Oi m8 wot if dere wuz no borders or relgion n shit

>oi m8 wot if dere wuz no borders or relgion n shit

Imagine thinking this hippie was a poet

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Imagine thinking fascists can understand poetry

What do you consider good lyrics then OP?



His “band” was CIA propaganda.

Good lyrics inspire a feeling within you; they don’t try to force a message.

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

In a sense, the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention paid to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply highlight what product the music business wants to make money from.

Hey John, don’t knock religion. You should try Islam, they like beating women too!

Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles. At such a time, rock critics will study their rock history and understand which artists accomplished which musical feat, and which simply exploited it commercially.

The Beatles sold a lot of records not because they were the greatest musicians but simply because their music was easy to sell to the masses: it had no difficult content, it had no technical innovations, it had no creative depth. They wrote a bunch of catchy 3-minute ditties and they were photogenic. If somebody had not invented "Beatlemania" in 1963, you would not have wasted five minutes of your time reading these pages about such a trivial band.

Jakub Krawczynski sent me this supportive comment in 2010:
I find it quite amusing that almost all of the Beatles songs have their own entries on Wikipedia (nothing wrong with that in itself, actually), even if they are not singles, and each of them is meticulously dissected as if there were transcendental suites exceeding human comprehension, yet bands like Faust or Red Krayola, etc. have biographies even shorter than just one article about any random Beatles song. Needless to say, none of their songs have any articles on them, yet I'm sure there would be a lot more to talk about. Moreover, if you had put any bad review of their album on the site with the intention to show the broader scope of opinions, you'd risk your "life" there, since such fanatics don't accept any single sign of trying to be objective. You are seen as public enemy number 1 to them. It is like your article is one giant cognitive dissonance to them and vandalizing your bio was the only way to reduce this dissonance.

You just had to call him a dumb commie

Why not both?

Whoever wrote this is clearly a brainlet.

not an argument

He was a an anti-Communist though and said he's vote for Regan

>But if you go posting pictures of Chairman Mao you're not going to make it with anyone any how.

Attached: beatlesheil.jpg (640x528, 57K)

Life's too short.

Well; there’s a certain way to do it I’d guess. Imagine, I feel, falls short of it in my own personal estimation.

i'm not that fella but when art gives a message, i feel like i have to give an intellectual response

when art is just displaying a feeling, i can just vibe with it without worrying about any deeper meanings or anything

you can definitely do both, but it's hard, and i guess i prefer just feelsy stuff

>He was a an anti-Communist though and said he's vote for Regan

Attached: Beatles throwing seig hiel crowd.jpg (700x467, 64K)

>he doesn’t know

>blocks ur path

Attached: 462px-Lustra_(private_print)_-_Ezra_Pound_-_Frontispiece.jpg (462x599, 70K)

That’s fair.
I prefer the more poetic feelsy stuff as well, user.

He was just a LARP who wished it was still the middle ages