It's the greatest album baka!

it's the greatest album baka!

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I know this isn't Yea Forums but I just watched this show for the first time and wow I hate this character so much she is such an insufferable bitch all the way to the end, and the thing is I get her whole deal like she's flawed in the same way Shinji is and her insecurities constantly make her overcompensate and her bitchv attitude is a result of that but I do not care. Maybe it's because I've always hated this kind of person, but I'd rather someone wear their insecurities on their sleeve than badly, pathetically, annoyingly, and reckless try to overcompensate for them and "hide" them

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just discovered Evangelion huh

As a follow up I know tons of chicks who've cosplayedcosplayed as Asuka and this changes my view of them, as if cosplaying wasnt already cringe enough now I know they're dressing up as this insufferable cunt

she's hot tho

Watch Bebop instead.
Better females.

can someone post the list which carefully explains how Asuka shit is and how better the other girl is?

listen to loveless fags

Tried watching this after it got added to Netflix and it tanks so incredibly fucking hard in the last few episode. So slow-paced and pseud. Serial Experiments Lain >


why are we talking about the best girl when we could be talking about the best album

She improves a lot after her breakdown

Though Misato > all still

Asuka is shit but if you wanna bang Rei you're actually sick. She might as well be lobotomised.

She's 14 you fucking pedo

Legal in Japan

Hear, hear.

Kill yourself.

Sure is summer

Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed.

Misato > Rei > Asuka

Shinji > Misato > Asuka > Rei

i hate netflix

Post-breakdown Asuka is better user

Kaoru > everyone

you're not supposed to like the characters
they're literally Freudian caricatures

>he watched it on goyflix
>he didn't watch EoE

Holy shit I hate Eva and I hate Asuka and thanks to Netflix I hate them more. Your post is making me hate them even more.

>watching anime dubbed

EoE supplements the last few episodes
Eva by itself is a good series, Eva + EoE is on par with / surpasses SEL in my opinion

yeah but you can't debate with waifufags

It’s subbed on Netflix, not sure what the fuck you’re talking about.

>paying for netflix
cringe and bluepilled

Intending on watching EoE, but the ending of the series was extraordinarily bad.

EoE just redoes the last 2 episodes. The series has 2 endings.

I see. Any idea why the last two episodes are so terrible and they felt the need to make another ending?

EoE is kino. I strongly recommend watching it, even if you didn't liked the TV ending

they got death threats mailed to them for dropping the entire plot they were building up in the last 24 episodes and making the last two episodes >reads Nietzsche once tier

I don't think they're that bad, but it's because the animation budget ran out on episode 16 or close to that and the animators were all stressed out for the rest of the time making the show and couldn't have the big vast ending of EoE
Hence why EoE was made