Do you own a Walkman, Yea Forums?
I did as a kid in the 90's. Can't see any reason to own one nowadays though.
I do
Cassettes - on the go
holy fucking shit I just realized that the Gameboy is named after the Walkman
And why listen to cassettes?
Pic related is my daily music player.
nobody who isnt a useless hipster faggot would still have one. mp3 players have made them completely obsolete.
You get comfy tape hiss.
own that exact one
>on the go GAMING
>We'll call it Gameman
>naw, it's too close to Walkman
>Okay how about Gameboy
cause it's like a machine with moving parts and everything, it's cool
I saved one of these, minus the ugly sticker, from being junked at my old job - I don't have many tapes so I don't really use it but I like having it around anyway
Why do people drive really old cars?
Yes, I also have a DiscMan
>2000s design
get the fuck outta here
2000 was almost 20 years ago, user
three cause two stopped working, I keep hunting flea markets and yard sales to play my vaporwave collection on them
and its design trends are shit forever
I’m 30 and I am still too old to have ever had a Walkman. I had this nice silver Discman though.
fuck off I'm 26 and if I can find one so can you
It least it's not Fisher Price Windows XP.
might as well be
I think what he meant was that he started off with a Discman and not with a Walkman.
Yeah but why the fuck would I want one you hipster twat? I’m saying they were obsolete before I even had hair on my balls.
That's cool, did you use it often? I've always wanted a minidisc player, it seemed like an interesting system
I used it all the time, every night when I was doing homework and whenever I went on holiday. I didn’t start listening to CDs burnt on the computer until I was about 13 and didn’t start pirating until I was 15 and Kazaa was popular.
How do you burn audio to a cd in a format that car CD players / stereos and stuff will play it? I tried it in the past but my computer just burns it like computer data
because it's cool, you tasteless fuck
You have to convert it to the redbook cd standard. Most disc burning programs will automatically do this.
You're shit forever
26 here too. Weirdly, I got a discman first as a gift when I was 9, used it up until 12. After that I had this cassette player till 15. Good times
Google ‘how to burn Audio CD’, you can probably do it through Windows media player still but there will be better applications for free.
Yeah it was very cool for the time and it’s an iconic design but the fact remains audio cassettes sound like shit compared to audio CD, MP3 above 128kbps or Spotify, can’t select tracks and wear out quickly.
I used to as a youngster, I mean I'm in my 30's now. my first ever cassette was gangsta's paradise by coolio. thought that song was scary back then and I had to have the album lol
because they're useless hipster faggots
I used to use InfraRecorder.
Uh wav format... unless your car supports mp3s
>thought that song was scary back then
Lol so did I, the nostalgia user.
>open itunes
>drag songs into new playlist
>insert CD into disc drive
>click "burn playlist to disc"
>using itunes
No but I own a Blackman
didn't work, player said "Disc error"
this was my jam back in the late 90s. RIP Aiwa
KInd of reminds me of the SDAT shinji has.
>tfw no evangelion walkman
I had pic related in junior high. I liked it because I didn't have to carry around a huge disc player and it could go anywhere on my backpack. A few rich kids had classic iPods.
I own a CD Walkman, a cassette player (generic brand), a hi-fi CD player and two turntables (one hooked up to my hi-fi, one with better capability for ripping vinyl tracks to my computer)
saved and bought over the course of more than 10 years though, I'm not well-off or anything
I did in 85
This was the model i had. Paid quite abit for it.
I got this one and it's comfy af
these are expensive as fuck, right
i wasn't born in the dark ages, op
i do but its cheap garbage and wont play my tapes properly
Oh shite I had one of those
bob cut taylor is sexy af
I did as a kid and it sucked ass. Batteries didn't last long and as they drained, the player's engine lost potency, so it played the music slower, which sometimes was cool, but it was mostly annoying. Discmans were kind of annoying for other reasons like the fragility of cds and the sensibility of the player. The true convenient way of portable music came with mp3 players and ipods.
Where can you cop an authentic walkman these days? I still listen to tapes on one of these
Well, of course I do. The first portable music player I ever owned. Still working fine to this day. In need of replacement belt at the moment, though.
Holy fck you're right.
Where do you even find cassettes these days
Honestly it'd be worth to get just for the radio, at the model you posted
cassettes are kind of mainstream right now, I've seen countless top 40 artists release cassettes in the past year or so. They're easy to produce and people buy them.
Peak 90s yellow phase
I had no idea, I thought it was just vinyls that had come back
Does that mean they're making new cassette players as well?
I haven't heard of any new walkmans but it would be a genius money move if some company decides to produce and market new cassette players to zoomers.
I just did the permissions workaround to get my old minidisc players connected to my computer . . . used for recording . . .
You can still buy generic tape players at Walmart
Walmart gang