What music do Orthodox Christians listen to? I need to know since I have to become one now (since it's the only rational choice).
What music do Orthodox Christians listen to...
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My dad is Greek Orthodox (I’m Catholic like my mom) and he likes modal jazz and free jazz, he also likes Bob Dylan, the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Steely Dan, and Van Morrison. I don’t know how representative his taste is of the greater Eastern Orthodox community
I’m thinking of becoming Eastern Orthodox myself, what made you decide to take the plunge?
Dmitry Bortniansky I guess.
>what made you decide to take the plunge?
Jay Dyer's theology lectures, specifically his transcendental arguments which prove the existence of a God with no dialectical tension between his simplicity and multiplicity, a view only found in the Orthodox church.
Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus
Josquin de Prez
>I have to become one now
>only rational choice
guess how I know you're american
there are plenty of hymns you can listen to
On a serious note, your thread is completely retarded. Listen to whatever, but consider the message and decide whether or not it's a bad influence
I’ll look into it.
Hey, I actually do have a real suggestion: a Greek Orthodox guy once recommenced I listen to Aphrodite’s Child - 666. It’s a prog rock retelling of the book of Revelation by these Greek musicians. Very good. Kinda Sgt Pepper meets Tommy meets Pink Floyd in a Greek Orthodox Church. I’m not a huge fan of prog rock, but it’s one of my favorite albums ever. Definitely worth checking out
I'm a big fan of Kanye West, Common, and Death Grips.
I just listen mostly to hip-hop, really.
Listen to what your conscience permitsyou to. Everything is permissible but everything can make you or your brother stumble also. If you cannot see Christ through something, should you really spend much mental effort on it? And if something's anti-Christian messages are too much for you to handle, definitely stay away.
Jay Dyer spends too much time reading and too little time praying. He's frankly a meme theologian, if only because he is unable to tame his pride when haivng any kind of debate with someone else (and he is far too willing to bring forth accusations of heresy when bishops are concerned...).
For Youtubers, I recommend Jonathan Pageau (specialized in iconography) and Craig Truglia (specialized in Calvinism). Fr Spyridon and Fr Seraphim Aldea are great. Bible Illustrated isn't deep but it's nice and casual.
Some good blogs:
I forgot to add: the Orthodox punk zine "Death to the World" is great. You can find some of the earlier issues available to read on the old site (check "Links"): desertwisdom.org
The new site has issues available to buy, and otherwise has many articles: deathtotheworld.com
wasn't one of the members of Sleep associated with that?
>Death to the World was started by monks and nuns from the St Herman of Alaska Monastery in Platina, California, as a medium of evangelism to teens involved in the punk subculture by monastics who were ex-punks. A founding member was Justin Marler who, soon after recording Volume One with seminal doom metal band Sleep in 1991, left for seven years of monastic life while Sleep went on to become metal icons.
>Originally, the monastics planned to submit an article about Fr. Seraphim Rose to the magazine Maximum RocknRoll. They later decided to try to place an ad for their monastery, but were only rudely rejected, being told that the magazine "only [ran] ads for music and zines". This inspired them to begin a zine.
>The first issue was printed in the December of ’94 featuring a monk holding a skull on cover. The hand-drawn bold letters across the top read “DEATH TO THE WORLD, The Last True Rebellion” and the back cover held the caption: “they hated me without a cause.” ... The first issue, decorated with ancient icons and lives of martyrs inside, was advertised in Maximum RocknRoll and brought letters from all around the world.
>The 'zine continued to be published and distributed at punks shows and underground hangouts. It was estimated that at one time, there were 50,000 in circulation. The monastics put out 12 issues in all, after which they continued distributing the 'zine but didn't publish new issues.
>Eight years later, the zine was revived by convert members of Saint Barnabas Antiochian Orthodox Church in Costa Mesa, California. New issues are submitted to the St Herman monks for editing and revision, and are released quarterly.
>>>metal icons
I listen to whatever I want because it doesn't cause me to sin
Fucking gross, why are Christians retarded
Whatever they want. Matt Johnson (defrocked but still practicing Orthodox priest) is a great introduction to it because he was a philosophy major before joining so he is very clear on all the theological stuff; and before being a philodophy major he was a thrash guitarist.
Matt Johnson of The The?
Eastern Orthodox is esoteric bullshit, and you'd have to be a LARPing retard to convert to it. It's basically cultural appropriation since if you weren't raised in it, there's no way you could actually buy all the weird superstitious bullshit in it.
>t. Russian/Ukrainian/Belarusian/Lithuanian/Turkish heritage
The new Batushka album
my dad is an eastern orthodox slav and he listens to ac/dc, classic rock hits, and hair metal lmfao
Same name, not the same guy. This one had a radio show where he explains current events, historical episodes, philosophy and theology. Some episodes are on youtube and archive dot org.
They don't. They banned organs in church.
>Jay Dyer's theology lectures
That sounded really interesting so I looked him up, and this is his most recent video... um, was the fuck?
Rachmaninoff for example
Probably mentioning Project Bluebook, not that surprising. .
Never used organs to begin with, but some churches in the US (primarily Greek) are beginning to use them.
There are albums of liturgical chants. The Choir of Beirut released 2 albums, one in Greek and one in Arabic.
See for example the Arabic version of Agni Parthene: youtube.com
Or the Greek version of Psalm 135: youtube.com
>weird superstitious bullshit in it
Such as?
He has a Boomer sense of humor, just stick to these videos:
>It's basically cultural appropriation
The church has no problem with it. More than that, it encourages it
Dyer is an interesting guy in need of an editor. He is not a theological authority. His interests range across pretty much everything.
Ignore the idol-collecting bemedalled Jesuit.
Go fuck that retard Jay Dyer. He is an amateur who has convinced a legion of retards who have difficulty reading anything longer than a blogpost. No one who can’t read Greek, and who gets his idea of Orthodoxy from 19th and 20th century theological polemic (rooted in the detritus of German romanticism) should be listened to by anyone about religion or theology. But hey I suppose he gives overzealous retards the substance with which to enjoy their superiority complex
Papist detected
Thanks for the list and I am checking it out, but the more I see about him the weirder this is. It looks like he's written books about evil supernatural Hollywood conspiracies and shit like that.
No, just someone who can actually read Greek and academically specializes in ancient philosophy and theology
>It looks like he's written books about evil supernatural Hollywood conspiracies and shit like that.
I haven't really delved into that stuff but if it's anything like his other stuff it's probably well-researched at least
>No, just someone who can actually read Greek and academically specializes in ancient philosophy and theology
Then make your own YouTube channel if you can do it better
Matthew Raphael Johnson was a conventional philosophy student (focusing on Michael Oakshotte, basically traditionalism) and an accredited priest, plus he has command of foreign languages and does articles monolingual Dyer could never do, like his lecture on the Serbian zadruga ("clan-estate") as an alternative to predatory banking.
>synthwave music comes on with le epic vaporwave aesthetic background!!1!
>100 minute intro finally ends
>”Hey everyone Jay Dyer here...”
>makes some joke - 98.623% chance the punchline has the word “boomer”
>”Haha, yeah, all right then, let’s get straight into all this. So, today we’re going to be talking about”
>takes in a deep breath
>”Presupposition dialectic esoteric hollywood royal society neo-platonism Arianism revolutionary thought higher criticism epistemology paradigmatic”
>magically pulls out a million books to quote from (all about Fr. Seraphim Rose by the way)
>”so yeah as I was saying absolute divine simplicity occult monad essence-energy distinction nominalism Gnosticism Vatican II absurdity materialism transcendental the Enlightenment presupposition dialectic dialectic presupposition presupposition presuppos-“
>”Oh that’s about it for now. Check out the seven other 800 hour parts on JaysAnalysis.”
This is why he's so based user
>t. Russian/Ukrainian/Belarusian/Lithuanian/Turkish heritage
El goblino...
This is pretty accurate but my personal antifavorite thing Dyer does are his impressions.
Yeah, I enjoy the content he puts out too. :^)
Also, yes, I’d highly recommend this. For anyone who’s unfamiliar with the Transcendental Argument for God, I’d strongly recommend you first listen to the following in order to get a good taste of it. You just need to listen from 56:45 to the 1:05:00 mark:
And for anyone who wants to go further in depth and see the full power of the Transcendental Argument for God, I’d highly recommend the entirety of this:
Not really. The Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, and Lithuanian parts are all Slavic. The Turkish part probably is too since My Turkish ancestors were all white non-Muslims, so they were probably just Slavs that got cucked by the Ottoman Empire.