Why the fuck is Yea Forums so dead now? The catalog is now on par with /o/, /ck/ or any of the slower moving boards. It is now a regular occurence to see a 2 day old thread in the catalog. What's going on?

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Music is a dead and soulless industry. Move on.

boards been ded for a while now, it gets spikes but ya RIP Yea Forums

i would rather have slow with quality posts than fast with trolling and shitty memes
but, Yea Forums is slow with trolling and shitty memes. smdh

People grow up and stop arguing about music on the internet

Because its been a shit year for music.

It's been two shit decades for music

>kpop general
>kpop general
>kpop general
>kpop general
>pitchfork wrong
>morrissey good
>kpop general
Who could possibly want to leave with such varied and interesting threads.

I've been coming here for like six years and at this point I don't think I could handle life without 4channel

Plus, this board has become overrun with SJWs and summerfags and the oldfags are leaving one by one
I remember a time when this board actually discussed interesting underground music instead of your flavor-of-the-day popshit/rapshit.

R.I.P. Yea Forums, it's been quite a ride
Hiro can delete it now

it's quite impressive how this board manages to be both slow and full of bait/spam posts

Yeah I swear Yea Forums used to be no slower than Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Did everyone migrate to RYM or Reddit or something

It's all over for music, there's nothing further to discuss.

2019.. i am forgotten

That's basically what it looks like to me. Was hanging out on other boards for years, never really noticed /mu but decided to give it a try, and the content is just shit. There's no mystery why no one stays here: the people with anything to say are a huge minority compared to memeposters making retard clone threads and running jokes into the ground at a level reddit would be embarrassed by.

i maybe get one decent music conversation a week. good non-music conversations every now and again. only two new bands recommends since january

>digg was sabotaged by corporate america
>its users migrated to reddit
>Yea Forumstards caught wind and brought over their pop culture & memes
>reddit became a cultural phenomenon
>niche subreddits started to sprout (listentothis, hiphopheads, musicmakers, etc)
>people left
>while all this was happening, politicized hate groups integrated and appropriated the leftover troll culture
>troll culture became a cultural phenomenon
>said troll culture /pol/iced the board with bait and shitposts that pushed back quality discussion

all of the interesting posters who sparked discussion left
you can see it more obviously in the tripfag exodus but along with them went an assload of anonymous posters who were propping up the board
without any tripfags worth attacking and anons worth talking to it just became a weird mishmash of r/music and Yea Forums

Yea Forums as a whole is dying because of twitter

Yea Forums usenet newsgroup when.

The Board is shit.

Hip hop and waifu assholes killed this board, spamming threads like idiots instead of containing their shit. That's when the board started lacking creativity and everyone went away, after like a year of that shit.

Also this board is dead as a music board but very alive as worksafe Yea Forums

Truly a fate worse than death.

Don't forget about all of the "rate my shitty music/shitty taste in music" threads.

really has sucked recently. Where else do people go for music suggestions? pitchfork and bandcamp daily suck ass, every band has to have a trans person for them to talk about them

>balaming the kpg this much
You know damn well that they always use one thread and it's always been like that.
This is on the money

Billie Ellish killed the board

I unironically think Yea Forums started going to shit when the userbase's main genre of interest went from pretentious indie to mainstream hip hop and Top 40. It doesn't matter if you think artists like Kanye or whoever the nu-pitchfork poptimist flavor of the month is have artistic value, it's no question how that music will bring in underage, low IQ posters and their shit, repetitive, board killing memes. People finally giving up on posting is just the years long culmination of music with something to discuss being replaced by music that's only good for low effort memes and thread templates.

beatles posters ruined this board

you may actually be right
every flash in the pan pop star has had their viral marketers on Yea Forums, but billie spammers are something else. it's been almost a year and these guys just won't fucking leave.

I really believe this, actually. When people stopped adoring anco and started adoring top charting artists and kanye that's when creative posts stopped too. It felt like people stopped liking the artists music and started liking the artists life and gossip.

Yeah, kpop is unredeemable garbage, but its posters keep to their containment zone and there's so many threads because their fans are actually posting that much. It wouldn't be so noticeable if the rest of the board wasn't so dead / memetrash, so it's definitely a symptom rather than the disease.

You've provided us with the outcomes, not the reasons

every so often i try to start audio gear threads but everyone is a zoomer now with an iphone and apple earbuds so the threads die in 30 minutes


LOL if you think this board is slow. Other boards I visit will have posts from at least a week ago still on page 2.

yeah just go to /g/ for that

>see questions in production general
>spend a lot of time writing paragraphs upon paragraphs of advice
>not a single thank you or even a response
I have literally reposted some of my old thoughts here on another forum and received a lot of feedback and interesting ideas in turn. I'm not really motivated to help guys here anymore desu. The worst is getting antagonized by teenagers who think everything I say is bullshit because its the opposite of what some youtuber says.