Is it a good idea to do acid while listening to music? I've never done acid, but I´m curious about it.
Is it a good idea to do acid while listening to music? I've never done acid, but I´m curious about it
I feel like If doing weed and listening to music is a good idea, acid should be as well just be sure of what you hand pick because it can and will make or break your journey
Music is amazing whilst dropping acid. Make sure you make a playlist though, you won't be bothered picking songs when you're tripping your balls off.
you'll most likely forget anything you got planned. just try not to look in the mirror.
No one in this thread has done acid. Do whatever you like doing when you’re sober. Listen to some music you’ve never heard before.
>what is psychedelic music
Duuuude don’t look in the mirror haha!!
>No one in this thread has done acid.
It's supposed to be the best music will ever sound to you. Unless you do ecstasy, but anything is the best thing ever on E
Gotta respect the drug though, you'll be tripping for like 12 hours, and there is no escaping it, it's impossible to fall asleep on acid. If you're not in a good space mentally, it might not be wise to do it, but also plenty of people report feeling much better after doing it so just let it take its course
happy trippin user
You don't trip on acid "just" to listen to music. If you try to focus on simple technical details instead of greater emotional and spiritual truths, you will simply open a thought-loop that makes you question how much of your daily time is spent analyzing minutiae instead of dedicating your life to achieving spiritual wisdom and inner peace.
Music should be seen as a guide, and obviously it is best to create your own music while tripping as opposed to listening to others' prerecorded pieces. Will playing music you love and connect to help you achieve the wisdom you seek? Hopefully, but if not, meditate in stillness among the birds.
You should look in the mirror it can actually be pretty cool, usually some of the best moments of the trip for me are staring in the mirror after taking a leak
listen to the buyers market
i inhale gasoline and dirty sock fluids while listening to music
its the best thing to do on acid. go on a walk in nature with nice headphones and your favorite psychedelic album, or something new youve always wanted to listen to. the most beautiful experience
Looking in the mirror is fun. Watching your face distort is creepy but cool.
What do you mean by "good space mentally"? I have some diagnosed mental illnesses, but I don't think that those could affect me.
>I have some diagnosed mental illnesses
Which ones? I'd advise you to stay away from psychedelics.
>doing drugs
>is this a good idea?
>I don't think
Nobody care what you're thinking, if you have a mental illness don't do it. It will fuck you up 100%
Imagine thinking this changes anyones opinion
I mean if you're going through a period of major depression, you definitely wouldn't want those thoughts bouncing around in your head for that long
Surprised you can type, acid boy.
I HAve bipolar and it actually helped temporarily but 100 percent do not do it more than like once or twice a year
I've never done acid though nice assumption
Generalized anxiety and bipolar disorder.
>diagnosed mental illnesses
Oh sure, no problems at all. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Go right ahead and take the brown acid, amigo... it’ll be absolutely a-ok.
>psychotic episode
>takes razor blade and peels himself like an apple
Imagine being this assblasted about someone doing something you don't agree with
What are you? 11 years old?
Fuck off, dickhead.
What does that mean? Is that what your gay boyfriend says when he wants to screw you?
So w8, when you're only comeback is spelling and he spells every word correctly, you can roast him by saying you're surprised he can spell?
What does that mean? Is that a code for "follow me to the gay bar"? No way homo
Yeah you're fine, just don't do more than one tab and this I mean even if you had no mental illnesses this is advice everyone should follow
Just don't do it during any rough stretches and I think you'll be fine
Bad trips are pretty rare, and psychedelics are once again being studied for their healing effects on mental illnesses. In the 60s they did a study with LSD with alcoholics and found that 66% of people who had a guided trip with doctors and such never drank again, opposed to the other group that didn't take LSD and did the usual stuff and only had a 20-33% rate of never drinking again.
What is w8? Is that you and your gay boyfriend's safeword?
Do mushrooms instead. Do you want to walk around feeling like a zombie for a couple days after? Acid will do it
>Generalized anxiety
Could be great or horrible, i had a major panic attack under LSD, it wasn't my first time and i was very familiar with psychedelics.
>bipolar disorder.
This is more concerning... Theres a chance you develop a psychosis. I'd say stay away from psychs. You don't know what you're dealing with, it's far more powerful than you can imagine.
I know that by telling you this i create a temptation response, you know, it's risky and thrilling but i just want to warn you, it could fuck up your life, you're the one taking the bet.
>Bad trips are pretty rare
For a first time yeah, but his set and setting should be well prepared.
>In the 60s they did a study with LSD with alcoholics and found that 66% of people who had a guided trip with doctors and such never drank again, opposed to the other group that didn't take LSD and did the usual stuff and only had a 20-33% rate of never drinking again.
That was under medical therapy done by a professional, lsd is a great tool like a lot of substances that doesn't mean you should try to medicate yourself tho.
Oh it's b8 (Also a safeword with my bf) I can't believe I fell for it for that long. Especially from a name fig (also a safe word)
Music sounds incredible on acid. Would recommend very layered music, as each layer will pop out in a different way
Are you speaking in riddles? Or perhaps, some kind of...poetic, way? I'm sorry, but what you are saying makes absolutely no sense at all.
Animal collective has always been my go to band while tripping. They have really great sound design that makes you feel like you're in a completely different environment.
let your mind melt, embrace it.
ugly ppl, I looked in the mirror and thought I*m just cute. Maybe that just applies to girls teeheeeeeeeeeee
if you look in the mirror your reflection will distort and look weird as fuck, you can see shit like your eyes swimming around your face
Yeah I know that, I was just saying that to help push against the general narrative of LSD being a life-wrecking terrible drug.
Shrooms are definitely more healthy and don't last nearly as long, if you're really trying to trip, they're definitely the way to go