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I think Last.fm is very good as of right now.

tell me about it mate. this is the worst thing to possibly happen to the site

I'm going to be sick

yep, another shitty redesign..
yeah, with moves like this it seems like their whole goal is to slowly, methodically torture the userbase

Now the scrobbles are displayed as 'song name-artist name'. This is fucking unforgivable.

lol wtf type of decisions are these. who could possibly think they are improving anything.

Came to talk about this

>Now the scrobbles are displayed as 'song name-artist name'
the best thing is, they did the exact same shit in the last design change, which made everyone so mad that they had to bring it back to 'artist-song'
here we go again...

it really sucks they're doing this, again, and not even bringing back any old features

yeah I'm hoping they realize that this is a mistake again this time around

but even worse than the "song - artist" format is the horrible look of the artist pages now

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Sonemic please hurry up and lunch

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wtf are they thinking/ trying to do? what is this to appeal to. its clear what features users like and want back. and what sort of design is hideous and doesnt make the site more usable or nice looking

i guess their goal is to make everyone leave the site so it can die peacefully. maybe it's for the best..

They don't want to appeal to its users, they want to appeal to new users in order to not be a dying site. I'm guessing that's the motivation for selling their soul to spotify, and making the whole format of the site suit only the most popular songs of the moment, and be "tablet-friendly"

>its clear what features users like and want back
and this are? I only really miss having a personal radio and being able to listen to my friends' radio and stuff, but I assume that is too expensive to have for a dying site
then there were groups which were kind of fun
what else? being able to write a long and customizable "about me"?

>Song Title - Artist
Fuck, why do they hate their userbase so much?

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>he still believes
oh nonono

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>what else? being able to write a long and customizable "about me
Customizable profiles were fun, but I mostly miss the old layout.

>not be a dying site
How many people did they drive off the site when they nuked it back in 2015? I don't see how making the site look worse while alienating your userbase is a good strategy for growth

what the fuck, the goal was always to get 1 million scrobbles but now im hoping to get 100,000 before this shitty site gets shut down

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Based Fripp not giving that trash site the time of the day

Damn I haven't used my lastfm account since 2017


What did they change? I deleted my account like a year ago

I kinda don't mind it. just put the artist first then song and make the font smaller, but I could fix that by zooming out. oh well, will be on it until the wheels completely fall off

>I'm guessing that's the motivation for selling their soul to spotify


damn is it that big a deal?

i usually just use this for my own personal tracking, but i've just started using this site a month ago

You gotta understand, business executives are fucking retarded.

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It just looks bad. They took a site that was great a couple of years ago and keep making it worse.

can we change usernames yet or is it still "in development"

am i retarded or did they also get rid of the top listeners section of the artist pages

Looks like they did

That section was retarded anyway.

[Song] -by- [Artist] is the correct format.

how long until scrobbling is a Spotify exclusive feature?

lol i could totally see that happening

Based taste there though.

There is no way they aren't intentionally trying to kill the site

I hope this happens asap, fuck this site already, I just want scrobbles.

Why the fuck does anyone use spotify? It's so easy to download unlimited music for free, I don't see any reason to pay for a streaming service

Can someone redpill me on last.fm and why I should give a shit? Never bothered with it.

I was almost gonna sub to them, because this site is very important to me, and the edit scrobble feature they introduced is much needed, but then comes this shit...

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It's pretty convenient for the phone