Did becoming a musician disappoint your family?
Did becoming a musician disappoint your family?
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No as I still have a job and study. My family like my songs, although my Dad seems to think I am going to hit it big which is pretty implausible.
with that attitude you certainly won't
Nah, my mom’s indifferent and my dad is pretty supportive as long as I don’t use ‘fake drums’ (his words not mine).
It’s nothing to do with attitude, I go on stage regularly and give it my best, make my songs easily available, write new songs regularly and I’m satisfied if just a few people like them. If you perform with the aim of getting rich and famous you are setting yourself up for a big fall.
I post on the Vocaroo threads a lot, I’ll be putting an album on Spotify soon though that my friend is producing. Here’s a few recent songs I recorded in one take with Zoom H2N
>I Didn’t Know How to Say I Loved You
>Best Left Unsaid
this is kinda nice tbqh
thank you, senpai :)
yeah when my grandma heard my music she told me I should wash my mouth out with soap :(
No, there were plenty of other things that did.
Nah, they fuck with the music I make. So we all good.
rise and grind xD
let's get this paper :D
nice voice dude
Cheers man.
the best of both worlds
almost has a Jackson C. Frank feel to it.
Actually based, trips of truth
Cringepilled, have sex faggot
Awww, tranny mods had they feewings huwt.
Thanks man, he’s something of an influence.
at first, but less and less as i get better
how to deal with not being able to be with the girl you love?
It feels so fucking BAD bros, she just goes out every weekend and sucks random dick but she wouldn't suck mine.
I don't just want her saliva on my penis though, I actually want to form a family with her.
But it ain't happening.
It's just not fair, I know what you will say: "hur hur cuck" or "deal with it faggot", but it truly hurts and I hope it doesn't happen to you.
fag fuck off
why? what did I say? I'm honestly suffering, I'm being 100% honest. Don't give a fuck, it's anonymous anyway.
I SUFFER because I LOVE a girl, but she will fuck other men and not me - I don't care about sex only, I care about her soul too, but she keeps degrading herself by lenting her flesh to idiot guys.
I would suggest the 2016 hit single from Timothy Heidecker
‘I am a cuck’
stop idealizing her, like someone else
>falling in love with someone you aren’t already dating
You laugh, but I suffer.
It's totally possible to fall in love with someone like that. I love her so much. Her personality, her physical aspect, her life as a whole. But she's with other guys.
What pains me the most is that she isn't even "hot" in the traditional sense. In fact, you'd think many guys wouldn't find her attractive, but a lot of guys, even chad-type ones, hit on her all the time and it pains me.
Those are the types of girls who become chad's pin cushion when he's on the rebound from being dumped by stacy.
i would start by not asking the lonely posturing virgins on Yea Forums
they pretend otherwise, but women straight-up do not want to be with a man that displays any feelings whatsoever. you need to steel yourself into an emotionless robot if you want to be successful with them. pick your poison.
If you haven’t even dated her your not in love my man, your just infatuated and if it’s not gonna happen saddle up and move on. Never beta orbit.
i dont get it
is the joke just that hes short
get over her, she's a thot
go to church or something
This image always makes me so sad
I know exactly how you feel, user.
Legit relationships involve compromise much like any other social contract. This was clearly made by a teenage girl. Don't work yourself up over it.
Based realist, i hope you make it far my man
The appearance is always loftier than the reality.
first song is very good
Actually a white man who was sick of white girls and switched to azn qt's made it.
You don't love her, you've convinced yourself she's the one for you because you've constructed an idealized version of her in your mind and your desperate.
Ah well, I won't deny deep down I have these thoughts of huge success etc. but I just try to block them out as fantasy. Thanks!
Thanks user.
definitely not. i was raised by music lovers and thats all they wanted for me. thankfully it stuck and music is my entire life now
They don't even know.
this “man” has a vagina, i’m sure of it.
Being born disappointed my family...
I'm in a screamo band if you can't tell.
loving a woman is so gay
that's cute but he should've just started kissing her and then fuck
cheesy shit like “you’re my present and my future” is gay as fuck yeah, gayer than getting pozzed by 9 gay dudes at a gay gangbang.
I've seen bronies, fangirls, artists and just about every shock video in existence. That comic was the first time I physically cringed in 2 years.
i think your gayety meter needs to be replaced dude
that doesn't really make sense as a reversal/retort but i'll give you points for the little dingus poking out of the box
based dad, don't use nigger rap drums