Are there any bands that sound just like The Smiths without the singer being a huge asshole IRL?

Are there any bands that sound just like The Smiths without the singer being a huge asshole IRL?

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The Sundays' one album is cool. I know/care nothing about their singer's personal life (as should always be the case)

sure. no one as great though

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Drab Majesty

Why is he an asshole? Is preferring your own race really such a disgusting thing? Besides, you're kind of an ass for bashing a gay man.


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He called the Chinese a subspecies and I'm currently engaged with one so I can't fuck with that.

Chinese people literally boil dogs alive. They are less than cockroaches.
Also, congrats on engaging some soulless cunt.

>white supremacy isn't bad
>also you can never call any gay person an asshole

people are confusing

>Are there any bands that sound just like The Smiths without the singer being a huge asshole IRL?

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>Misses obvious sarcasm
*sips monster zero* Well boys...I think I've found the boomer.

i just don't understand how you get white supremacy out of that
not wanting all europeans to die is white supremacy to you guys
help me understand your logic

>I'm currently engaged with one
my condolences user, you shouldn't marry someone without a soul

>Can't fuck with that
If you're really engaged to a Chinaman, that's a sign that you'll pretty much fuck with anything.

>getting married with a chink
Damn is this what desperation and fear of being alone do to you?

Check out R.E.M. similar music except the singer remained a liberal cuck and they covered more ground sonically

first of all, you are a huge idiot if you have Morrisey for political reasons. Art should be judged solely by its quality, not by the moral values it promotes. Modern leftists have become puritans.

Now, to your question
the first 2 albums of Suede are basically the Smiths with a glam rock singer that imitates early 70s Bowie (while sounding better than Bowie), and both are pretty great
the next album they lost the great Smiths style guitar player they had, but the replacement imitated him well enough

they had many successfull singles (though not in the USA)

Maybe OP just hates vegans


LegiĆ£o Urbana are similar to what you're looking for.

don't listen to them user. I'm happy for you :)

This post was made by a strawbaiting polfag. No one gives a shit about Morrissey quit trying to meme a controversy into existence


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which album?

REM's first album you fucking idiot

Wedding Present - George Best
more rock than pop

Red House Painters

Take the redpill and listen to disintegration

The Killers

Good luck raising those demented hapa school shooting children

bruh moment

The singer isn't an asshole he's just racist and bigoted. It's ok it's out of his control so just keep enjoying the smooth taste of the smiths

are there any threads like this without op being a gigantic faggot?

At least go for a korean you beta faggot.

Yeah but not on Yea Forums dumbass

the chinese are bugs. if you dont like your fee fees getting hurt then dont associate the art to the artist then dumbass

faggot put musicians and art at a difference and listen to the smiths

Morrissey is most likely a narcissist but I don't think he's a bad guy at all. Having "racist" feelings or beliefs doesn't make you a bad person and yes, preferring your own race is pretty fucking natural; I don't get why so many people are so weird and prudish about it. Just another example of a public personality getting kicked to the curb for not conforming.

get a real woman and leave moz alone you stupid reddit faggot

get over yourself you fucking retard
michael jackson raped teenage boys and millions of people buy his music and defend him to this day

Yet you will listen to rappers who advocate for black nationalism and support the Nation of Islam.

black people have been oppressed and enslaved througout history by the white oppressor, it's totally different and 100% justified for them to advocate for their own self interests. they simply want freedom and emancipation from white colonialism. white people can all go back to europe if they so desire a pure white western ethnostate. you kidnapped black people from their homelands and brought them to your shit holes to exploit them for profit. fuck you, redneck low iq motherfucker who never read a book beyond dr suess in his goddamn life

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Ok retard

He's right, and the racist /pol/tards are wrong.
Morrissey is a fascist piece of garbage racist and so are these people itt

Boycott the Smiths. Boycott all far right neo nazi music. Skrewdriver, Smiths, Burzum, Eagles of Death Metal, all of it needs to go.

Ah yes the lead singer of the doors Sun Ra

Fuck off faux leftist shitbaiter. Separate the artist from the music and listen to whatever the fuck you want. Except Chris brown, he's a shitty artist and a shitty person

who cares about if the singer is asshole lol? just enjoy the music

>enjoy the music
Where do you think we are?

chinese people are cool

Morrisey is a cool guy.
He wrote a song aboout mexico.
fuck you gringos.

The Chinese are literally the most racist people alive, and racism is basically commonly accepted and encouraged in China. Only the West has gotten up in arms about racial identity, literally no one else gives a fuck.


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check out Housemartins' London 0 Hull 4

>The Chinese are literally the most based people alive

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>tfw gene got taken off spotify

why are you guys such a fucking sissies?

Based Moz has the tumblrinas seething

R.E.M is patrician. Always felt like "Laughing" was definitely a song that inspired The Smiths entirely

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>He called the Chinese a subspecies
>and I'm currently engaged with one so I can't fuck with that.

Cleaners From Venus

Also . They never mad a bad record.