>thinking In Utero is better than Nevermind
Is there an easier way to spot a tasteless contrarian?
And Endless Nameless is more abrasive and challenging than anything on In Utero before you try to bring up that card. Get some taste idiots.
>thinking In Utero is better than Nevermind
Is there an easier way to spot a tasteless contrarian?
And Endless Nameless is more abrasive and challenging than anything on In Utero before you try to bring up that card. Get some taste idiots.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bleach is better than both
You're weak-minded. You happen to prefer Nevermind, and you're so insecure that anyone disagrees with you that you look for the most degrading explanation for why someone would prefer the other one, so that you can disregard their opinion. It's a self-defense mechanism, and it's pathetic.
I don't have a preference here btw.
The actual contrarian pick is either Bleach or liking Puddle of Mudd
In Utero is literally superior in every way to Nevermind
The only contrarian here is you for posting such a worthless post
Jesus i hate this board so fucking much
>liking Puddle of Mudd
I've never seen anyone do this, ever
b-but nevermind has elements of pop rock, so it's automatically their worst album
right op?
So you're saying that John Frusciante is a tasteless contrarian?
Since you brought him up i'll post this
Nevermind is superior as a pop album. I like In Utero more but this is irrefutable
Everyone always sleeps on incesticide tho
It has some good tracks, sure, but can't really call it an album.
I prefer In Utero and Bleach both because I thought Nirvana benefited from a dirtier production than found on Nevermind, but obviously many would disagree. Oh well.
I'm not huge into Nirvana but In Utero at least has moments that grab me like Scentless Apprentice, Milk It and Radio Friendly Unit Shifter. Nevermind isn't bad but it's so slick and digestible that I forget what I heard as soon as it's over, the very essence of "it's nice while it's on" for me. At least some of In Utero sticks in my mind.
>Nirvana fans praising abrasive and challenging music
Then why listen to Nirvana at all?
You listen to Nirvana for some high energy pop tunes
You want abrasive underground anti-mainstream music? There are billions of artists to choose from that do that, pretending Nirvana does it so you can listen to pop music guilt free is pathetic.
>Then why listen to Nirvana at all?
To see what the big deal is, obviously.
it's irrelevant. Both are GREAT.
the guitar tone on in utero is warmer and more vintage, so is the drum and bass sound, one is produced like a classic rock album and nevermind is overproduced major label stuff despite the material being better
it's literally a matter of taste and you autistically sperging that one is better is more a reflection of how retarded you are
>Asks why listen to Nirvana
>Answers his own question literally in the next sentence
>Continues without realizing
>ranking albums
I like the songs on In Utero more, generally. To me stuff like Heart Shaped Box, Rape Me, Pennyroyal Tea are just more emotive and have more depth and tend to hit me harder. Overall In Utero I find has a bit more flavor and variation. Nevermind is a great album, it's really constant and has great punchy songwriting and yes it has it's great abrasive punky moments like Endless Nameless. I just think that In Utero, yknow knowing where Kurt was at post fame wise at that point compared to when they were trying to break through with Nevermind, it just tells a more compelling story.
>is there an easier way to spot a tasteless contrarian?
In utero is my favorite Nirvana album because of the recording techniques used on that album
As a producer, I appreciate the art of recording.
Getting that live sounding record for an album is actually very complex
Steve albini really let Nirvana just be Nirvana. No fancy production tricks like nevermind, and to me a great album is one with raw energy.
>actually very complex
>taped microphones everywhere in the studio and nearly ruined the mix of the album
what did he mean by this
Now if only we could get the raw unmixed multi tracks, on god I would kill Steve albinis mix.
they're shit because he recorded it like an imbecile, they were barely able to salvage it. kurt's vocal is too low and the bass is almost inaudible
Tasteless contrarians are people that think Nirvana is a trash band. I love both albums but IMO In Utero is better. It's more abrasive, while also being more tender, and more genuine. The production is also top-notch. It's probably my favorite album honestly.
nigga u just like baby penis cope lmao
>It's more abrasive
If you like ABRASIVE albums, you need to check out Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want
except high energy pop tunes are neither abrasive or challenging, you dummy.
whoa there man! You can’t just throw someone into the deep end like that. YWGWYW is easily the most abrasive album of all time and it takes a practiced ear to endure one minute of it
I could never get how people thought In Utero was better either for the longest time until it clicked with me only recently. Now it's the other way around, I can't imagine people actually getting In Utero and still preferring Nevermind.
It just flows so well as an album, has more sophisticated songwriting, more variance, is more emotional, has deeper lyrics, benefits from greater experimentation, doesn't lose replay value via lack of Nevermind's sheer simplicity, and the album feels like an experience and not just ten catchy songs put together, it's like they created their own world with it, and listening to it feels as if you're prying into the twisted yet beautiful mind of Cobain in his last years.
Nevermind is great if you're looking for a catchy surface level pop rock album but In Utero is far superior in every other regard, it's a brilliant work of art in my opinion.
Also, just because Nevermind has one abrasive hidden track doesn't somehow make the whole album more abrasive and challenging than In Utero lol
your hero wouldn’t like u using fag as an insult user
what is he going to do about it?
kill himself?
best song: you know you're right
thread over
The b-sides from In Utero are better than almost anything that made the album. They intentionally made the album weak to lose fans, everybody knows this.
I like abrasive stuff like that but In Utero is for when I want something abrasive but with some melody too. I like albums with nuance.
Because Nirvana takes all the cool shit from heavy and abrasive music and leaves out the intentionally irritating shit.
This. Noise rock/industrial (not industrial rock) is cool for the first two minutes, after that it just gets boring and repetitive. In Utero is early Swans but good.
their best album is the compilation album Incesticide
I had a friend that looked up to Kurt Cobain so much he was so annoying. All his world views sounded like this. I love Kurt's music but he was kind of a retard, honestly