Rank Scaruffi-core
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listen to foetus please
Someday, why should i specifically tho? is it like the god tiers?
imagine industrial disney villain songs with mario 64 sounds spliced in. listen to this youtube.com
sounds fucking based im putting it on right now
Theo man, you look like you have down syndrome.
Damn bruh you really wanted that fantano exposure huh?
Based and söypilled
Deep, deep
Apparently our söytastic fantano fan here hates that one Gorillaz album with a burning passion. Very interesting.
Also he loves Kanye just like every good söyboy should.
Remember, if you ever need to ask, “who is killing Yea Forums?”, look no further than people like our friend Theo Baum.
semi based for the most part
not bassed, surfers are higher
i see youre new, good luck out there amigo
why itcotck in bottom?
check out Gash as well if you like it
holy shit you fucking raped this guy
the singer is annoying, other than the first track none of the songs really appealed to me, they never really got to the point and it just came off as taking itsself wayy to seriously and had buildups that never went anywhere.
I really did get raped huh
i don't reckon a lot of his favs
>“I really did get raped huh”
We get it Theo daddy fantano wouldn't pay attention to you now stop screencapping your own tweets and posting them here
you got pleb filtered by syd lole
I wonder if those 3 followers are from the “Baum Family” on his bandcamp credits.
This album cover looks like it was made by Google Deep Dream. Everyone involved in the artwork credits must be embarrassed as fuck at this.
y is this dude sperging out?
This one as well. I wonder if Theo realizes how terrible his album covers are and that it’s probably a major contributing factor to his whopping 0 plays a month on Spotify.
Theo’s list of achievements are endless. Musician, >composer, Fantano stan, Kanye devotee and now a failed redditor as well.
Theo is also a political savant. He is a le epic centrist, as every enlightened individual should be.
You hear that? How dare you attack the Fantano fan’s pet iguana? You best back the fuck down buddy. No hurting feelings, nuh uh, not on my watch.
Theo is also a connoisseur in capeshit. Bring him the goddamn söylent bottle and leave it.
dae le depressed and le like radiohead, also le like zelda? le nihilism is le cool, why am i depressed when i have no marketable skills and will probably spend the rest of my life being a failed musician who works as a cashier at the gap?
#woke, we stan
“Yes I like the plop plop toilet sounds album, no it’s totally not because it was shilled to hell and back by Yea Forums, RYM and Spotify. My taste is original and totally not a caricature of this board circa 2012.”
Theo is also has fine taste in vinyl records. He only collects the most stereotypical of canon rock albums. And he thanks his dad too! Remember to show respect to your papa on facebook!
Always annoying when a decent thread is ruined by a single autist.
Like father, like son. Both have only the finest tastes in music. This retarded kid is definitely not a fuckup in life because his dad is just as much of a loser as he is.
Should one assume you wouldn’t be embarrassed about any part of your 16 year old self?
no one gives a fuck
You get no (you)s from me, retard. Make your own thread if you wanna talk about a literal literal who
You guys get (you)s
Back to our fellow Yea Forumstant Theo, our dear OP. Huge fan of cosplay. Loves to cosplay as Zappa to show off his awesome hipster cred. Has he heard any of Frank’s albums beyond Hot Rats and Freak Out? Probably not, but gotta get that them social points amirite?
That’s right Peggy, Theo is incredibly talented. His prospects as a future transsexual are incredible. Sky’s the limit for him.
You know what makes Robert a proud father? Not having a successful son who landed himself a well paying job, or got into an Ivy League university. Or a son who started up a successful business. No, it’s a son who knows how to take basic science and shove hamfisted politics up its ass. Can we get a round of applause for the Baum family? Truly they have their priorities fuckin’ straight.
Yes Robert, I agree. Söy indeed. You sure do love that sweet sweet söylent.
Robert showing us what his wife looks like while she’s taking nigger dick in the shitter.
I'll never understand why people like Sonic Youth so much.
Hey Theo, if you’re reading this, and you are because you just set your Facebook privacy settings, a word of advice. Your music sucks. Quit it and get a real job. You still have time, because you’re very likely underage as you look like you were 13 years old 4 years ago. Stop following your retard failed writer of a dad’s footsteps and actually make something out of yourself. Ok? Cool. Thanks for playing. And delete your shit thread while you’re at it, no one cares about the retarded italian pedo.
you're incredibly cringey, dude
I swear, every time I find a nice cozy thread to post in, some sperg barges in and starts caking the walls with his personal shit.
This isn't a blog to screech about some guy's Facebook page triggering you. Fuck off.
Don't really have an opinion on the others/haven't heard.
Why did you put 8/10 albums? Should be 8.5+ only desu
thank you for making this, or to whoever made it
It's his top 100.
no somebody made it for him and just selected random 8s to fill the chart
What do you like so much about Phish, if you don't mind me asking?
Not sure why that is but scaruffi has it on his website and it is the easiest to go off of probably
Don't think I will ever understand the appeal of Captain Beefheart.
Try listening to it again. I know it's a common thing to say about experimental albums, but what makes it interesting is revealed when you hear the patterns throughout. It's an incredibly complex record so much to the point where it sounds random on first listen, but when you get used to it, it just might be one of the most melodic and liberating records out there. If you just don't care for its sound i completely get that, but i personally find it fascinating how rock was taken to its near limits so early in the development of artform
Alright, guess i'll give it another go.
i've personally come to appreciate more after listening to some blues/rock like Charley Patton and Canned Heat. It's not a lifechanging masterpiece still but i can dig it more and the experimentation sounds quite structured; before i thought it was just random noodling
oops missed rock bottom, put that in B
You should listen to most of these desu, not a scaruffidrone (I think he's fucking retarded in various ways) but his top 100 has really great stuff.
Try listening to Soft Machine's Third and Frank Zappa's Freak Out.
Everything C and above is at least good, anything not on here I haven't heard
yeah I should. Ever since what.cd got taken down I had multiple years of barely listening to new shit, but I recently bit the bullet and got spotify
>my favorite album 9.5
>your favorite album 0
Now that's right
>my favorite album 9.5
>your favorite album 2
Now that's even more right
Nah he's given 1 10/10 before, but he doesn't list it.
>mercury rev that low
I need to listen to more of his top albums
the most Yea Forumscore albums on his list are also coincidentally the best
pretty based list honestly
>Pop Group in mid tier
I havent listened to Y in a long time so I can only remember the first track, maybe they're better than what I remember, what about the rest of the list though?
pretty good placements. I still need to check out Foetus
Here's the ones I've heard
Fugazi Repeater (D)
Spiderland (C)
Opinion discarded
I guess I need to listen to more scarufficore
scaruffi has some good choices so i'll probs give more of these a listen
>rank scaruffi-core
no, scaruffi is a pedo
1) how is a he a pedo?
2) so what? we're talking about the albums, not him
scaruffi has shit taste
guess my rym handle
>no, scaruffi is a pedo
>implying that's a bad thing
unbased quads
Desert shore is great
>ITCOTCK that low
>calls someone a pleb
>hasn't listened to half of scaruffi's chart