This is what Billie Eyelashes would sound like if she were a worthwhile artist and genuinely edgy

This is what Billie Eyelashes would sound like if she were a worthwhile artist and genuinely edgy.

Attached: 131LL1X-X1L1SH-2018.jpg (1000x655, 102K)

German industrial sounds nothing like her pop bullshit.

her music isn't exactly pop

>ocean eyes, bad guy, when the party's over, and wish you were gay aren't pop

Like Halsey, she's "alternative".

Bury a Friend uses a dentist drill, which means she's LITERALLY dark ambient/noise.


wow this sounds like garbage.

You can't really deny the influence of NIN or Aphex Twin on her production.

She's what SGP would sound like if he were a 17-year old white girl.


Attached: 4E61CB20-10AC-424F-A459-564F79A79C66.jpg (600x600, 37K)

>You can't really deny the influence of NIN or Aphex Twin on her production.
Her music is pop with some SoundCloud rap influence. The only thing "special" about it is how it's branded.

What type is she again?

The type that _____ _____ ____.

Drinks curry sauce.

Attached: CB41A076-FD51-42D2-95B2-DAFB5BD5E351.png (828x1792, 3.44M)


Denzel's eyes are incredibly beautiful.

She should consider herself lucky having 24/7 access to him.

Attached: 1551760276712.webm (428x240, 646K)

Make your anal gay type

What’s predatory about this?

Make your penis soft type

Industry plant

95% of sexual predators were molested as kids.

msm plant

Drinking black milkshakes type