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Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: GOAT.webm (854x480, 2.92M)

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any sharkman in

want ahegao yoongi

Attached: 1562198700621.jpg (1536x2048, 265K)

She looks nice now because her face hasn't had any ageing deformations, so she could turn into a goblin during puberty. I've seen it many times and vice versa. Let's wait and see first.

Fuck you.

*pouts for the 297th time*

Attached: DjR7a8IVsAA0Y3o.jpg (1800x2400, 449K)


Attached: sohee ears.webm (972x800, 2.95M)

Attached: yeji.png (480x445, 408K)

>user. empty your pockets. i know you have nuts for me in them

Attached: 1561655782851.jpg (647x902, 48K)

Attached: SOMI JUST.jpg (564x814, 89K)

would u buy ur waifu's bottled bath water?

Attached: 1561710615050.jpg (1080x1077, 149K)


Pre-fakey luh japanese promos is the way.

empty my pants huh?

rv was inactive since february then came back for two weeks and now they're gone again

Attached: D-ig9uCU0AARNqK.jpg (1281x1920, 463K)


whats wrong with her hair

Attached: 1562198630395.png (644x820, 605K)

That's the most stupid text I've ever seen posted next to an image in kpg.


Attached: minisohee.jpg (632x323, 81K)

KD is the best NBA player right now if were being real. Soon we'll find out that Curry and Draymond were holding him back

it's for your friend minju

did you even have to ask

Attached: sohee sailor.jpg (1280x1812, 489K)

Attached: 1555376317900.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

not that soon lmao

female kpops just have bad hairlines
same with eyelashes

There was a scene where Goo Hara's underwear was shown during her stage, but instead of changing the scene, the Japanese broadcast station continued filming and showed in the captions her incident during her vacuum period, which drew criticism from the viewers.

ugly tranny

this, you can't be sure untill 16-17, many qt kid actors ended up looking meh after puberty

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Attached: C8A4dm6V4AADNew.jpeg.jpg (2000x1335, 682K)

the wardrobe malfunction coupled with the recent suicide attempt and the thousand yard stare is like something straight out of a movie

gib hairy knuckle cat bf

go outside


Attached: FaceApp_1562129872606.jpg (1440x1440, 820K)

well theyre gonna be back in two weeks

Attached: 15588143787031.jpg (1200x800, 152K)

>KD is the best NBA player
WAS the best. He will only be a shadow of his former self after the return. Achilles is a death sentence to athletes.

hey there you look like Felix

its true because they have really thin hair

more from this photoshoot?



about akb performance level
was it censored or did she just wear skin colored bra

Lookin good

2017 was a rough year for her and im thankful she survived it

Attached: AMAIMF.jpg (1333x2000, 329K)

boo why she wearing bra it should have been a full moon

before he sabotaged his own face maybe

i'm a proud shut-in

Attached: 1555719593404.jpg (1080x1350, 420K)

Asian women in general have a surprisingly high amount of receding hairlines. They're just covered with 'baby hairs' that are thinner and just grow as long to cover the recession.

my wife is so pretty

Attached: 1231443454.webm (1330x1032, 2.95M)

Just did it to Basedeon and Yuqi fancams....

Attached: 1562192007823.jpg (1364x2048, 284K)

I noticed that Hapas in Asia turn out better than those that grow up in the West. Must have something to do with the diet or something.

post girlpops with good hairlines

Attached: 1496671529750.jpg (1280x1917, 348K)

literally my sidewife

>the recent suicide attempt
Link? What happened?

damn you guys dont know the kd meme

Attached: DR97pyiW0AAl2yn.jpg (1156x1298, 165K)

>Pledis Entertainment announces After School Kaeun will leave the company after her contract expires on July 6
>The two sides were unable to agree on a new contract
>She will release a song on July 5 to thank her fans for the support the past 7 years

perfect girl to breed with

Attached: D-TToOsU4AAOwYX.jpg (1366x2048, 252K)

Wise man

Attached: 1513372898126.jpg (1150x1238, 971K)

i know it but it doesn't apply there

unless he was caught again saying that exact thing

Where did you all came from all of a sudden?

Attached: WEND7754.jpg (1000x1500, 1.03M)

i would rip the tub straight off the floor and drink wony's bathwater

everyone looks bad when overweight, you sure it's not just that?

give it to me straight guys, can the new iz*one head honcho be trusted?

Attached: 1555771793743.jpg (1365x2048, 402K)

drinking wony's bathwater with a straw

rip, her life would have been so different if Chae wasn't Sakura's friend

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just google it man damn


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bros i really like my waifu !

probably general style and behavior, our idea of westernized comes from California, they end up being kardashian wannabe trash there, the asian ones act sexy without the retard aspect

Attached: 2014c5a89ba18fd593523d3958e13db7.jpg (1630x2898, 906K)

one of her best looks

always here

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Attached: D3m4Oj9UEAAxuhC.jpg (1365x2048, 321K)

let wony drink and gargle her bathwater and drink it with a straw in her mouth

sun overexposure is the key, asians don't see any inherent value on tanning

any sharkman in

well the point is just to say something ridiculously good/biased about kd and then you reply something like
>lol sure thing KD

not sure why it wouldn't apply here?

gonna enjoy wony's flat butt while we can, she'll fill it out soon enough

inferior to eunmilk in every way

Attached: 1554094135767.jpg (750x1200, 101K)

no theres a 87% chance that izone will be raped in their next jap activities

blackpink is the revolution

where are all the aidsbros

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our girls blackpink

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the real crime is that i don't get to watch

Good, keep it up, 'cause I cannot be here all of the time

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and i'm out


this but Joy

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Yeah I did but it doesn't say anywhere how she tried to kill herself, only that she was found unconscious. Must have been sleeping pills + alc.

Sometimes I wonder if such a woman is so desperate to kill herself, she might as well be desperate enough to be my wife and just live carefree while I provide for her. But I guess that's probably an even worse fate than death...

Attached: 300087-K-pop-Kara-Goo_Hara-748x421.jpg (748x421, 34K)

where are my 502 bad gateway bros

very cute thread we love jennie

Attached: 1546812438242.jpg (1200x1800, 411K)


There's a new boss man? Why?


>no can do, i got a 8:30 date with wony

Attached: Screenshot_20190703-202816.jpg (2200x1080, 650K)

this thread needs more yeji


where were you on juchanday

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were called chad2

Attached: 9700f57a32bce2dc64507956552a1867ae584f8f.jpg (1333x2000, 289K)

She's so cute I just want to ignore her until she hits me

what it do babeeeeeeeeeeee

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1. She’s the NCT type f*ckㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. She looks like Hirano Shou in the last pic

3. She looks like Baek Jin

4. She doesn’t look like anyone from NCT specifically but she has the NCT vibes

5. She looks like she could be Kim Wooseok’s little cousin

6. She f*cking looks like Nam Woohyun

7. She reminds me be VIXX’s Hongbin

8. Wow she’s f*cking handsome

9. She looks like Nam Woohyun with double eyelids

10. F*cking handsome, so my style

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where are the blinkies?

Attached: 1547541200794.jpg (1024x767, 213K)

That will probably be just false flag self-promotion, just like Taeyeon was supposedly mass-fingered in all holes at the airport. "OH NO WE GOT RAPED BECAUSE WE'RE SO HOT"

Attached: joy bathwater.jpg (852x480, 39K)

grabbin some fourthmeal at tacobell you bros want anything?

finally an attractive girl


that was literally caught on camera you imbecile

get me some wonywater

i was in yellowstone camping

Attached: DRi1SROUQAAJA_c.jpg (1200x800, 120K)

Holy shit, actual effort and original humor on kpg?

honestly looks the exact same

too bad it didnt erupt

first boss was caught sniffing wonys unwashed panty

damn soob kinda ugly

Attached: IMG_20190626_223936.jpg (683x1024, 76K)

not funny

sluggo is the ugliest tranny

More Yeji feet to be precise!

Attached: Yeji honeygoddess feet.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

dont samefag

Attached: 0bcc573129a8.webm (486x850, 191K)

That shit is template-tier.


Attached: SAD!.jpg (760x779, 26K)

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he deserves death

sup bro. rosie looks extra cute in that pic omo

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Attached: 006.jpg (1153x750, 67K)

i thought that shit was real

Attached: shrebin.jpg (520x781, 69K)


meant for

I would totally fuck some koijoy

Attached: 1561422071370.jpg (1704x3000, 420K)

>sir, what the hell is this wonywater you're asking for?

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red velvet brings the curves

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Attached: 9j2a8231f54.webm (608x1080, 2.92M)

anyone got some joys they wanna share

Attached: 1990.jpg (1200x1800, 376K)

yebinday soon

Attached: 4XU4d21.jpg (1600x2400, 706K)

post the adorable one


Attached: 007ry.jpg (1354x2048, 177K)


ITs actually from chad2

It wasn't. That was just some over-excited fans who wanted to get a little touch (pun intended) but they barely grazed her back before the guards went in between. It was merely 2 seconds of finger tips on her back. The way SHE described it was as if dozens of cavemen ripped her panties apart and gave her DP for an hour.

Attached: nae eyebrow raise.webm (500x428, 80K)

Kirin is 100% fucked.
She should get out asap.

wendy will soon be the mother of my children

Attached: 56498465.jpg (1000x1500, 894K)

i've got a bucket of joys

Attached: images (2).jpg (554x554, 31K)

the one thing yeji has : a dfc.
damn i love that shit

i freakin love rosie she's so cute and sweet and nice and funny

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morning irene

she already has a job

Attached: 1535347430944.jpg (799x901, 217K)

closest thing to perfection in the scene right now.

anticipate her solo debut

i think you may be misremembering


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she's so freakin cute bros

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Attached: 1561423297722.webm (544x306, 2.93M)

She is uggo as hell

Attached: Joy Can't Walk After Anal.webm (650x364, 2.84M)

1 more day to my waifu's birthday!



reminder that lewding 14 year old children including childyeon and wony is prohibited (by me)

Attached: 1554893384505.jpg (840x477, 105K)


this so much this. she's a wonderful girl in all respects. She really loves us blinks too

Attached: e320d6bd5fd2487900b40925650947f61605c7da.jpg (3648x2272, 1.06M)

she is a gorgeous mcdonald's employee

she looks like a girl that got plastic surgery to look like johyun

Attached: 684.jpg (1000x1500, 128K)

She looks worn out, like she just came back from a business meating (no, that is not a typo) which YG arranged with one of their investors.

Attached: 8AA6FC6D6256484EA0D04C6D2253E144.png (1242x2208, 3.97M)

cute dubu

that is why i never eat in Mcd

impure whore of white men jennifer heo doesn't deserve to debut

Attached: jennifer.jpg (1024x1024, 109K)

this is most likely just cherrypicked and we saw this and felt really sad

we are pretty lucky to know that rose exists, with her being the best singer in the world and all and she's also in blackpink too the best group

Attached: 1538812147780.jpg (1024x683, 78K)

but johyun is the plastic one

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Attached: Ds59q16VsAAtBtV.jpg (1200x1600, 255K)

You know I won't allow it, I'm not gonna give up that easily

Attached: 1C3A37341.jpg (1000x1500, 1020K)

explain this right the freak now why do you keep saying this you idiot
she isn't

Attached: 1531775248058.jpg (4096x2734, 847K)

i don't eat there anymore because she put her mixtape in the takeout bag

I look exactly like sana

Wendy's english accent is the cutest thing I dont know why

Caption this

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Then please show me a recording where you can see shit went down how she described: "multiple hands on her butt, between her legs and breast" and I will gladly sink my head in silence.

PRO-TIP: You can't, because that was the most blatant self-promotion bullshit. She just wanted to propagate herself like "I'm old now but everyone still wants to fuck me."

can't believe they outlived pristin

Attached: D-ll9YvUcAAJVzF.jpg (540x763, 92K)

Charles aka Keklo aka Gordo aka The Beanmaster...

right here friend, have you seen my crush lately?

based dance god JYP
how did you let her get away?

Attached: Dq_44vMVYAAv26K[2].jpg (2048x1536, 269K)

This is autism in full effect.

pristin had too many uggos ruining nayoung's spotlight

jisoo wins my heart again every
time i see her beautiful smile

Attached: 9df2b3330b31ab64f30fbd4b413da2c011636123.jpg (799x1200, 168K)

ding dong diddly dubu


Attached: 1538029549691.png (768x1024, 1.17M)

They are and were better

and sohee looks even more plastic

Hope your children won't inherit those uggo genetics.

the face, but still

Attached: joo.jpg (1024x1024, 169K)

childyeon is a literal fetus. that guy must be baiting

im appreciating all this joy bros, thx.

holy fuck saved quicker than you could blink

none of that is us stop calling us that

i love blackpink and blinks

Attached: 1541582511940.jpg (720x720, 58K)

imagine arin joining that group....

why is it always uggos

post something i can put my face on

Attached: 12322443455.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)
more here

gol carajo!

Attached: 1539425884515.jpg (749x749, 50K)

based fucking sulli

based sulli

Those tiddies on the far right aren't that bad. The nipples are a bit small though.

>skirt so short she can't walk down stairs without labia popping out

imagine Joy's cellulite all in your face

Attached: Joyt.webm (1000x1080, 2.87M)

nice pants

Attached: s1UsBl.png (1125x2134, 3M)

poor girl. rapidly approaching the wall

it's the best one fur sure

Attached: 1534571570357.png (768x1024, 1.12M)


i must know who you are. you always post this

Attached: a6ce06aaa582a2ad07cee5343ce000717d4884b2.jpg (2873x1915, 838K)

>and he thinks his waifu has pink nipples
white bros....

Attached: 30241CF0-F6A5-49C0-9399-6081C213BEBB.jpg (1250x2000, 388K)

wony and yujin doing this cant fucking wait

Based. When is Eunbi going to do this?

Attached: feeding jueun.webm (1280x720, 796K)

imagine if your waifu had areolas like this

Attached: 1539311217873.png (768x1024, 1.09M)

why does every group have whorish dance moves except blackpink

Attached: 1561000782933.webm (640x640, 1.87M)

a lot of those boobs aren't half bad brehs

Attached: 1561849828465.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

usually a sticc man but damn... I would enjoy that Joy

wtf is that a dude??????


what's anti patriarchy about showing your tits tho?


>Johyun looks less plastic
not with this botched nose

Attached: Johyun_outside_KBS_Music_Bank_studios,_12_May_2017.jpg (919x1344, 278K)


holy shit

i dunno
its funny that they are feminists but they shave their armpits too

Attached: 1523433824608.webm (700x916, 2.9M)

No, it's reality check for you. I've seen that even from multiple angles and there was not one hand on her ass, pussy or tits at any point. Some fans barely touched her upper back and shoulder, then the guards went in and guided her to the exit.



you legitimately have issues

got news for you bro......

Attached: f1acceef41a837727845087375a7216b6d310e96.webm (886x1080, 2.93M)

the second joy that i like aside from jollibees chicken joy

if we're talking tiddies exclusively, the ones right below those are also pretty good


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Attached: lk36Iu~01~01.png (800x1280, 2M)


Can I ask you a question?

Was that (You) who said: "I just woke up" ?
How many hours per day do you spend here?


i want to thank god for putting me on earth at the same time as bacon in those pants

Attached: 22293436593D348F0E52D1.jpg (980x1472, 595K)

Attached: whoa.webm (721x1280, 2.62M)

that isn't part of their real choreography and that was for fans also it isn't really that whorish because it's not focused on her butt

i did not post i just woke up today
and only 1 or 2 hours maximum

Attached: 1538634566423.png (750x750, 816K)

good enough, I've seen much worse in 15 years old girls

Attached: D2-vbRGUwAAtaqA.jpg (2048x1418, 235K)

god hates fags

Attached: 1561902498476.jpg (5760x3840, 996K)

what a body

Attached: 1558502799731.jpg (500x843, 64K)

god is dead

Not even the person you were originally arguing with, retard. If you can't see why you sound autistic, better stay quiet. I'll give you a generous hint:
>I've seen that even from multiple angles
Now find the rest on your own, autismo.

I doubt most women would make up or exaggerate sexual assault just to have 'attention' unless they were well and truly insane
dat slug hair flip at 1:45


i wonder if this is what jihyo and eunbi look like underneath

Attached: 1545342340922.png (768x1024, 1.15M)

can't believe i'm sharing kpg with a Peruvian

Attached: 1556051604372.jpg (269x290, 8K)

i could kill for a cup of noodles right now. fuck it's 3am

Attached: 1561416701730.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

I audibly OMG'd when I saw this.



based as fuck

Attached: 1555028483758.jpgr.jpg (969x1467, 205K)

пoздpaв дeбили. јeбeм вaм вaифy

Attached: 60183108_875328029526481_4168880152245578588_n.jpg (1000x1250, 118K)

Attached: joy o'clock.webm (1000x562, 1.47M)

Y-Yeri isn’t gonna follow Sulli’s footsteps r-right

Attached: 7C45BA21-3668-4998-B4A8-F253CC90A761.jpg (1050x1050, 53K)

on second thought her face is not that bad

Wtf is a sharkman

that look at the end

Attached: 1555375792798.jpg (500x500, 179K)

Always sad when Asian women get cellulite

delete it now

Attached: DSC_6692-2-Edit.jpg (1597x2400, 576K)

some kind fo warrior i reckon

hopefully not YIKES

looks better than sohee's nose job

Attached: DjMd5mtU8AAZxR3[1].jpg (2048x1365, 280K)

Holy shit guys, Fromis_9 is fucking great

sure bros

she was twerking at the end. just accept it bro, lisa likes dancing sexy. not a biog deal really.

Attached: f42ded0439f6239c7cbeb01bdd179b74919f3e61.webm (540x462, 2.7M)

it means incel

>I doubt most women would make up or exaggerate sexual assault just to have 'attention'
Do you live in a monastery without contact to the outside world?

Attached: Jake Goldstein.jpg (250x215, 17K)



Attached: 1553911029789.webm (558x642, 2.01M)

we got side-boob and braless in secret unnie now we just need nip


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this bullshit is stupid as fuck, just make a new thread you SEA monkeys


wtf where is everyone

this thread was dead

jannies started deleting random posts in a thread to keep it from reaching bump limit and deleting new threads now, it's super annoying