ITT: Music you listened to in high school that is cringe in hindsight
For me, it's Death Grips, Nine Inch Nails, and Godspeed You Black Emperor!
ITT: Music you listened to in high school that is cringe in hindsight
For me, it's Death Grips, Nine Inch Nails, and Godspeed You Black Emperor!
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ITT: Self-hating zoomers
>jordan b. peterson's maps of meaning
You have to be 18 years or older to post here.
If you’re looking back at high school with “hindsight” (meaning, understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened) then you are out of high school, right? You graduate at 18, so OP is obviously 18 or older
Job For a Cowboy
oh fug we deathcore now
whats so bad about gy!be?
>Implying either of those are cringe
How is GY!BE cringe?
who the fuck cares just enjoy whatever music you want to and stop being a faggot
>death grips
>high school
i want off of this bitch of an earth
Pretty much all rap music that i used to listen to.
how old are you, dude?
>Look at me guys, I'm so special. My taste is so obscure and heightened that this bands make me cringe and i can't listen to them. I still think that they are good, and have some great albums, but i have nothing going on in my life and i have to cope by making it seem like i have great taste in music. Even tho noone gives a shit and i don't have any friends. Please give me attention, I'm so alone. I'm pretentious so no one enjoys my company. I wanna kill myself.
There's literally nothing cringe about enjoying those albums. You just turned 18 kid, stfu and grow up.
Death grips have been around for 8 years now
I listened to a lot of grunge as a teen - I was a hardcore grunge rocker.
These days, I only sometimes listen to Soundgarden. Alice in Chains and Screaming Trees aren't that bad either, but I don't actively listen to them. I still like the Smashing Pumpkins, though they weren't technically "grunge".
Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, etc make me cringe in hindsight.
Why the homophobia?
I'm gay but you're faggot