Did you know John Lennon beat his wife?

>did you know John Lennon beat his wife?

Who do you imagine when you hear this?

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your mom >:)

Some blue check mark faggot with a receding hairline wearing an I'M WITH HER pin badge.

John Lennon's wife

i picture a false flagging Yea Forumstant with a totally vacant look on his face who got mad about a kotaku article in the past 24 hours

someone who just left his rock house for the first time in a long time and thinks this isn't wide spread knowledge

Some Yea Forums faggot trying to either be edgy around normalfags or just regurgitating a dead meme for the sake of easy (you)s.

My friend with a mischievous smile on leaning in to say this to a girl at a party after she says she likes the Beatles then looking at me a second after

The girl says “yeah, I’ve heard that” then I say “John Lennon is actually my favorite musician”


Someone that knows nothing about The Beatles, and has nothing to add in a conversation about them

the fact that john lennon beat his wife really proves how far away rock is from being a serious art form


This guy

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>The BEATles


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whitehouse - philosophy of the wife beater

Some 20 something college kid sharing a fact he read about earlier in the day

Damn it all makes sense now

Me before I started beating my wife then I finally got his music

If I was a woman I'd let John Lennon beat the shit out of me every day

You mean when DeMarcus beats your wife while you play Breath of the Wild

I am Demarcus


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God has made man sovereign over his wife, and he is therefore allowed to beat him. It's the same in nature; animals beat thots all the time

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How is this even considered some sort of special TOP TEN THINGS ABOUT THE BEATLES YOU DIDN'T KNOW thing when he literally says it in a song on what's considered their most iconic and influential album?

>I used to be cruel to my woman, I beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved, man I was mean but I'm changing my scene

It's equivalent to saying "did you know Ringo Starr sings on several Beatles songs, including Yellow Submarine and Octopus's Garden?" or "did you know the Beatles smoked weed?", it's like if you know enough about the Beatles that you can identify the members by name, which is the bare minimum of knowledge past just hearing their songs on the radio, you SHOULD know this fact.

Dumbest fucking thing ever and you only see people suddenly start bringing it up the past few years since now people are so obsessive about combing through people's personal lives to find any tiny tidbit of dirt so they can drag them through the mud for not being squeaky clean enough.

>Who do you imagine when you hear this?
I imagine all the people
sharing all the world

i bet she cried over that, but it wasn't even really that hard

elephants can hit pretty hard desu

The social media phenomenon of everyones life going on trial the moment they get a modicum of fame needs to stop.

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He literally freely admitted it, it's not insider knowledge.

imagine nooo religioooonnnn