why do people always fall for these bottom-tier bait threads
Why do people always fall for these bottom-tier bait threads
Yea Forums has the most underage posters
>why do people always fall for these bottom-tier bait threads
All the other threads in the catalog are equally trash, so I post anyway in hopes of riding the thread's coattails and baiting some (you)s for myself.
Nah that would be Yea Forums
I just hide the thread desu
Don't know, just wish more people would just use shift click, but brainlets keep responding. Same goes for the daily /pol/ baits
30 year old who's trying to pry myself away from this site and abandon it here - I think the site is getting in a little bit of a rut because there's suddenly a new wave of younger people here (which is fine), but there are also a lot of assholes and pieces of shit fascist retards drifting in from /pol/ still. So you get fresh kids exploring music, which is actually nice, but their mixing with the racist /pol/ retards who don't know anything about anything, but who are violently insecure and want to feel superior, so they act out badly.
It also seems like most of my peers are long gone - I found Yea Forums in 2009 and got on Yea Forums by 2010, and as of a year or two ago there were a lot of people my age. They must've moved on, because now I'm the oldest person here.
To the young kids, don't worry about the fascist retards. They're such inbred white trash that you should want them to hate you.
>mots have deleted my "death grips are onions thread" because mu are death grips cock sucker
>lmao, pathetic
based thread hider
>5 replies
>2 replies
>7 replies
>5 replies
Maybe visit a board that actually has people on it, you’d realize how silly you sound right now
To the young kids, not all of us are like this faggot I'm replying to. Normally these types of people stay on reddit but they like to poke their head out and post here every once in a while.
I'm sure we all see other people's posts all through the day, but I see you posting stuff that isn't useful for you. You think that posting shitty ideas that will never make it to the front page is more important than posting shit that people want you to go down, when I can see you posting shit that actually benefits the community in your personal interests. And if that's your thing, don't you see your "honey, you're doing what needs to be done" as a bunch of shit?
V has the more underage nerd demographic
Mu has the poser art teen demographic
>not all of us are like this faggot
Ya some of you are piece of shit fascist retards, that was his point
because that doesn't stop them anymore, they'll just keep spamming no matter what
You never belonged here in the first place normie faggot.
His point was
>reeeeeee 4chins is going downhill
It’s a fucking retarded post that people make in some form or another on literally every board. You can fuck off right with him.
>t. fascist pieces of shit who discovered this site in 2015
you're cancer
Go dilate
Unironically its insecure masculinity. Not even in a dumb feminist way. Its retarded dudes with no confidence who get easily triggered by things they like being associated with le open mouth Wojak.
No u
The Wojakposters will inherited the earth
>a 30 year old of 4channel
yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me my guy
what's even the appeal of Yea Forums for any teenager in 2019 honestly
the_donald alternative
ebin maymays and kulture war :DDD
I've been here since 2012, and it has gotten progressively worse since 2014.
i use tik tok
Im a zoomer and came here from reddit (yeah, I know). I liked reddit because I could talk about my interests. The mods there were all faggots and you'd get banned for using le rayciss nazi words and statistics, so I came here. At least I came here before the election.