ITT: songs only incels can understand
ITT: songs only incels can understand
i'll never understand why articles like this are written by women
Does it matter? Any article about some kind of internet related group or topic is gonna be off-base 99/100 times anyway
Not an incel but these are some good songs
Incels and roasties have a symbiotic relationship where incel ugliness validates roastie degeneracy in the sense that roasties tell themselves that the only people who disapprove of their “lifestyle” are ugly pathetic losers who are just envious that they “are living their best life.” The incel is the scapegoat for all the roastie’s fears and insecurities because they would much rather believe that any negative comment about having casual sexual with random men is written by an incel boogeyman. So roasties have a vested interest in promoting the incel phenomenon because it makes them seem like victims and that’s why they write these articles.
In a similar way, incels use roasties as validation for their own failures since they equate all women with roasties. The incel narrative is that if only women weren’t such whores then they would all have a cute virgin wife and be happy. As roasties behave more and more shamelessly it bolsters the incel narrative that they were right about women all along. Thus both the roastie and the incel are important to each other for rationalizing their worldviews.
Dude's fucking weird-looking lol
I'll never really get the narrative on here that it's bad for women to have some casual sex, but it's cool when guys do it and makes them a "Chad." I agree that it's gross to just have sex with a bunch of random people you don't care about to validate yourself and make you feel better, but it's gross for men and women to do that, not just women
Of course they made the Chad black.
Medicine Bottle is about the dealings of a failed relationship. How'd an incel relate?
>'ll never really get the narrative on here that it's bad for women to have some casual sex, but it's cool when guys do it and makes them a "Chad."
its not just here but all guys agree with that. its partly men to blame tho
a girl can walk down the street and get sex anytime.
ahh i see
just add it to the list of things you dont understand
can anyone translate retardese?
I agree and would say that many incels resent Chad’s promiscuity. It’s only relatively recently that Chad has become an aspirational figure, the original r9k incels hated both Chad and Stacy but after the PUA crowd started using chan slang Chad became a role model. I think it’s fair to characterize both r9k and PUA types as incels but their motivations are very different.
I listen to 3 of them.
t. (((roastie)))
stay mad incel
there is an infinite number of things you'll never understand. just accept it
living life on easy mode
he's literally just a white person with a tan.
take your pills
post slit whore
That "narrative" is determined by women themselves. They find experienced men attractive, while men prefer inexperienced women
Are you fucking blind?
his skin is not the whitest or palest i've ever seen but i think he counts as "white"
that's not a chad, that's a MUTT
I-if you're not 100% Scottish or candinavian you're a nonwhite.
fine. then white people aren't responsible for most European history
Get help, schizo.
everyone in this thread needs to get off the internet
>i think he counts as “white”
Please don’t be serious.
starting a thread with "incel" in it should get you two bullets to the back of the head. 4channel would increase in quality immensely
Now this magazine cover can't be real, right?
Subdivisions by Rush.
Tim Heidecker - I Am a Cuck
Woke as fuck damn
this album
Calling someone a Chad isn't necessarily a bad thing, and I use it in a positive, term of endearment. The thing about incels that I don't get is they always want to be "Chad", and not knowing that being one is someone who's born with certain traits, when it comes to looks and social skills. They're pressuring themselves into something their not and it will bite them on the ass.
The incel is the male form of the roastie.
do you ever rest senpai? You've been here sin the /daily/'s chart making, even further back.
Some things born on the internet should stay on the internet. Jesus fucking christ.
social skills are learned, you aren't born with them.
Yin and yang of faggotry basically
w... what? Do you have a brain my guy?
opposing sides continue to feed from one another. Every reaction has a reaction...
>tfw everybody in your age demographic is a contentious anal-retentive faggot
>tfw boomers are retarded as fuck and unbearable
>tfw zoomers are the least-worst relatively speaking but still complete idiots and doomed to live in Intersectional Anarcho-SocDem Waterworld
>can't express this to anybody without coming off as "yikes cringe omegaxd"
work on your vocabulary
>"oh my god nobody likes me i'm a slut"
>"oh my god nobody likes me i'm a virgin"
>"why can't i fit in"
>"oh my god i'm so pathetic i'm cringing yikes yikes yikes"
>"this is society's fault"
there's no problem with any specific age group. It's just that normies will be normies
no peoples only personality traits are arbitrary generational stereotypes
Huge incel anthem
>a girl can walk down the street and get sex anytime.
hence the term "easy"
What's the cause behind the specific brain damage incels have? Like, what made them like this?
And why is this cover even a thing? Why is this acceptable? CHAD IS JUST A FUCKING NAME! IT HAS NO OTHER MEANING!
Whenever the worst internet trash reaches the normies I feel so bad.
It's true but what straight men fail to realize is that it's a sea of disgusting and dirty guys with poor hygene and pee fetishes. Homos and women will understand
media beauty standards are damaging towards men as well as they are to women
you hear a lot about how the media tries to shame women into unrealistic body images and it's fucked up, but they do the same with 6 pack chiseled jaw men and it probably fucks up a lot of people's psychology in a similar way
Why did I just skim that article? I'm not even an incel, anymore, but fuck it's bringing me back to that familiar headspace I was in. Genetics really are a mf sometimes.
Isn't this a huge thing in Korea where people get massive plastic surgery to look like kpop stars?