Sufjan Stevens: Is He a Homo?

Attached: Sufjan Stevens.jpg (1420x946, 111K)

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A resounding yes

Pretty sure yes.

He did a song for a homo movie. No straight man would do that.

That movie is a more fucked than you think gay movie. It's about some 30 year old medicine school man fucking a 17 year old boy over the summer that's the son of the Doctor he's interning for. It's basically a gay mans fantasy with twinks and underage boys.

It's a great movie.

No. He's a pure god-fearing man.
True but it's a great movie and Visions Of Gideon is still the best song of the decade.

He's bisexual, and y'all can determine if that does or does not make him a homo.

Wasnt the predatory wasp about kissing boys or something?

why? are you cruising?

No straight man can be such a fabulous dancer

Thought he was a christian

No (yes)

But he can't be homo if he's a hardcore Chr*stian!

As someone who hasn't seen call me by your name i absolutely love the concept of people who haven't seen call me by your name explaining the plot to other people who haven't seen call me by your name

I'm glad Yea Forums is covering the important issues

Serious question: where the fuck are you supposed to go to discuss music nowadays if you're older than 15? With a rotating catalog of such gripping threads as "Niggers: can they make real music" and "Are Billy Eyelash's tits real" I'm beginning to feel like there must be somewhere better

There isn't anywhere sorry pal

mu has always been 90 percent garbage
it just takes you getting older to realize that

He’s like 24 not 30
Also both actors were above 18
Also pretty sure 17 y/o is A-OK in Italy

Not mutually exclusive

Old music forums populated by nerds/engineers/producers in their 30s-50s. Sonic Youth, Steve Hoffman ect.

>not being bi
Straight and gay people both confuse me. "Picking a side" feels to me like deciding to only date people with a certain hair color.

do you actually like both manly men and feminine women or are into women and traps?

He's gay for jesus.

You can definitely be a Christian who struggles with same-sex attraction, but if you are a Christian who engages in homosexual behavior without acknowledging it as sin and/or even worse encourages others to also engage in such behavior then you really need to re-evaluate your Christian faith.

I tend to like women who carry themselves in a somewhat masculine way (for reference, most of my childhood celebrity crushes came out as lesbians later), followed by more feminine women, and then feminine dudes, and then masculine dudes, but I would still bang both the Rock and Scarlett Johanssen if that's what you're asking.


The Christian churches are not supposed to be like that. Yes, you must be in a constant struggle to follow God’s every law and remain in grace, but it is known that nobody is perfect and that people will sin. It is not a place exclusive for saints, it is a hospital for sick people. We all sin all the time. Some more than others. I am sure you wouldn’t argue that someone who cheats on his wife or that has sex outside of marriage cannot be a Christian. It is just when it comes to homosexuality that people get so fanatic and defensive, as if the were gatekeepers of the church. Why? Because people’s concern for homosexuality is 80% that they find it personally offensive and maybe like 20% concern for God’s law. People use religion to justify their intolerance.
Jesus didn’t say anything regarding teh ghei as far as I know

any text, any practice is open to interpretation. personal relationship with faith is all that matters

i fell like even if i was bi i'd still perfer men. i get along better in general with straight guys than i even do other gay's and men seem like they'd be willing to be more sexually open


seriously there was like a 20page thread on which version of Odessey and Oracle is the "best". Some people there are boomer cringe some actually know their shit

i just read about this this morning

Maybe. I don't think people who are truly "50/50" are especially common anyway.

Then again, like I said earlier I my "type" (pic related) consists of like 75% lesbians, but that's life.

Attached: original.gif (320x320, 911K)

extremely heterosexual

Attached: sufjan-stevens-carrie-and-lowell.jpg (970x545, 81K)

extremely hot

True. Would be a different reaction to the film if it was a young girl and an older male

Yes, sex with the same sex is sinful.

I’m not talking about Christians who hold same-sex attraction and sinfully engage in homosexual behavior yet confess and repent for such sin. I’m referring to (same-sex attracted) Christians who do not even consider homosexual behavior as sinful (and therefore unapologetically engage in it). This is becoming a serious problem as more Christian churches (specifically in the West) embrace social progressivism and stop condemning homosexual behavior as sinful. This is heretical. If a “Christian” supports heresy, then he definitely needs to re-evaluate his Christian faith.

In regard to Christianity, there is Church tradition and the divinely inspired writings of the early Church fathers. This supersedes personal interpretation of the Bible. Sure, everyone is free to personally interpret text, but in regard to the Bible, these personal interpretations are more often than not wrong, which is my main gripe with Protestant Christianity.

Being gay is a sin and you go to hell because of it.
>muh interpretation
It literally says you will go to hell if you like to stick cock up your ass. There's nothing to debate.

He's not gay, it's just his mannerisms. Faggots like to project their faggotry onto others.

>what is Lolita

What if you're gay but only have intercrural sex

yes, it is, I don't get what OP's question really is. Sufjan is really gay, so what?

yes, and you're probably one too

>then he definitely needs to re-evaluate his Christian faith
fair enough, but none of us can judge or gate-keep the church and Christianity. You can never know if a person is in grace or not and it is none of your business. Even if you know one person does gay acts and you see him attend church, you don't know if he repented and confessed that morning. Not even if you learned next week that he did it again are you in a place to say this person cannot approach the church. That's between him and his conscience. Engaging in gay sex falls within those sins that are part of people's personal lives and don't really harm anyone directly, so I think people shouldn't be concerned with these things just as you wouldn't comment much after seeing a dude in church who you know is fucking his girlfriend and they are not married.
So yeah, I think people can be gay, engage in gay sex and be Christian just as much as other people are Christian and don't get their faith put into trial every time others learn that they have sinned. Are they a good Christian if you go strictly by the law? Of course not, but if you get strict you realize none of us are

Lolita was definitely controversial when it came out and it wasn't as explicit as call me by your name

the age difference in Lolita was much bigger and the girl was way younger than the CMBYN twink