This album aged in all the right ways.
This album aged in all the right ways
21st century man is amazing.
>theme of the album is feeling alienated and out of place by the passage of time and the changes around you
>album sounds gimmicky futuristic and somewhat aekward on release
>sounds extremely dated and instills nostalgia if listened to today
Absolute genius honestly. Amazing how an album can age very horribly and yet absolutely perfectly at the same time
i listened to this and its fucking back to back bangers. pprologue into twilight will always be my favorite transition
that anime expo opening ceremony video that used Twilight made me realise just what a lost art hand-drawn animation is becoming, even if you don't like weebshit the medium itself is impressive
skip to 1:43
Only contrarians hate this album
AOR is just the "i was just pretending to be retarded" of pop music
That's the point
And what are you of the shitposting? The mr. I'm so quirky I suck penises ironically? Dumb bitch. Take your fucking xanax and die