Is he based or cringe?
Is he based or cringe?
so cringe hes based
Incredibly cringe.
His Metal Mythos videos are great.
more cringe than based but he does say a few good things now and then.
i saw him suddenly taking off his shades in one video, and it was a literal fucking jumpscare. his eyes are very small and beady, the sudden change is shocking. no wonder he's always keeping them on.
He wears mascara too lol
he literally said that black sabbath used a DROP D tuning
i have no respect for metal fans who haven't even tried to play an instrument
because if he had he would know that Iommi DOWNTUNED not DROP TUNED his guitar a step and a half down to C#
at least he had the decency to point out that it only started on the Master of Reality album
Okay taste in metal, awful contrarian taste in video games
No clue who this cunt is but judging by the image i'd say cringe.
Mumkey Jones, some Youtube e-celeb
Reminder he tries to come off as an edgelord but delete people's comments because he doesn't like them. He also willingly doxed himself and his dick.
>He also willingly doxed himself and his dick.
nothing wrong with that, if he wants to?
>tries to come off as an edgelord but delete people's comments because he doesn't like them
I don't see how one contradicts the other and I also don't really see a problem with it, if he wants to?
If I had one wish, it would be to take that guy's propensity for alliteration away.
God tier taste in Star trek, though.
>charles bronson shirt
very very based
>This isn't a music thread
Based but Yea Forums will never admit to it.
Cringe. He thinks that if he speaks with an authoritative tone on things, that he's correct, not realizing that he has a child like understanding of every subject he covers.
More cringe than based. His meal mythos series are quite good stuff otherwise - his often contrarian edgelord antics notwithstanding - but his on-video persona with the nonstop Dennis Miller aping gets old and tiresome FAST.
He's simultaneously both:
>Listens to metal
>Hates death metal
>Defends Trump
>Defends the Star Wars prequels
Hey Razorback what's up
Some of his music mythos stuff is pretty good, but overall cringe
listen to yourself bro
more based than cringe
Iommi tuned down because he has prosthetic fingertips cause he sliced them off in a factory.
Listen to yourself. He's completely right.
literally rethink your life if you spend any of your time watching losers like this on youtube
I have no life.
His Michael Jackson rebuttal videos makes him based as fuck, and makes up for the fact that everything else he's said or done is beyond cringe
I hate the fact that he's a battletech fan.
You're not even wrong.
unironically looks like a tranny