Well, Yea Forums?

Attached: mb6fUx1.png (865x432, 97K)


Yes, that's why the incels here are so triggered by STRONG INDEPENDENT women. They much prefer them to be docile, or at least give off an image where they can be interpenetrated that way (see pig bush and bjoke)

Attached: 1507.png (1914x833, 841K)

Luckly there aren't many. Women have shit taste in music and every other type of "art".

Attached: large.jpg (474x608, 234K)

the duality of Yea Forums

Id estimate its a 60/40 male to female ratio. There are very obviously threads which cater to male and female music but I think the boys just barely edge out the girls

how do i upvote yr post? (im girl btw)

What the fuck is this tard even yapping about


I shave thoroughly and my shirts are fashionable
Indie rock and post rock are boring
Funk and noise rock are better
Given the amount of threads I’ve seen lately about muse or MCR I suspect there are quite a few girls on here, there’s no other explanation for those threads that isn’t completely embarrassing
Not true
I know as many women as men with good taste
That number is low but it’s low for both

Attached: 98E664A2-A673-47D2-B1D1-ECD021B32741.jpg (418x444, 67K)

you can tell a girl poster here by a heavy use of exclamation points and unironic twitter humor

No those are just fags

Source on that pic?

Artist is donaught
There’s a follow up post-fuck pic too
Warning though one of the ‘women’ has a dong

They'll also make sure to tell you "as a female" within the first sentence since that's the only way anyone will respond to their shit taste.

Well, thanks for the artist at least, mate

Attached: 1560525209357.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

He has plenty of non-futa stuff
I just like that one because I find it easy to project onto the boy in the pic because he looks a bit like me

as a male, i agree

Absolutely no one is shocked to discover that books written by female authors or music made by female musicians, necessarily created from a female perspective, attract a principally female audience. The same goes for media created by black creators, etc. etc.

Roll that around in your head, and you'll probably figure out why white, whiney white dudes making music mostly attract white, whiney white dudes to listen to it. I promise you, the answer is not as elusive as you might imagine.

You sound a little obsessed including white twice bro

I'm pretty sure I know more women with Yea Forumscore tastes than I do men, which is kind of funny since I'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't touch this site with a 10 foot pole. Also Mu tastes are bad tastes,