What went so wrong?

What went so wrong?

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Frogs and Wojaks, friend.

>What went so wrong?

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everyone is bored and depressed

Great example.

>post-2015 Yea Forums
The answer is always /pol/. If you aren't a white nationalist there's very little reason to stay here now. For the rest of us it's just a habit we can never break.

its been that way since forever
this is the answer

poptimism and /pol/

This board was always shit, its even more shit now. Everyone should just abandon this trash website and find something else to occupy their time. This place is a toxic shit hole

It's the worst thing about it. It has been the same 2 shit memes that weren't really funny to begin with being posted non-stop since like what, 2013? 2014? It's never funny and I don't see the point.

I thought my angry cycladean women thread was hilarious.

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Yeah, this is actually a good one. Creative shitposting.

Are you still crying?

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zoomers. and summer

this happened 3 fucking years ago lay the 2016 election memes to rest already, nobody here cares

nobody gives a fuck about hillary anymore

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and hey the music was aight

A meme revolution is needed.

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Zoomers discovered this place and started to shit post here

Exactly. It's what this board needs. If you're gonna shitpost at least make it related to music, and I don't mean just slapping a reskinned soi wojak with >woow x band i don't like.

This one is also a good reason
However pol shit posting declined nowadays
It's easier to know when a polfag just want attention

>just shitpost better
is this what we've come to?

you don't have to be Yea Forums NOT AN ARGUMENT to have a good time talking about things with humor, and Yea Forums will always be a place of mutual insult.

just sayin.

The original megaupload getting BTFO in 2012 killed off a lot of sharethreads, back then way more people contributed. Other than that, albums come and go and most people are scared to have actual opinions on them.

make mu pretentious again
it was basically the same but cooler music got posted

popularization of Yea Forums due to gamergate, the fappening, the 2016 election, and several school shootings. The news and media used Yea Forums as a scapegoat, bringing in newfags each time. Post-2016, even Yea Forums memes were getting their own CNN articles, which has died down, but still happens occasionally. This mass immigration of users has pushed the original users into becoming a minority, and the culture of the original website is essentially dead. Yea Forums is basically an edgy alternative to Reddit now.

but muh nuisancerity muh radio rap