat to other people
>music detected
>analysis complete: music identified
>running program: unwanted autistic confrontation
>that isn't good
>fantano doesn't like it
>you have shit taste

All tastemakers deserve death by firing squad.

>smarter than me
I'm not even the type of person you're describing, but Fantano is a literal manchild. He's like 30-something and he talks like pic related, still listens to teen pop, and argues with kids on Twitter. It's fucking embarrassing. He's a retard.

Attached: 815.png (640x427, 180K)

He doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to music either. Don't know why it took you so long to stop watching him.

He's pretty embarrassing, boring