What's the most pure kino Varg moment? For me, it's when he broke out of prison in 2003 and hijacked a family car at gunpoint for which it took 19 hours for the police to catch him. Additionally, the police reported that the vehicle, as well as a remote cabin, which was used as a hideout, contained further guns, knives, maps, GPS, camouflage, gasmask laptop, phone, and clothing.
What's the most pure kino Varg moment? For me...
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Every time he gets visibly startled and starts talking really fast with that high pitched voice about how unfair it was to sent him to prison and what a fag euronymous was.
imagine not being able to admit you made a mistake that brought you into prison for over a decade, and still lying about it and shitting on the guy you killed.
Varg is a piece of shit. Just fucking admit that you killed him because you wanted to, don't fucking try to tell us you stabbed him a trillion times in the back in self defense.
just looked up this guy after holding off from the spams on here for a few yeard. wow this dudes life is pretty funny
check out his music, he's quite good. but never ever listen to anything he says.
I feel the opposite. I think a lot of what Varg says is important and good to listen to, granted you are mature enough to filter out his fairy tale racist beliefs that every race of people is from a RPG and has predetermined stats. He says a lot of good shit if you can be mature enough to filter that crap out.
His music however sucks fucking dick. Listen to idk, Accept. Better music.
pleb got filtered lmao
>I feel the opposite
I don't like you
Varg admits in several of his videos what he did should properly have counted as manslaughter or second degree murder, it's just the first degree murder charge he contests. He admits what he did doesn't count as self defence in the legal sense of the term, his justification has always been that Euronymous had credible plans to kidnap and kill Varg, so he confronted him and once Euro turned violent, he resolved to kill him and didn't change his mind when Euronymous started running and cowering, because it would be dumb to let him get away to try it again. Once again he acknowledges that he deserved jail for that under Norwegian law, his main problem is he thinks he got more than he deserved (under their legal system, that is) and was used as a scapegoat for the whole BM scene and Satanic Panic. His argument really isn't a moral argument, you either think it's ok to whack a guy before he whacks you or you don't, it's more just "rules lawyering" as inspired by his lifelong tabletop RPG geekery.
Also Euronymous was a literal fag who acted tough then cried to his parents and apologized to the media when shit got hard, the scene was better off without him.
Well he says very basic things, that a lot of other people said before and still say. Without all the bullshit like autism is (suddenly) a great thing, white people have superpowers in snow, jews control everyone and everything. plus, his history videos are pure fucking bullshit. blatant lies and misinformation. fuck varg.
Burzum is not a pleb filter, nothing Yea Forums praises can be a "pleb filer" because most of Yea Forums listen to Clairo and Old Town Road and choose to wear glasses when they don't need them, get real poseur. Burzum is hipster shit only fake metalheads pretend is good. Varg however is an autistic person who is based.
sucking off Euronymous then killing him after realizing how gay it was
>this dudes life is pretty funny
He has 10 White children and a cute wife, what have you done with your life?
I'm not reading that shit, just fuck off to france and suck your master's cock if you love him so much. or murder some dude you've been friends with, and then spend the rest of your life whining about your prison time and the fact that he was TOTALLY planning to murder you and you TOTALLY didn't have any other option to deal with the situation but to stab him in the back a thousand times after driving 40.000 km at night to his house
>the scene was better off without him.
The scene was better off not existing, Varg even has said many times the black metal scene was shit, and it was even beyond what he will admit, black metal is garbage music that NOBODY cared about in the 90s and has only become a meme now thanks to the internet.
For me, it's when he lived in Iraq under Saddam Hussein because his dad was an engineering contractor, and had all sorts of wacky hijinks with Arabs trying to scam him.
>He has 10 White children
He should have zero, in fact he should have stayed in prison
>and a cute wife
She has severe autism and looks like a goblin. His standards sure are low for a celebrity
>actually believing in Varg's delusions
>severe autism
I know she at least has Aspbergers level 'tism, but in all her videos she looks and sounds perfectly normal and non-retarded. Maybe its harder to tell in French. Anyway, are you really saying you don't want a cute blonde sperg waifu?
The lad has childhood pictures of him in some sort of desert land in front of middle eastern looking buildings. I'd post but his youtube got shoa'd.
>in all her videos she looks and sounds perfectly normal
ok well autism doesn't usually come with an accent
>autism doesn't usually come with an accent
You've never heard a tard or an autistic person talk? They have a unique way of slurring their words. Go listen to an old Chris-chan video.
It's true that he has been to the middle east, but stories like the one about him getting chased by a crazy guy with a machete and watching him get shot by the police, or about ice cream completely disappearing from the city once the nordics who sell it went back home are obviously bullshit, not to mention the one about the black doctor refusing to treat his son's broken leg or the one about his wife getting saved by a magic horse ()
If a female indie artist said this you would think she was a charming hippie girl, be honest.
aspys don't show it all the time, and some autists have great conversation values with close people and while being filmed, but struggle when confronted face to face. She could still be autistic as fuck, and Varg... I mean, Francis, is the only one that "gets" her
Only if she's hot, but I would also think she's completely nuts
All women are nuts, user.
>this thread
B-b-but the Vikings were principled scholars too!!!
doesn't varg shit in a toilet made of straw, lol