I've noticed this band tends to make the "nu males" angry, why is that?

I've noticed this band tends to make the "nu males" angry, why is that?

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Hair metal is for poofs

Good thing I didn't post any then, huh?

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I don't know, I've never listened to Deaf Leopard. Is that the band with the song that goes

imagine thinking this pop rock trash is tough when thrash metal existed at the same exact period in time
odds this post is a shill job? very high

There are so many things wrong with this post due

>white trash
Def Lepp were from the UK, while thrashers were literal white trash, usually conservative white nerds that today you'd call incels or "rednecks" who hated the "gay" LA scene they couldn't get an edge over in the 80's
Thrash metal wasn't tough for the most part I don't think I need to explain that, are the edgier people ever the tougher ones? James and Lars literally got chased down the street by ONE member of Motley Crue, and all Mustaine does to this day is talk about fashion.

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Show me a Def Lepard moshpit.

Actually saw them yesterday and had a blast. Teriffic show.

when you quote someone its kind of important that you actually quote what they said
pop rock trash ≠ white trash
but nice try

The hardcore punk scene in the 80's was gruesome compared to drag queens playing soft rock. Hair Metal is for pussies

I'm drunk, fuck you.

Mosh pits being a thing in metal in the 80's is a myth, it didn't really start till the end of the 80s and really became a thing in the 90s. People forget thrash started just as early as glam metal and while the NWOBHM was exploding, and no moshing was not a "metal thing" for those earlier parts of the decade, it was just about headbanging and fist pumping. Once thrash started to get big in the late 80s it became more of a thing, but still only limited to thrash shows, and still wasn't as synonymous with the genre as it was with hardcore punk or as it would become.

>shill job
>for a 40 year old band
Christ, metalheads sure are delusional.

I mean how you measure a man is up to you...to me it's character and pussy, to you it's shaved heads and bumping around with other men in a pit....I think you're a faggot, but does that offend you?

drunk or stupid, drunk and stupid, its largely irrelevant
discussing anything with you in good faith is obviously impossible,

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go ahead and tell me why every single day some retard is posting about how only chads listen to kiss and/or glam metal
you're right that nobody should care either way about music that is 35 years old and as shallow and vapid as trap rap yet somebody still posts about it every fucking day because these bands still tour and any discussion is publicity

If you say so man, I read some shit wrong, so what. My point is still relevant.

>the comparison of classic rock and metal to trap
Ahhh, same guy as always. Nirvana still sucks dude.

I'm sure the Joos are also involved, aren't they?


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get off the internet drunk boomer

glam metal is not fucking classic rock are you kidding me

You're right, it's classic metal.

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Most metal bands make nu males angry.

because it's not very good and is horribly dated glossy 80s pop rock

this is not true

Your point (such as it was) was entirely that user was calling them white trash
He wasn’t
You have no point. Just an epic fail of a troll thread

You have literally no idea what you are talking about.
Even with a small 'c', you are still talking shit.
Fucking 12 year olds pretending to have 'wisdom' and musical knowledge
Fuck off Gandalf. Twat.