Notice how there are multiple albums from the same band on this chart?
That's not allowed.
We have to completely rework this chart so that there are 100 different death metal bands on it.
We have to decide on the best album from each death metal band.
There is probably going to be a lot of fighting over this so hopefully everyone can agree on the best album.
This should be fun.
Top 100 Death Metal Albums
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok. What's the best Death album?
I suggest adding Leprosy, it's not my personal favourite but it's their purest death metal release
Instead of fishing for answer just do what i did-
1) Go to MA and search artist
2) Look in "similar artists" tab
3) Go to RYM and put the artist in
4) click on ratings tab and grab the album with the most ratings
This will at least give you enough albums to fill up the chart, then you can ask for edits afterwards, it will make the process go 1000 times faster imo and less anons will hate you for it
Also try to grab albums with alot of ratings so there isnt much >literally who? bands
Leprosy 100% deserves the death spot, consuming impulse with pesty, Altars with Morbid Angel
I should have done this earlier. Wtf.
there isnt 100 popular standout death metal albums in existence, and theres especially not 100 such albums for smaller genres too
not sure why you need this many in the first place
We need it to be 100 albums for the Roll Chart we are making to work.
For an updated one of these to help spoonfeed normies to make metal great again
>muh popular
I'm pretty sure there is at least 100 bud
why dont you just split each 10x10 section into multiple genres and have less than 10 of them?
can I make the top 100 black metal albums chart?
Go ahead. I don't care.
Heres the old BM chart to work off of if you need it, chartanon was in charge of it but im assuming he doesnt mind the help
I just removed multiple albums from the same band.
Now we have to figure out the best album from each band as well as add more bands.
I would suggest adding bands that are more popular and not the obscure ones.
Add the bands from the method here Then we will get to the weeding out process.
Necrophagia - Season of the Dead
Massacre - From Beyond
Deteriorate - Rotting in Hell
Updated FOLK chart
(replaced batlord's old album with hammerheart)
I'm stupid. Forgive me.
I'll go on RYM now and grab the most popular albums to put on the chart.
The problem with RYM is that it isnt the best at separating genres, metal archives makes sure that the similar artists are actually similar to the artist which is why i recommend that. For example: Pestilence is bad ass and the pic i used in this post is from Pestilence's similar artists, so those bands would be a good place to start. I look on the chart and see "Morgoth" is missing from the chart. Let's take a look at how popular they are on RYM. Genre is DM, Its in the OSDM period, it's fairly popular at 500 ratings. Sounds like a perfect addition to the chart.
People didnt receive you well because you expected them to do the heavy lifting when it is our responsibility to make sure its presentable and then the kvlt nerds can tell us what we did wrong afterwards
I understand now.
If only I did this earlier, no one would hate me this much.
and when you run out of popular bands in the pestilence's "similar artist" section, check out fellow Morbid Angel's similar artists, here they are, first result "Vader" isnt on the chart, Vader is popular as shit. Throw that bad boy on there.
And then later an user will tell you it belongs on the thrash chart or whatever or that you're using the wrong album without hostility
should I include depressive black metal on the black metal chart or not?
What i've been doing is adding them if they are essential as fuck, like on the trad chart i added candlemass and trouble despite them being more doom heavy- if there is an essential heavy metal missing they will be put on the "to be axed" list. For example i just removed Heaven and Hell's album since its new, dio already has 2 other bands on there, and i needed room for another album
I hope my autism is making sense
get dying fetus on it, best album is probably reign supreme
also for the eventual question that will arise- Should a band have an album on both the death AND techdeath/bdm chart, i want to go with NO since the genres are too similar, but having a carcass album on the death chart AND the grind chart is fine since they dont sound alike
>I hope my autism is making sense
In that case I may as well add war metal to the black metal chart seeing as it is a sub genre of black metal
I agree with this.
Fuck the war metal chart. We can replace it with something else.
Actually man we are making a completely separate War Metal chart, it also needs reworking if you feel you can do it
Do 100 war metal bands even exist? I don't know.
okay, war metal is too small of a sub genre anyway, especially if we are gonna do one album per band
yes, but like I said only like 10 are famous, not even that really
shit let me pull up that old google document to see what the people wanted
Funeral Doom is definitely an option
Let's do that! Fuck that war metal chart!
Bands like Winter and Disembowelment will see the light of day again.
I've finished the black metal chart but topsters2 isn't letting me download it, I keep getting a render timeout error
and here it is the top 100 black metal albums chart, including sub genres
This looks excellent. Good job.
Now we have to show it to the elitists and see what they think about it.
Now we need to do some weed whacking.
Either Scream Bloody Gore or Human
replace the Xenomorph album with Decapitated - Winds of Creation
I'm going to try reworking the thrash chart. I will post it here later.
What's going on? Give me an update.
Bump with updated trad chart
Ulvir, Windir, enslaved, Negura Bunget are on the folk chart, we will need to decide which chart they belong on
>Enslaved on the folk chart
Literal retardation.
For me it would be definetly between the four lasts. I would go for Individual thought Patterns.
none of them are folk/viking metal though
>no arghoslent
>no crimson thorn
>no stargazer
Are you even trying?
I have no problems with replacing them on the folk chart, ill find replacements now
literally who?
yeah, sure they have folk/viking elements but they aren't the primary genre like it states on RYM unless you add Frost by Enslaved as that is more viking metal than it's predecessor
Ok, SInce this is just death metal with no specific subgenre here's my choices.
Dismember - Like An Ever Flowing Stream
Autopsy - Mental Funeral
Benediction - Transcend The Rubicon
Bolt Thrower - War Master
Brutality - Screams Of Anguish
Death - Individual Thought Patterns
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Gorguts - Obscura
Immolation - Close To A World Below
Incantation - Onward To Golgotha
Master - Master
Massacra - Enjoy The Violece
Morbid Angel - Altars Of Madness
Obituary - Cause Of Death
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse
The Chasm - Procession To The Infraworld
Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells
Vital Remains - Dechristianize
Candidates for replacement:
Asphyx - Last One On Earth
The Ruins Of Beverast - Exuvia
Winter - Into Darkness
Cianide - The Dying Truth
Vader - Litany
Massacre - From Beyond
Gorefest - False
Undergang - Indhentet Af Doden
Grave - Into The Grave
Outre-Tombe - NĂ©crovortex
Bloodbath - Nightmare Made Flesh
Suffocation - Efigy Of The Forgotten
Malevolent Creation - Retribution
Possessed - Seven Churches
Funebrarum - Sleep Of Morbid Dreams
Blood Incantation - Starspawn
Portal - Swarth
Krypts - Unending Degradation
Spectral Voice - Eroded Corridors Of Unbeing
The Crown - Deathrace King
The Black side:
1914 - Blind Leading The Blind
Convulsing - Grievous
Some Melodeth classics That sound like death metal:
Edge Of Sanity - Crimson
At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Souls
Sorry have'nt seen the Death chart 2.0
But we need some asphyx in this chart.
Also get rid of Nihilist since we already have Entombed
is there a brutal death metal chart?
There was one Tech Death / Brutal Death but i don't Know if everyone wants to keep it
Enslaved with Brymir - Breathe Fire to the Sun
Ulver with Northland - Downfall and Rebirth
Windir with Crauchan - Folk-Lore
Negura Bunget with Gods Tower - The Turns
Borknager with Moonspell - Wolfheart
Drudkh with Mago de Oz
Goatmoon with Tuatha de Danann -Trova di DanĂș
Graveland with Waylander - Reawakening Pride Once Lost
Hades with Saor - Aura
Kampfar with Drautran - Throne of the Depths
Nokturnal Mortem with Darkestrah - Epos
Obsequiae with Belenos - Errances oniriques
Panopticon with Kawir - Isotheos
Satyricon with Wodensthrone - Curse
Summoning with Winterfylleth - The Divination of Antiquity
I think batlord deserves to be on each chart, hopefully that clears all the doubles
You guys would probably like to make this chart only one album per band, would you?
Before I post it, I'm going to remove the duplicates first and fill it with albums from RYM.
Keep in mind, the brutal/technical death metal chart has both genres combined.
There is both BDM and Technical Death Metal albums on this chart together.
Just clearing that out.
Oh fuck. This should be fun to replace.
I'll update the chart in a minute.
I love Batlord too, but I think it will make the Roll Chart look a lot nicer if each album is different on it.
What's the best Judas Priest album? What about Iron Maiden?
People are going to flip out about this, maybe. I can't wait to show everyone the charts so we can all come to an agreement on the best album.
"Viking Metal" is a meme.
It is The Sound of Perseverance
you're a meme
We made a separate chart for them. I might post it here later.