

Attached: tes.jpg (355x352, 23K)

His best


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It came out when I was an edgy 15 year old so I liked it then and now I look at Eminem as a faggot try hard irrelevant edge lord. He’s never been a genuine person it’s always been I’m on drugs and hate my mom then it became I’m mad that mumble rap is selling better than me. While I think mumble rap is retarded I’m not ass blasted it’s a thing. It’s what retarded zoomers want. It’s better than listening to his depressing shit. Fuck Eminem.

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[spoiler]Slim Shady EP[/spoiler] > Slim Shady LP > Marshall Mathers LP > The Eminem Show
Never bothered listening to the rest except I had a brief phase back in the day where I liked a few songs off Recovery and I used to like the Bad Meets Evil EP

I like SSLP more but this is equal with MMLP to me.

you need to go back you contrarian

Relapse is great

I had an Eminem phase in middle school up until 1st year of college, that was around a decade ago. Now I look back at what I listened to and cringe into another galaxy. Rap as a genre is fucking childish.

Way tackier than MMLP and SSLP

His best album by far. Every song is good aside from Say Goodbye to Hollywood, even Drips is a fun as fuck song

>release a song so explicit that it can't even be released on the clean version of the album, even censoring every other word isn't acceptable
>have this happen in two consecutive albums

pure kino

>i am not mad but I am actually really mad

>Rap as a genre is fucking childish.
A 28 year old said that. How the fuck are you still a manchild pushing 30?


You'll grow up some day too.

We're the same age, twat.

You still listen to rap, so clearly you're a kid, mentally.

Yeah, that's why you're a whole grown ass manchild. Cause you say shit like this, I am with you. Hug your kids or something, damn.

Rap is cringey though. You gotta admit.

It's cringy to you because you were one cringy ass edgelord teen. So when you hear rap you don't hear the good old days you hear the angsty in your room doing whatever the fuck you were doing back then. That one is all you.

>good old days
Post examples

>post examples of you having a good time back in the day
I don't even understand the question.

If you insist that hip-hop as a genre is childish you are clinically braindead. Just check out the best shit you retard.

I meant artists other than Eminem that you think are good. I don't like the rest of them either. The subject matter and bragging about every single thing is the definition of cringey, childish content

>The subject matter and bragging about every single thing is the definition of cringey, childish content
Right, real men grab the eye-liner and wail about a deal with the devil while wearing reapplying the hair spray and wearing some leather. Your entire attitude is literally a 15 year old trying to act like an adult. Even playing with you is boring me, you're a cliche.
Have a good day, my guy.

why are you being so buttblasted bro? it's okay, everyone doesn't like what you like. you don't have to act all hard and tough because you listen to "real" rap