ITT: Albums only you've listened to

ITT: Albums only you've listened to

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Love them but they're all but unheard of. I remember chatting with them on AOL in like 2001

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I have listened to this.

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it's also AOTY

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all of these covers look straight up from nightmares

my father said he wanted a boy!

i called suicide prevention they put me on hold

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Steak and sex, my favorite pair
I have 'em both the same way, very rare

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>i called suicide prevention they put me on hold
this happens to me all the time, I'm thinking about killing myself for real, contact suicide prevention, have to wait in line for like an hour and by the time I'm almost attended I give up and just start crying until the suicidal thoughts go away

i just go for long drives and think about never turning around.

Lmaooooooooo what a loser kys

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I was not expecting that to be nu-disco just going by the cover and title. I was getting more of a post-rock vibe, all things told

So we all know of pic related, but how many of you have actually listened to the whole thing?

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Went and looked this one up. It’s like a mix of Kings of Leon and 2000’s indie rock.

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Maybe someone remembers this

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i've listened

Not true

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amazing album

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NBA Live 2003 soundtrack


have heard this one, saw a single posted here by a member of the band a few weeks ago

also this is highly overlooked, it's a side project involving Tokyo Shoegazer members that dips its toes into metal elements.

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this shit was on nardwaur

so have I u snowflake