Attached: flat,800x800,070,f.jpg (600x800, 72K)

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i wish i could undo the months i wasted trying to convince myself winamp was worth it.
literally vanilla Foobar is all you ever need for local files. and i barely even use that anymore, i went full normie and got spotify premium.

*crack* *pssssst*
Remember 21 pilots?

Still whipping the llama's ass to this day

yes I'm on a Radiohead binge right now, haven't listened to them in forever

Attached: winamp.jpg (1920x1080, 638K)

It's still my primary music player.

pretty sure i used winamp in the 90s

I used winamp from the absolute beginning until a few years ago when I moved to musicbee.

kino player, it just had a pretty great graphic EQ and all needed functions in a friendly, no-nonsense interface.

then came the "minimal" fad where you got a single play button and with lots of luck a volume knob and that was it, the AI will take care of the rest, stupid goy ;)

I miss it too, but not so much I'd trade pic related for it.

Attached: Screenshot_20190704_005444.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

It truly kicked the llama's ass

anyone else remember the streams in winamp? 24/7 MST3K was fucking choice

Flaming lips ref?

I switched from iTunes to it a few years back because iTunes was a massive sack of shit and I am so glad it's dead
I don't feel like transporting all that music from that laptop to this one so rip winAMP until that happens

MusicBee is objectively better than Winamp.

Attached: Ds80bLw[1].png (1920x1080, 452K)

Yep. And the spotty hentai streams that would buffer every few seconds.

mah nigga

Attached: winamp.jpg (1920x1160, 916K)

hit rewind


komm susser tod :/


just comfy tbqh

Attached: w.png (273x404, 37K)

>Desktop clean except for tax return and tax forms


I switched to Spotify and I havent looked back

It's nice because my downloaded music is much more focused on rare shit or mixtapes instead of trying to build a huge general library I have a more focused one

I do miss my iPod Classic tho

been my primary for 15 years though i mostly listen through a streaming service now

Attached: winamp_2019-07-04_02-20-07.png (1907x1010, 944K)

What was the first album you played through Winamp ? Mine was DM's Songs of Faith and Devotion. It blew my mind.

Attached: R-57541-1270138042.jpeg.jpg (600x603, 92K)

Best player

i've used to musicbee but it stopped working on my computer. I tried mediamonkey and winamp but settled with dopamine because of the nice UI.
I might switch back to winamp if the pending update is any good

Attached: dopamine.png (1366x746, 777K)

Is that you Hayden ?

I love Winamp

this is the worst screenshot of all time

I still use it
Was the problem?

It was a shit player and still is.

>music players
>not using Spotify or Apple music like normal human being
I can already smell muh flac responses