/GG/ - Guitar and Bass General

His Majesty Marty Friedman Edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Free tablature program, open-source Guitar Pro equivalent
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:
chords, inverse chords, and scales

Previous thread: No one cares.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Friendly reminder that Fender is just as bad as Chinkboard shit. Fender is low quality shit with the name Fender on the headstock so people think it's good

Picture Sammy with a forzen kaka dildo, shoving it up his own ass while his unsuspecting dad makes dying noises on the bed above
Life comes full circle

Ok so I will be testing this set up on the weekend.

Someone in last thread was telling me to try >Scarlet solo>PC Amp simulator>Power Amp>Speakers.
Sounds good but the only practical way to get my PC sound to my receiver is to cast it over wifi (Unless I move my PC into the living room)

Also I've been recommended Axe FX units, which seem like a good idea but expensive.

I'd be happy to read anymore input you guys have.

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based shill poster

huh neat since july 1 is when everyone moves here in montreal I just found a peavey envoy 110 in the trash seems to be an 80's model and its 35w i'm impressed how loud this tiny thing is also found two shitty boss pedals a tin whistle wooden recorder and a ukulele

sadly I play bass and have an amp hopefully I can sell it they seem to go for at least 100$ who the fuck throws out a perfect fine amp god damn hipster man

How to I get this guitar tone? It's clearer at :30 seconds in

Funny i was just watching him yesterday because im looking into biying the emf set and his new jackson model looks lime a guitar hero guitat. Currently listening to rust in piece album.

Is that even guitar?

that's a keyboard but if you want this kind of vibe I'd say to use the 1st or 3rd position on a strat, compression, and a super small amount of drive.

the important part of this kind of a guitar tone comes from how you play! try picking every note really close to the bridge and use your thumb to pluck out lower notes to make them pop

>Broke two high E strings today
wtf bros am I doing something wrong?

they make those break easily so that you have to buy strings more often

yes, clearly

y tho?

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what would that be? I broke another one 2 weeks ago and I'm tired of buying strings

What are you doing when they break?

buy thick gauge strings for man-hands not gay hands, gaylord

That reminds me, does anybody sell anything that's the opposite of skinny top/heavy bottom?
As in, heavy top/skinny bottom
Or is one of those custom string set sites my only option?

stop picking so hard

Don't have enough space to keep a proper amp in the house. Already have everything but the 1/4 to RCA cable in the house.
Seems like an easy way to turn my 5 watt modelling amp into a 100 watt amp with high quality speakers.

Also I've got the impression the Fender GT40 is a decent modelling amp with crap speakers. If the THR works decently I will try the same with a GT40. A cheap small modelling amp with sound optical out would be ideal. Maybe a cheap version of an Axe FX but I don't know much about the market for these things.

I listen to all my music on those speakers already, it's just a case of getting a good signal to the amp without spending much money or buying anything physically large.

strumming which desu I do quite harshly, I was using a 1.14mm pick and my guitar is a 130$ epiphone shitplank
might buy 12s at this point because it's getting annoying

Replace your shit chink bridge or saddles.

Recommend me a cheap as heck bass for recording direct, please.

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you will fuck those speakers, tweeters will go for sure but it's your shit so ?


not worth it, it's a chink shitplank, I'm already saving up for an actual guitar

Ah, as I had feared

Here's a change of pace. Put a song to Rainymood. 20 or 30% volume on rainymood seems to do the trick with most music I've tried so far. I'll start us off.



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Problem solved then.

Just played a gig to five people and three of the fuckers walked out halfway through. Absolutely depressing.

Thinking of putting a Duncan JB in this knockoff Strat. Good idea? I also need to replace the nut, so any recommendations would be appreciated.

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what do you play?

Singer songwriter, was trying out a pub that gives 45 minute sets rather than the standard 3 song open mic. To be fair the three people who walked out were the band on before me and they were absolutely godawful, The Shaggs have better pitch than the lead singer.

Oh, and to add insult to injury one of the fuckers viewed my Facebook fan page and didn’t even bother to click like. Cunts.

Running an amp into an amp?

Where are they breaking? If it's at the bridge, you have a bur there. If it's at the tuner, you have a bur there. If it's at the nut, you have a bur there. If it's anywhere else, I can't help you. Buy better strings.

Is it a faux pas to bring my laptop and digital interface to Guitar Center so I can test how they sound through my home setup? More importantly, will they kick me out?

wouldn't it be better to learn some strings first before you learn chords
Also i recommend the Hal Leonard guitar method book complete.
comes 3 whole books should take you 3-4 months on each book with 2 hours of practice a day.

Is it a faux pas to bring a log of my stinky and assy shit to Guitar Center so I can test how the guitars sound when they're rubbed all over with my shart-butter? More importantly, will they kick me out?

I tuned my dean lp copy to drop c.
Using joyo zombie and marshall jcm900 a/b'd together

It really depends what you want to do. I focused entirely on learning songs and two years later I’m a competent acoustic fingerstyle guitarist and I have written over twenty songs I’m pleased with. I absolutely loved learning songs and then working on my own take on them. As yet I haven’t found any need for lead guitar for my style of playing, I’ll occasionally noodle with the major scale but that’s it.

Umm guys, while I was lowering the bridge the fucking finish on the back of the neck just cracked! I can feel it while Im playing the guitar, is there a quick DIY fix? haaalp

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Is that a shitty agile?

You've motivated me to do it, thank you kind stranger! Have an upvote

What was the set-up? You just need to bring your guitar? And the cables and amplification are already at place?

Your tone sounds flabby

It's a 600$ Cort guitar, my first electric, had it for 10 years now.

Only a Gibson is good enough


how would you improvise to this jazz
i'm no good at improvosing, so i come here for help

There was a sound guy on and a PA. The sound system and sound guy were excellent, it’s actually the best I have ever sounded I reckon.

Nobody on this faggy sub can play jazz

you seem to be able to

enlighthen me

I'm here ain't I?

yes you are

now show me your magic

that bassline's hella confusing in the first half

technically it's just 3/4 but it's making it feel more like some unusual meter, hard to fit that rhythm feel appropriately with a lead


Wrote this song yesterday, I haven't shared anything here for a while and I think this is a good one.

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Imagine posting with your full name on /gg/

It's alright. Kinda sounds like your voice is more crooning big-band style and it sounds a bit odd over standard folky chord stuff. Guitar sounds nice though

I have an opposite problem, I want to sing 80s power ballads but my voice is too folk. Can't choose our voices unfortunately

my teacher played it just fine in front of me

so you pros who play guitar, bass and piano every fucking day of the year and do concerts all the time and have 8000 gears and know all the guitar types and picks and plugs
have no literal excuse against a novice-tier improvisation song

What's the worst that could happen, kaka posting on my Facebook page?

It's my least folky and probably most commercial song but when I came up with that chorus I had to write it.

hey bud, no one claims to be jazz experts here
I'm a bigboy metal man
I only play elevator jazz for fun, not real jazz


This isn't a jazz sub, go fellate Kurt Rosenwinkel or whoever somewhere else

never asked for jazz experts here
just asked for you to play it
cuz everybody can do it
my regular music school classmates with lot of differen
it is something to be expected in a general about guitar players and the like

this is guitar and bass general

jesus i wonder what you guys replied to your teachers when they asked you to "just try to improvise a little". "lmao dude i dont play jazz. fuck you, metal forever!!!! lml"

btw that one is fine
i am not asking for something complicated lol

>my regular music school classmates with lot of differen
just noticed i closed the tab and didn't finish the sentence lol

By comparison here's me going full Scottish folk, I don't always do the crooning thing.


Why spend precious hours of my time learning to play a genre of music I don't listen to and have no interest in becoming proficient at you retard? Jazz isn't the only genre of music with improvisation. It has its own idiosyncrasies I find annoying so I'm not going to bother trying to learn how to play the music my grandpa listened to. Also

>music school

lmao, good luck with that

>Why spend precious hours of my time learning to play a genre of music I don't listen to and have no interest in becoming proficient at you retard
hello edgelord
>Jazz isn't the only genre of music with improvisation
water is wet
>It has its own idiosyncrasies I find annoying so I'm not going to bother trying to learn
if you don't know how to
if my request doesn't apply to you
if you are unable to do what i asked, not to (You), but to the 30 people here in this young and cute guitar thread

it's that simple
i don't even know why you're mad lol

fuck off edgy cunt

>music school
what you do you think mozart was?
nevermind, edgy metal cunt, fuck off

can i pick up bad habits or fuck up my technique if i play with only 5 strings? my high e broke and can't go buy a new set until friday

oh no... it's an aggressive esl

He speaks truth tho

yes he does he is a very smart and this general is garbage penis. nobody can play the jazz. what disgraced

>triggered edgycunt doesn't know how to read or even argument back

as expected

so, let me see
you're angry
you don't know how to play jazz
so, all frustrated, you get angry at random internet people who come to the guitar and bass thread for a matter regarding all music players
as you're unable to improvise
you get angry
so angry at the world


Your music education will come in handy while you're shining my leather shoes between your gigs at the street corner Paco

>all this fuss because edgy metal cunt is triggered by the existence of musical education

done. found the underage

You should've done your research kiddo. Talked to a few graduates (hint, not the professors selling you this shit). That sinking feeling you get in your stomach at nights, wondering whether you made the right call, whether they're pulling the wool over your eyes? Remember me when you've wasted four years of your life and thousands of dollars with absolutely nothing to show for it except a worthless piece of paper

>suicide by shotgun

the world is so fucked-up. you may ask "why?"
well, here your answer:
retards everywhere

Shit b8

What you'll be doing? Yeah I know.

Listen bud, all jokes aside, I hope you realize I'm just trying to give you some advice. Maybe I got a little personal, I apologize. It's so easy to lapse into vituperative exchanges on the Internet, I'm sure you'll agree. I've just seen too many kids get the life squeezed out of them in these diploma mills. But you know, if you're sure of what you're doing, then what the heck do I know right? I hope it was food for thought at least and that you have a great rest of your day :^)

shit b8

>music school
Lmao what a retard

x'D (P_/)

I was going to improvise over it, then i saw it was a brazilian asking. fuck brazil

try it, maybe that way you may actually learn something about music

no thanks I like making money, you can keep your cardboard box

Legato vs alternate picking?

t. posted from mommy ip

I wouldn't personally, I hate that pickup. I'd go with the 59 Custom Hybrid instead if you actually want some usable and good tone.

Get the seymour duncan distortion

I'm going to go make a steamy kaka log in a few minutes. What kind of music should I play with it?

Brazilian bachata

What don't you like about it? It seems like it's the go-to pickup for a lot of people.


Wait what? I was already gay, will it turn me straight or mega gay?

Clearly it will just turn you gay+

When the jam session turns into a frotting session again

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You can solo through most of this in D minor, specifically D dorian. The Cmaj7-G7 and minor ii-V-i cadences will all sound good with D minor licks. You can jump outside to something in Ebm7 over the minor ii-V tritone sub in bar 15, but be ready to bring it back to Dm7 quickly in the next bar. I'd actually through the tune a few times focusing on that key change, and let your ears find the best melody.

You can play some cool altered licks over that Bb7 to A7 part at bar 27, maybe by moving an D dorian line up by minor thirds? Or play a Bb whole tone scale run finishing on a G major arpeggio?

Kiss me on the mouth user

i literally wish

>tfw you buy an interface to record noodlings for 4channel but you upload it to vocaroo

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Sammy's a gamer now dude

this thing plays bf4 all on ultra with no gpu

>Yea Forums racism
>retarded mod does nothing

it's not racism if it's brazilians
they actually deserve it

Favourite chord?

For me it’s just E, it has such a beautiful and full sound on guitar.

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Fuck off negroid

x'D (P_/)

I'm more of an Fmaj7/C guy, myself

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that chord doesn't exist retard

CDGA, dumbass. Kill yourself.

>no pedal posters
What the hell, goys

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Made-up. Serves no function, ignorant


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sliced my finger sliding. really not a huge deal but it stings when I go for bar chords. It'll probably heal by tomorrow but is there anyway I can keep practicing?

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Hows it going my dude?

>Oh, my quirky little moog

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It's going. Nephew is visiting for the week so he's keeping me busy.

How old is he?

My nephew isn't even 2 yet.


>not plugging in your guitar to use the classic moog filters
that's a hot pic though, Sauce?

What causes this type of darkening of the fretboard? pic related

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gtfo grandpa


I don't even have kids


Maple boards have a finish on them. Metal strings are harder than wood finish. Eventually it wears off. Raw wood gets dirty.

the easiest way to slow this down is to not fret the guitar like you're trying to choke it

Any recommendations on a Les Paul-style guitar for a poorfag who has been playing for about 10 years?
I was thinking on going with something from the LTD EC series, but since ESP is a major brand, i wonder if i could get a better deal on a guitar from a smaller company.

This post is barely coherent, sorry for sleepy grammar.


Buy a used LP

What do you consider a poorfag? You can find a decent used Les Paul for 5 or 600. Check out Gretsch jets too.

Kemper + Yamaha DXR

>he has mids in his guitar tone

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i went for an epi genesis instead, thats a pretty poorfag guitar for you too.

LTD EC10000 with Duncans is a great value. But only if you like big frets and flatter radius. I prefer 12" radius and slim taper on my Gibson. My EC has a D/U shape which is fine too. It sounds really good. You get a lot of guitar for $800 or w/e. I bought mine like 7-8 years ago when they were made in Korea. I think they are made in Indonesia now. Probably still solid.

does anyone know of the existance of a floyd rose bridge with a piezo in it?

no but better install a midi pickup instead in your snow flake build.

i wasn't sure of what the guitar equivalent of a mullet was but now i do, thanks

graphtech makes some, apparently
whether they're worth the $300 is up to you though

so damn clean

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>over analyzes blooz
Do Americans really do this?

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>playing electric Zeppelin songs on an acoustic
>calls it an analysis

holy shit is that perwdiepie playing guitar?

not all blooz its simple, you can improv complex blooz which can rival jazz.

Why would you buy a solid state amp?

>implying i didn't trade my ultra shit Fender tube amp for it

Electric piano

>He doesn't

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How do you guys decide between two things when making an expensive purchase?

i just buy whatever is more versatile

What's a good semi hollow that under a 1000 bucks?

Hagstrom Viking


>Hagstrom Viking
Thanks user

Mine sounds great, though I got the one with the P90s

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split coils can do everything single coils can so HHH

D'Angelico Premier series.

split coils don't sound the same as real alnico polepiece single coils
the baseplate and steel slugs sap some of the high end and leave you with something that's inbetween a single coil and a p90

Real men play Yamahas

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Real men play guitars for imaginary girls.

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My imaginary girl could kick your imaginary girl's ass.

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gonna change my strings at 11 pm cause i've lost control of my life

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Have any of you ever played a Tweed Champ style amp? I’ve been interested in one lately, as I only play at my apartment and at mic’d gigs. Does it have enough power for that? Also, does the 8” speaker leave you longing for a bigger one, or is that actually a good size?

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They are loud enough to cause permanent hearing damage but not loud enough to drown out a drummer in a noisy bar.

guitar tuna is fucking up for me. I strum my e chord and it says its an A. then I strum it again and it says I'm only +2. does it do this for anyone else

Ok, I’ve kinda thought about a Tweed Deluxe as the alternative, as it could sound good at reasonable volumes but still push past some noise.

>>Dm 2w
>> Westwood


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I admire people with minimalistic rigs but as much as I want to be them, I can't stand teles, les pauls, and strats like they all play. I like "metal" guitars the most, and acoustics the second most. Other than that I can't stand to play other electric guitars.

they played those because they were old and that's all the good shit there was back then.

there are lots of people playing today who plug an ibanez right into the amp and shit out some jazz licks.

What kind of picks do you guys use? I used to favor Jazz IIIs but I recently started to use these more.

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I only use bang dream arisas.

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literally whatever i happen to grab out of my pick tin

1mm black nylons, because for me they can do everything from fast picking to really heavy big strumming

yellows on bass
on guitar i use the usa gray ones with the grip thing, .88 mm

These are fantastic. I've got them in a few different gauges, but 1.0 and .88 are the best.

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I'm still new and only tried 3, but these are the ones I'm stuck on. doubt they're anything special tho

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>every single coil is an alnico polepiece fender pickup

Hmmm nah, there's variety out there

is there a single better feeling than a clean fretboard and a fresh set of strings?
i should record something with these instead of spamming these threads with 'em

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how is this an issue?

fender is a joke

>clickbait title
>gay ass intro
>faggy vlog style format
>just a hair over 10 mins

Opinion discarded

I haven't rearranged my pedalboard

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wtf I love Strats now

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Strat >>> Les Paul

Tortex sharp on guitar, Tortex triangle on bass.

These are pretty good, but a little slippery. Tortex sharp is better.

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Oh lol

Jammy guitar youtube.com/watch?v=trJKkNj8kDM

Is there some place on the internet where I can find backing tracks to practice my lead guitar skills?

these thicc boys, I'm a bass player though

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why do jazz guitarists usually play semi hollow guitars?

For acoustic (main instrument). I use .73 nylon for mandolin and 1mm tortex for electric.

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Their wrists are too limp to handle a complete guitar.

>spends $900 on a monophonic synth
why do moog fags do this?

Thanks user

tortex 1.14mm nylon

I can figure out most of the solo, but not the super fast beginning, can you guys please help me find it?
Starts at 1:28

to play melodies

He's so fucking ugly, why do anime girls flock to him?

harley benton is cheaper, I've heard good things

Playing baby tier strings is what you're doing. Let me guess: 9s? Use 13s like a real man. And don't fall for the whammy meme.

Just get an all-around heavier set.

This producer keeps telling me that Fender tube amps are the only good amps out there. Why are boomers like this?

Nice rig. I will check one out.

I prefer F#7add11 (244300)

It baffles me to this day that there are people out there who don't use the orange Tortex picks.

Because they realized that Toanwood is a meme, and thus they want as little wood on their guitars as possible.

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Holy shit these are dirt cheap. I had bought an OC-3 for bass duty on recordings but it leaves me craving actual bass in some cases. Might have to pick up one of these.

You’re probably restringing them too tight, give about 4-5 frets worth of release before tuning up with the new string

Tuned to pitch is going to be the same tension, no matter how much slack you have at the beginning. Pull it tight or wrap the whole string, doesn't matter. Tension will be the same when you get it to pitch either way.

he looks like someone who took a dive in a pool and then went to roll around on a barber shop floor.


Any opinions on Peavey Classic 30? Considering buying one for some gigs and recording music

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God like skill

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consider suicide

gonna buy a guitar from a pawn shop what do i look for so i dont get scammed

because the customers are retarded boomers and impressionable youngins who believe everything boomers say so fender american strats are often made to sound as vintage as they look

1: not playing baby boomer rock covers? the very first thing you do with a strat is replace the pickups
2: never buy brand new strat, is like buying brand new AK-47, waste of money, is same thing even when used

but you know if you didn't want to larp as vintage, as if traditions founded by pop music mattered, you'd buy a kiesel or something.

first world country on the back of the headstock

bass bros where you at

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Nice, love all the delay and fuzz

Here’s mine, not pictured is my Boss SYB-5 cause it’s being repaired. What should I get next bros?

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A Gibson.

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I meant what pedal. Also I’m not buying a Gibson bass in 2019.

Vintage strats might be a pop and rock music guitar associated with stoner hippies and drug-abusing clowns but most other vintage guitars are more known for more respectable playes


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You know it!

Bunch of cool stuff there, user!

>not using the three oscillators to build chords

Fuzz and delay is my meat and potatoes. Can't live without 'em!

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More or less = to a hot rod deluxe.

I like a couple things about the Peavey a little more.

Lol. Thanks for letting us know youre poor

Don't buy Peavey new. They're a shit company and don't deserve your money.

A guitar store

do you even have Tone Noods?youtu.be/7RUwwQYGBjI

Pretty sure i put more effort wiring it than playing it

Friendly reminder that only a Gibson™Is good enough

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If I like yorushika's guitar sound, what guitar should I buy?

This is why bassists are irrelevant.

>Tone Noods

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I want to play this kind of music. Do I pick up guitar or bass?



Bass, there are loads of people who can play guitar like that, but not nearly enough bassists in indie music who actually apply themselves.

does n-buna use a tele?

the bass is more technical in this than the guitar?

guitar and drums are that music.

bass is an accessory. it has to be in the band or it's the most boring instrument in the world.

Dunlop Primetone .73s or .88s for me!

Perfect amount of grip

right cheers so if I'm planning to slave away alone in my room for a while, it doesn't hurt to learn some guitar first and maybe then try bass when I understand some music?

No, but everybody plays guitar and the guitar in this is pretty basic.

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Bass is for playing funk, maybe jazz, or playing in a band.

It's not a solo/virtuoso instrument for genres like rock, country, folk, etc. It's below even drums for that.

This guy is just a hipster who thinks guitar is too mainstream and isn't impressed unless you're the science baby of yngwie and bach.

yellow Tortexes or Stubbys

virtuoso bass and drums exist in those genres...

bring a guitarist along

In such small numbers that "rock band bassist" is an insult.

I’m not that guy. That “virtuoso” stuff is boring.
I just meant that it’d be cool to have more bassists who apply themselves rather than have more guitarists that play a few chords lazily with reverb. (Although the guitar part around 2:04 is pretty cool).



are you the ohio user
get a hardtail with dual humbuckers, homie. and I agree with the other user to try a guitar shop first. make the clerk dude play it for you clean and on an amp

insult to a jazz player maybe, but there are many excellent rock bassists...

Check if the actual neck is cracked. If not, you should be fine

t. a "play authentic" shill

So what's the music theory required to play math rock?

How would lowering the bridge crack the neck? Gibson?

>tube amps
>thin strings
>thin picks
>more than 2 pickups
1 GF - 1 GF = No GF, Feels Bad Man

>Implying you can make an actual song with only one type of chord

Excuse me but how?

what stores besides obvious music places sell guitar tuners? tried walmart, no luck

that shit is dreamy

>lack of groove
>activated almonds
>mommy issues
>flannel button up shirts

being a fucking dork

I don't get chord root notes. Every time I watch a vid or read about them, I'm always told that the lowest note in the chord is the root, but this is an F chord, F is the root, yet C is the lowest note. wtf?

Look up chord inversions

Add closeted homosexual to your list

great. more shit i gotta learn. I could just sit down and play what sounds good.


but i don't wanna wait :(

any classical guitarists in here? what's ur favorite piece? i like these two

knowing how to be a massive tool that does whatever the other "underground" bands are doing while pretending you're being original and unique

It depends what kind of person you are. Bass parts are typically a lot simpler but you have to be much more aware of the groove and being "in the pocket" than a guitarist. Typically, I find that if you pay attention to harmony and rhythm you're probably a bassist, if you listen mostly to the melody a guitarist.

Play a piano and it would be easier to learn theory because of the layout but it's all the same game. You are not counting the open strings you are barring, F is the lowest not C but that doesn't really matter if what you are intending to play is an F chord as it just needs to consists of the notes that make it. F A C on Piano but guitar has those open strings which you gotta account for being played or not. F barr chord on Guitar plays

Attached: fretboard-diagram.jpg (3630x1213, 476K)

I only dabble (play without nails so the modern repertoire can be a bit limited for me)

I'm 90% done with the prelude of Bach's 997.


Thinking about learning this one next, (if not the rest of the pieces of 997)



Attached: boiguh.jpg (2497x2002, 552K)

Graphtech A3 Warms (beige) .88
They are the only picks that I can use for both electric and acoustic playing.
Before, I used Dunlop Gel .76 for electric and 1.00 for acoustic.


This song sucks; nobody listen to it.

No, a nice US strat is a good cheap guitar, but it’s not Gibson

Just get a helix LT and a JBL mkIII monitor for $1100 after you haggle with sweet water

The Helix is pretty good

No you should desu. Just don’t do it if your buying some cheap ass shit plank

Bros, why is that when im recording the fucking microphone pick up even a fly buzzing 20kms away while on the lowest gain setting? Makes every song sound fucking lo-fi, even though I bought a professional Rode studio microphone. Do i need to buy an external soundcourd to have that clean sound?

Attached: Triumph Vintage 1950s Archtop Electro-acoustic.jpg (1200x1599, 335K)

Jeeze Louise... Is that regular cheddar cheese? Looks like a fucking peach jam.

Did you get a uni-directional or a multi?

2 slices of cheddar. The trick is to not let it fully melt the heat of the patty will do the work.

It's a kardioid

Attached: rode-ntusb.jpg (243x500, 12K)

About to see Kansas, lads

Get a real Gibson poor fat, they’re not even expensive

Daily reminder that if you shill for Gibson you are going to die unloved and alone.

I wanna see pics.
T. Spic from socal.

I bought an Epiphone Les Paul Ultra years ago and it was fucking garbage
Buy a real one

Still about an hour off, but I don't think I'll be able to get much from back here

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this image is peak comfy

fuuuuuck I'm so out of tune, guitar tuna is being weird as shit. I'm trying an A chord here. dont mind the foreworks in background

Has anyone played a Rogue or Carlo Robelli? I want an electric guitar but I only have $100 and I don't want to get fucked buying a used guitar again.

It's prog time boys

Attached: IMG_20190704_201432~2.jpg (3024x4032, 1.77M)

Ibanez Prestige or a Gibson explorer? I know they are completely different but I cant decide

explorer for retro-future aesthetic

Prestige, the explorer looks terrible

Dean z

fuck dean

Here's something I made today.

Attached: 20180715_013104.jpg (2576x1932, 1.28M)

why the distortion

what tuner do you guys use
anybody have a real trusty one that they've used for a long time?

do you play metal

guitar tuna app, i dont do gigs or anything so i dont care alot about tuners

yes mostly

I been using it, and it says I'm in tune but my guitar still sounds off

This has my favorite solos.

josh middleton needs to get out of architects and start doing sylosis again

ive had that problem before, tuna sometimes does that and i just tune it twice. for some reason it doesnt pick it up the first time

It'll go all the way green and check it off, but at the last second it'll veer all the way to like -40
I'm just gonna get a digital one I think

you dont have an amp with a built in tuner? truly pathetic

na I don't even own an amp yet because I'm still learning. I wanna get the boss katana mini


wait so you play electric without an amp? or is it one of those acoustic electric hybrids

play electric without an amp
just learning chords and stuff now. I've only played about 5 days now. Plus the guitar place I went to didn't have an amp I wanted

holy shit i didnt think you were that new, what kinda geetar is it? better be fender or else

its a cheap ibanez gax. I plan to upgrade maybe after 6 months or so of practice

>boss katana
looks like Roland corporation subcontract the shills again.

what alternative would you suggest? the price of the katana mini is already pushing my budget

>preferring modern overwound muddy pickups to superior vintage wind pickups

says the day laborer.

Boss Kakatana

best book for learning theory from scratch? link in OP is pretty shit

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