Is The Powers That B Death Grips's best album?

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half of it is

>vandalizing property for an album cover
fucking edgelords

Probably just took the pic after seeing it. They can't be damned to put in any work for anything visually. See NLDW and literally any of their music videos. The commission for the cover of The Money Store and buying their camera was probably the only money and work they've put into their visuals.


the last half yeah

I still can’t get over them ripping off lmfao for the guillotine video

the notm side is godly, jenny death side is alright.

Bottomless Pit for me.

the scratches are photo shopped, look how clean the scratches are on the borders where they should be warped/lighter

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Jenny Death is the best thing they've done


>inb4 not an album

Money Store

The Bjork Collaborations were ultimately some of their weakest stuff but everything else is great

The first half yeah

Why did they roll NOTM and Jenny Death into a double album when both projects differ so much in style (and quality)?

They are thematically linked I assume

It's because they are so different that makes them a great double album, they both on their own don't fully stand to the standards of albums like EXM or TMS, or even GP but together they are godly

yes, it's a 10/10
both halves complement each other perfectly
you can see megazord photoshopping the cover in the i've seen footage video, lol

>remove fuck me out
NOW it's a 10/10


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