Why are zoomers hating Nine Inch Nails so much?
Why are zoomers hating Nine Inch Nails so much?
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Kenny G of industrial.
I'll copy paste what I said in the other thread
What's the appeal of NIN?
I really don't fucking get it.
They aren't nearly as heavy as their contemporaries, they are not as experimental. Yet, it doesn't have anything to show for it, it doesn't have any amazing, exceptional melodies, if any, there isn't much of rhythm, the lyrics aren't really that special either.
What's the point of this band and why do people love it so much? I guess I can see it being a good entry point into heavier/more experimental music, but on its own, it feels rather disposable.
If you try to argue about his albums being "detailed", or talk about production, I can just bring up Skinny Puppy, whose music is just as well produced and has just as many layers. I doubt that people who praise NIN's production actually know that much about it.
I know it's a one-man project, or whatever.
There's a lot of gay zoomers. Not all of em are thankfully.
based zoomers.
Fuck Nine Inch Nails, fuck worshipping of front-men.
Trent has been making the same album for twenty years.
Its trendy to hate anything remotely popular here
NIN hasn't been relevant in years.
They're just shit.
I actually consider myself a NIN fan though a more casual one so don't get too offended here.
That being said, I'm 30 years old and while I like NIN music I sometimes get really annoyed by the position they have as somehow being above other "teen angst music" when it's literally all it was, you can't hate Korn if you like NIN, that's how I feel. Also annoyed by how hipsters love them and think they are so deep, and how so many normalfags love them only after Trent got buff and cut his hair when they would hate them if he kept up his old feminine goth look.
NIN fanbase is just really annoying, pretentious, hipster, and normie simultaneously and it's kind of annoying to see NIN put on such a high pedestal when they aren't really quite that special? Good songs, even albums, sure, but it is annoying how they have become a sort of lowest common denominator safe band who seems to not get criticized for anything.
I think Korn is far better than NIN, Korn is somehow heavier than NIN and has its own sound which NIN can't really say for itself.
After Trent dropped drugs, he lost any drive or anger his work ever had, his work, even at its "heaviest" was always really tame, but after that, it just became a joke, you can find Post-Grunge bands that are fucking heavier than NIN.
They are not experimental, almost always sticking to ordinary verse-chorus-verse.
It's just so fucking boring.
Boomer here and I hate NIN. The first few albums sounded alright if you're a teenager, after that it's sonic dysentery though. Cringy cringy band and even cringier fans.
>Trent has been making the same album for twenty years.
Also this.
Well to be fair, both Korn and post-grunge have roots in heavy metal or heavy rock...NIN was really more electronic influenced, any "heaviness" or similarity to metal was coincidental. Pretty Hate Machine is not even a rock album, let alone anything heavy. They just got noiser and edgier.
>Yea Forums hates NIN now.
you've changed, man
What albums do you like, boomer? You aren't one of those who like shit like Rolling Stones, rights?
>Yea Forums hates NIN now.
Finally, NIN came to their sense.
Broken and Downard Spiral is clearly ripping off Ministry and they're still soft as fuck.
Yeah but even Ministry I don't see as being really "rock" in the same way Korn or grunge or post grunge is, it's much more rooted in industrial music which is not rock, even if Ministry is harder and heavier than NIN who has more pop vibes.
>skinny puppy
haha good one zoomer
>What albums do you like, boomer?
love this kid youtube.com
Ministry and NIN are cited as Industrial ROCK, a combination of the two genres.
NIN also had moments where they became far more focused on the "rock" like The Sip or With_Teeth, two really shitty albums, but they are "industrial" at all. More like Alt.Rock.
Broken and Spiral are Rock albums, bad Rock albums, but Rock albums nevertheless.
Besides, Industrial, is a heavy genre, abrasive genre, NIN turned it into Pop bullshit
Say what you want better than NIN, without a doubt
Ministry is weird because they really blend rock and metal with the industrial well, if you listen to some of the guitar stuff going on it seems metal, if you listen to the overall product it seems more electronic. NIN however is not and has never been "metal". Ministry is more metal than NIN, less metal than Rammstein, KMFDM is less metal than both of those, but more metal than NIN, which is none metal.
Shit music
You type like an Indian call center scammer, go fuck yourself curry nigger.
I guess you could make an argument that Broken has some metal? "Last" seems to be on that.
Godflesh is one of the best Industrial Metal bands.
kys currycel
what do you listen to user?
i bet it's actual good music :)
How is any of what I wrote currycel.
>Rock this rock that, they aren't enough rock, this one is better because they are more industrial, they aren't rock they are pop, heavy heavy,
You are spouting bullshit, nothing you said made any sense at all. Artists shouldn't be confided to a genre, and they should experiment as much as they can without losing the balance. Skinny poppy are nothing compared to nin, they have 1 maybe 2 good songs in a record and then the rest is repetitive garbage that you will forget in a day or 2. Nin focus on making their albums an experience, not just a compilation of songs, and they excel at that. But your stupid zoomer brain can't understand that because it still needs to develop. So lurk more before you go say retarded shit and make a complete ass of yourself.
I won't be like the other pussies who shit talk other bands and turn down these questions afterwards.
My most listened bands are;
>Early Ministry, before it became shit
>Killing Joke
>Strapping Young Lad
>The Cure
>David Bowie
That's what I can think off from the top of my head.
they're all better than NIN, of course.
>listens to einstürzende neubauten
>"heh, nine inch nails? no thanks kid, i prefer real industrial. throbbing gristles, nurse with wounds. the list could go on"
>calls people zoomers
>thinks NIN is an older band than Skinny Puppy
So I guess now Led Zeppelin fans are the zoomers and Greta Van Fleet fans are the boomers huh, strange times.
Wow, it's just like back when I was a sophomore in highschool and I just discovered Yea Forums. Like exactly to a tee. Are you sure you're old enough to post here?
> they should experiment as much as they can without losing the balance
NIN is not experimental in any capacity, if you think so, you're a fucking pleb.
>Skinny poppy are nothing compared to nin, they have 1 maybe 2 good songs in a record
You're calling me a zoomer pleb and you come up with this bullshit, Skinny Puppy's albums are carefully ordered with their tracklist as well, they are very well crafted albums. Just because they aren't some stupid "concept albums" about a le depressed man killing himself, doesn't mean they aren't worthwhile albums. NIN has nothing meaningful or profound to say with their concepts.
>Nin focus on making their albums an experience, not just a compilation of songs, and they excel at that.
Read what I said above, what you say about NIN is laughable
How the fuck are you calling me a pleb over preferring Skinny Puppy over NIN? NIN has been huge in 90s, their albums are incredibly accessible.
>You can't hate corn if you like NIN
dude...just wow... wow... I'm so fucking baffled at the stupidity of this board.
Let's be honest here, you'd have the same exact response no matter what bands I named.
Both angsty garbage, Korn at least does that shit better, "Daddy" has far more of an impact than anything Trent has ever written.
NIN has written lyrics far more edgy, teen, and boneheaded than korn
The Korn songs that even rival that have a tongue in cheek vibe, something NIN never had as a SUPER SERIAL artsy fartsy project, making their edge all the more teen
It really pisses me off how NIN has no self-awareness whatsoever in any of their songs, it gets so fucking dull.
>thinks NIN is an older band than skinny puppy
Except i didn't say that, and you are a complete faggot for being so buthurt that you actually had to invent something to get back at me. Absolutely pathetic.
You're the one who thinks that NIN creates "experiences", go and hump your Trent Reznor pillow, faggot.
I didn't say they were experimental dipshit, i said that because you were categorising nin to a genre and saying they aren't good because they don't sound like that. What you said after that are just bullshit stuff that you had to invent. No skinny puppy aren't detailed and they don't follow a narrative. And yes their music is boring. And also you need to grow up.
What purpose is there for implying younger people prefer Skinny Puppy over NIN other than pure idiocy as it's basically the opposite?
>he googled a list of mu-approved artists
it's cringerock on par with linkin park and korn
"Hurt" is unlistenable past age 14
I wouldn't if it weren't true, avant-teen. Your shit legit reeks of an angsty kid who's trying way too hard to be cool and just found out about Yea Forums.
Avant-Teen's "I want to listen to cooler music, but aren't ready to give up my XM Radio bands from middleschool"-core
>The Cure
>David Bowie
"Woah, this dadrock stuff Yea Forums recommended me is actually really good"
>Strapping Young Lad
"I just looked at the metal section of the Yea Forumscore chart and picked out the ones with the coolest album artwork"
>Mr. Bungle
Along with Ween, it's literally the avant-teen band.
The only fucking album on there that isn't super avant-teen is Killing Joke and even that's pretty basic Yea Forumscore.
>Says something idiotic
>Gets called out
>Still can't accept that and says something retarded so he can have the last word
You kid are proof that Yea Forums is full of children.
>No skinny puppy aren't detailed
Listen to them sometimes.
>they don't follow a narrative.
I never said that I just meant to say that their albums aren't just a collection of songs, the albums have a flow, like any good album.
Don't act like every NIN album has a "narrative", most of their albums aren't conceptual, even then, your album being a concept album doesn't earn you many points if you don't have much of meaningful to say at all, most importantly, it doesn't make the music better.
Why is it always Heresy that works these idiots into a seethe?
Ahh another one. When did i imply that zoomers prefer skinny puppy? Fucking hell this board has so many fucking children, always talking without understanding.
I won't act as I listened to music for a particularly long amount of time, but all of it is better than NIN, so I don't worry.
You literally called him a zoomer for saying Skinny Puppy was better than NIN, your idiocy runs deep.
Yea Forums is full of people that think of themselves as special, but can't even play any instrument or have any basic musical knowledge apart from '''historic'' or ''social'' bullshit. So that's the way everyone is going to explain why something is good or bad in here. Like a youtube critic.
Throbbing Gristle is boring. Their best was 2AR and it was still kind of boring, just sleeker and less boring than the rest.
>My taste is shit and i accept that as long as my favourite bands are better to me than another band that i don't like so much
ghahahahahahaha fucking saved
i'm 23 and it's really starting to hit me how cringey it was for trent to act that edgy into his thirties
even on pretty hate machine when he was about the same age it's like holy shit dude
>Copy and paste it like this
Show me when I said that faggot
>My taste is shit
There is nothing bad with any of the band I named, they are all decent bands, the only counter-arguments you've had against them was a bunch of buzz-words.
Broken Movie is the cringiest shit ever.
This guy fucking destroyed him
Everyone is edgy in that genre. It's one of those genres, like heavy metal. But it's the same with hip hop dudes or popstars acting like teens, and being almost 30.
>and then the rest is repetitive garbage that you will forget in a day or 2.
I like NIN, but fuck you, you don't know shit, you plebian.
>I won't act as I listened to music for a particularly long amount of time
Then why the fuck do you think your opinion matters. Don't like Nine Inch Nails? Fucking rad, who cares but when you're taste in music is on par with the taste of music of people who like Nine Inch Nails, don't act like you're better than them, kid.
Dude you just got exposed for being an avant-teen, and you accepted that, and now you still think your opinion holds any weight at all.
>but when you're taste in music is on par with the taste of music of people who like Nine Inch Nails
But it already is.
Foetus, Severed Heads, Skinny Puppy, Human League, etc. . All of which I find to be better than NIN.
LMAO that post wasn't me
>You are spouting bullshit, nothing you said made any sense at all. Artists shouldn't be confided to a genre, and they should experiment as much as they can without losing the balance. Skinny poppy are nothing compared to nin, they have 1 maybe 2 good songs in a record and then the rest is repetitive garbage that you will forget in a day or 2. Nin focus on making their albums an experience, not just a compilation of songs, and they excel at that. But your stupid zoomer brain can't understand that because it still needs to develop. So lurk more before you go say retarded shit and make a complete ass of yourself.
i should elaborate, it's not just that trent is making edgy music and singing about edgy subject matter, he literally sounds like a 16 year old LARP even on the fragile when he's almost old enough to be the president
they are stylish
You can think that all you want to, but you're the only one who actually thinks that.
Your review of my list was nothing but a bunch of meaningless buzz-words, go suck Trent's cock like he told you to.
skinny puppy is shit
What the fuck do NIN fans listen to? It's really the entry-level into Industrial Rock, the fuck are you talking about.
Most NIN fans didn't even listen to the other Industrial Rock/Electro-Industrial acts, let alone the classic Industrial bands, their other bands they listen to is probably Tool or some shit.
>Hey mister, don't talk like that about my favourite band, i really like them, i think they are great, no don't talk anymore, you don't know anything, please stop, aaaa you know what fuck you you p- ple-plebian
Dude review my bands, I'm the other guy you're arguing with
>Van Halen
>Judas Priest
>Iron Maiden
>Black Sabbath
>Mercyful Fate
>King Diamond
NIN fans are mostly modern equivalent of mallgoth chicks who like anything vaguely alternative and edgy but not quite beyond the realm of pop, or normies who also like RHCP and Nirvana and Tool and anything they think of as being 90s "stoner core"
I always get this insecure aura from NIN defenders.
>Dude review my bands
He'll just call it dad rock and boomer-core and that'll be it, even though they are good bands in their own right.
>Immediately KISS
You're fucking with me right?
This is has to be bait.
They do have a cool light, show, though; you gotta give em that.
I didn't even write that, someone else wrote it and i applaud him for that. Also why didn't you say that earlier, instead of accepting what he said? Wow i was actually thinking you were just stupid, but you actually are a kid. Wtf are you doing on 4 chan son?
Wow, you can’t even get the lyrics right. The real lyrics are
Not anymore, that was only during their Lights In The Sky/Tension era.
Because I'm actually a huge NINfag and I'm just being a retard to make people defend my favourite band.
Nah KISS is great, love em, few bands for me feel better to crank up and rock it out...not everything has to be depressed dude.
Maybe but I'd like to see a real assessment coming from this guy who seems quite rigid and obsessive about NIN.
not even worth the effort of finding the fish picture
Figures the idiotic NIN fan who thinks Skinny Puppy is for zoomers doesn't know anything about music pre 90's, but ahhhhhhhh, guys like me will always laugh at you! Nice Old Navy jeans by the way.
There's not a single artist mentioned in this thread that's written a song as brilliant as La Mer, Just Like you Imagined or The Day the World went Away. Would love to see a NIN hater explain why those tracks suck
People still say that, yet no one has quoted me. Pathetic.
You unironically like KISS, just stop posting already
You're joking right? They're literally one of the only bands active since the 90's that are still huge
Quoted you here homo I can smell your pussy, man, it stinks and I won't fuck it. Go back to writing in your Nightmare Before Christmas diary from Hot Topic lmao. NINfags are so gay.
I love NIN. The Downward Spiral is my favourite album of all time, and I've been following the band for quite some time now. I do believe their music hasn't aged well, and I've never "loved" The Fragile enough, regardless of how much praise it eventually had.
When I was 10, I was going down the road of Christianity, and I'm a obsessive Aspergers, meaning that, once I had an idea inside my head, I would follow it until I was 100% tired of it. When I was 12, my uncle lend me his cd's, because I was really into music, even if it wasn't christian, and my uncle was a huge nu-metal fan back in the 90's, so, all he had was a bunch of korn albums, a lot of metallica, cypress hill, and a single, untouched, Marilyn Manson album, Antichrist Superstar.
That album opened my eyes. The production was like nothing I had heard before, and the diversity in song structures blew my head.
"how did he manage to sound like this?"
I was hooked immediately, and after reading through the credits of the album, I saw the name of the producer: "Trent Reznor".
I researched a little bit, and found out that Manson wanted to become Trent Reznor, after interviewing him back when TDS wa released.
I did my homework, and went home to illegally download The Downward Spiral, and listened to it for weeks, reali
same guy
so, OP, zoomers hate it, cus they'll never be able to relate to the angst that NIN provokes, they are blinded by a hype-beast culture, and relate anything slightly "fragile" as being weak, or lame. I think they're lame, cus NIN made me check other genres I would have never checked without them, and they just hype "Old Town Road" and "Sicko Mode" all the time.
>talk about production, I can just bring up Skinny Puppy,
jesus fuck, for a moment there I thought you were serious.
Idiotic statement
Zoomers are currently in love with suicide and angst, no matter how fake, all the "hip" pop and rap artists have suicidal/angst gimmicks that mirror early 00s angstcore
NIN is ok, but once you pass up the Fragile, maybe aWitha Teetha, then it goes downhill p fast. And yes Skinny Puppy is def better than NIN (to a point). There's plenty of industrial bands that are better desu such as Foetus and Coil.
>quoted you here
You literally just quoted my whole post, because nowhere in that post there's a quote that can prove what you claim. Yeah, pathetic indeed.
but Trilogy is his third best after TDS and Fragile
Absolutely Based and Saved
You clearly are a zoomer because you couldn't understand what the other guy was talking about. I feel sorry for you.
a lot of newer acts i've been seeing actually seem pretty nin influenced desu so this just isnt true
>foetus grouped with those bands
NIN is fine, older stuff barring some jams on Pretty Hate Machine is definitely hard to get into if you don't want to listen to some dude saying a bunch of teenage angst type stuff. Their last few albums were not bad, and The Fragile has some great songs on it.
They are a pop/rock band with industrial influences. They would not exist if not for Skinny Puppy, Foetus, Neubauten etc. But for what they are, they are much better than say, Gravity Kills or Stabbing Westward.
Their appearance on Twin Peaks was pure kino, very potent. Definitely made up for the MTV-pandering Lost Highway soundtrack, which has some sincerely cringe moments mixed in among the decent tracks and Badalamenti.Like it or not, NIN is part of the culture of American music and served as a gateway to more underground stuff for at least a generation of black fingernail types.
Old Town Road is built off of a NIN sample and Black Mirror just essentially built an entire episode around one of their songs. They’ve stayed surprisingly relevant for a 30 year old alternative band.
Don’t forget the Captain Marvel cross promotion.
Doesn't seem that illogical
You do know that those lines are supposed to be from the edgelord protagonist right?
trent reznor is a millionaire rockstar who prob gets passive pussy. also he's american and makes industrial music which is kinda rare
Those lines are, too. Another great album with super cringe compilation lyrics
>implying Kenny G wasn't the songbird of a generation
cringe I bet you only listen to "REAL" jazz
Because it's trash.
I like the album but get embarrassed by the lyrics as well. I usually felt in the minority on that issue though.
Just remember, it's written from the perspective of a I'm so sad teenager. But also remember that he sings about having sex to pass the time so yeah I take it back, people here can't relate to that
>Old Town Road
Funny because Lil Nas X sampled NIN on this track.
ministry is fucking garbage m8, and Al should be brought back behind the barn and shot
Reminder the only haters of NIN are shitskins, chinks and soulless social media addicted zoomers.
Imagine thinking the most successful alt musician ever is bad because you don’t have the heart to empathize with the deeper meanings of his songs.
Hahaha yeah he just stays relevant for 20+ years in music, film, fashion and various other endeavors because he sucks. I’m not even sure how hard you have drive your shitty beats to give yourself this level of retardation.
Sadly zoomers have no context because PHM was released in 89 and to them NIN somehow comes across like Van Halen or worse. Also Trent is an American music icon in a league of his own, with the closest contemporary being Quincy Jones.
aWiTHa TeEtHa
Seriously what did Trent mean by this?
Yeah but all of that happened because Columbia (Sony) didn’t want Trent to bring it to court. You think it’s just a coincidence that billy Ray Cyrus’s daughter is covering songs by the same artist that her dad would otherwise be named in a copyright lawsuit. And look who owns the rights to Thor’s image.
Columbia is just flexing for Trent as an apology.
woah cool you found my middle school playlist
Imagine believing this.
Trent didn’t release all those stems on accident.
Nine Inch Nails is the best thing to come out of the entire industrial genre and if you're not into industrial they cover all sorts of other genres.
Also they're arguably the best live band on the planet and all their material is a totally different animal when performed with a full band.
But Year Zero is his best
I think he meant to mock drogs with that voice
REAL METAL FANS hate it because it isn't death, thrash, black, or doom, the only genres /metal/ likes
REAL INDUSTRIAL FANS hate it because it isn't entirely made of tape loops and deadpan vocal samples
Metal tourists are always 100x more smug than any actual metal fan. Go chew on broken glass.
let's unpack this
tf is a zoomer?
Lurk more.
Any /meal/ approved band outside the aforementioned genres is a safe pick that's either heavily influenced by or personally connected to bands inside them. I implore you to prove me wrong.
the zoomers I know don't have any idea who NIN is desu
but if we are talking about Yea Forums, they dislike it because this board is filled with contrarians. I don't feel sorry for them tho, it's their choice.
Year Zero has JAMS, man!
A shitty nu4chan meme.
I would if I could make any sense of that gibberish you just wrote.
It's also just as aggressive as his early work, nin at its best easily
>Imagine thinking the most successful alt musician ever is bad
>deeper meanings of his songs
>yeah he just stays relevant for 20+ years in music, film, fashion and various other endeavors because he sucks
>I’m not even sure how hard you have drive your shitty beats to give yourself this level of retardation
>I’m not even sure how hard you have drive your shitty beats to give yourself this level of retardation
>this level of retardation