How long did it take you to realize that Glamour Profession is the greatest song on not only Gaucho but also in Steely...

How long did it take you to realize that Glamour Profession is the greatest song on not only Gaucho but also in Steely Dan's entire discography?

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>ITT: peak cokecore

That is easily the worst track on Gaucho, user.

What do you think is the best, then? Third World Man?
(That's the actual worst one, by the way, which is why I'm assuming you'll think it's the best.)

>How long did it take you to realize that Glamour Profession is the greatest song on not only Gaucho but also in Steely Dan's entire discography?
Only A Fool Would Say That

deacon blues is the best song by a band

it's a great track, but it is a bit shortsighted to say you can 'realize' that it's the best in SD's discography. A lot of songs took that spot for a while for me.
Some songs are the best of the specific vibe they transport.
What a shame about me and Lunch with Gina from the new albums are great in their own way, for example.

best in discog
best on gaucho was babylon sisters

>best on gaucho was babylon sisters
I disagree... the verse is great, but the chorus is so corny and poppy

whats your vote? or are you op?

literally a month ago

I had always liked deacon blues as my favorite, but this is better

I listened to this for the first time just a few days ago, so not yet. I think any song on the album, minus one or two, could reasonably be considered the best on it.

Awful taste. Deacon Blues and Aja are both better than Peg. Babylon Sisters is the worst track on Gaucho

time out of mind > hey nineteen > third world man > babylon sisters > glamour profession > gaucho > my rival

Third World Man > Time Out Of Mind > Hey Nineteen > Gaucho > Glamour Profession > My Rival > Babylon Sisters

awful taste, if you had at least said black cow you might not have looked like such a pleb.
but you didnt, so you do

no I'm , I kinda like Glamour Profession, but upon a decade of knowing the song I'm a bit more critical to the usus of SD to fade out most of their songs. GP is a bad one, because the guitar solo on the outro sounds not very motivated to me. I kinda like Hey Nineteen and the title track. Third World Man is also great and has an insanely sounding guitar solo, but it belongs more on Aja.

>Deacon Blues and Aja are both better than Peg
dude, you have awful taste. Peg is one of the greatest songs in pop history. Aja is boring and repetitive. Deacon Blues is good, though

title track >>>>>

>Aja is boring and repetitive.
not quite, but you got the rest right