I thought it was just Pitchfork hype...

I thought it was just Pitchfork hype, but after watching this performance I'm convinced literally nobody goes as hard as slowthai nowadays. I'm done with overproduced, pop trash like Kanye, Tyler, Kendrick... this is real, from the streets, this right here it's what hip hop is all about


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is this a shill thread?

dont even like inglorious that much but i agree

Yeah, just like every other Kanye or Tyler thread. Retard

British rap has gotten so much better than American rap recently. sadly almost nobody in this country listens to it so I’ll never get into it.

yeah most of the better rap records this year have been from the UK

slowthai was pretty much not discussed here at all when the album came out, so nah. I actually wish he was shilled here, the dude's dope.

it was absolutely discussed here. this board is the only reason I know of it.
it just seems like it wasn’t because they were being drowned out by IGOR threads.


we've known hes gone hard since this song came out and the first like 30 seconds showed him live

The accent is too goofy

is that the wrong way down a one way street guy

Yeah, because Pitchfork BNM is not enough

Attached: bgftr56.png (2038x798, 591K)

>Goofy accent
>From the country where the English language was created

this is fucking nothing compared to eyelash or tyler

Yes, it is. He isn’t shilled as hard but this is a definite shill

you realize Brits got their accent by parodying their nobility right? Scots and Americans sound closer to Brits before the colonial age

babyfather > slowthai

>brits got their accent
>their accent

Best British rap I've heard so far would be Four Owls, album Natural Order, I would say it's even on par with a lot of American rap. Not really looked in to much else but I probably should.

youre a fucking idiot

I’m saying they used to talk like Americans. their accent was literally manufactured by kings so trying to “act fancy”

You do realize that what you think is an English accent most likely is a London accent, but there are many more accents in England? It's not only about rhotacism

why's he performing in his underwear?

Dude I love British Wiki!

Way too, way too, way too, way too, way too dumb


british niggas be rappin bout guns with a peppa pig accent

Psychodrama - Dave


The accents diverged, you idiot.

One of the best albums I have listened this year

Slowthai is fucking great, I'm surprised he hasn't caught on as a Yea Forums favourite yet, he fits the mould perfectly.

Slowthai - Nothing Great About Britain and Little Simz - Grey Area are definitely the 2 best UK rap albums from this year and they're both really fucking good.
Additionally, Skepta, Loyle Carner, Dave, and Octavian have put out decent projects this year.

Totally agree

Sounds like shit. Also its pretty gay when live shows are just rappers rapping over their own song, and half the time they just stand there while the song is playing. Fuck off.

Shut up Faggot.

doesn't change what I stated