Attached: 1.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Twiceboyuggo and Chewbuggo.webm (480x600, 2.8M)

she makes the funniest faces

Attached: _b_310673_5_3d4Ud018svcmf4djpghtku3_96vcdj.jpg (480x320, 19K)

i need itzy to come back just so we don't have to look at these same 5 pics of this chick in the fucking white coat anymore

Attached: 884.jpg (2048x1365, 446K)

We wanted a Lisa thread

Attached: file.jpg (1364x2048, 285K)

we wanted a yeji thr-

Attached: 1561932307479.jpg (1080x1350, 202K)

our girls blackpink

Attached: 1561970495757.jpg (1080x1280, 180K)

no one wants that

Attached: 1531624012874.jpg (1800x2520, 718K)

Attached: 531e7ca2f2f2c51cfa02e0b66c07a547.jpg (1200x1800, 198K)

Attached: lia.jpg (1037x1200, 135K)

Attached: 5BAA10B3-692C-46AD-B584-84977EBBB2CA.jpg (1800x2400, 598K)


Attached: BriskAmusingEasternnewt.webm (600x900, 2.88M)

wtf, i thought ariana grande was in this group.

Atleast half the thread wanted it.

Attached: file.jpg (1364x2048, 203K)

Only Ella

not really

Attached: 1561946948890.webm (1920x1080, 2.63M)

wow, she's beautiful

Attached: 1562034438423.jpg (2730x4096, 1.13M)

wow, she is

Attached: 1543767181291.jpg (1365x2048, 469K)

It's sickening what YG did to Ella (allegedly)

I would love to see the videos

is there any proof of the momoland master baitor?

Attached: _c_3106e2_0_adiUd018svccfcvidceydwm_gyxpqf.jpg (1059x681, 165K)

nancy fancam views are all the proof you need

shes got a cute bum

Attached: alcHgl12.webm (516x672, 1.82M)

Attached: 1536192728532.webm (600x720, 674K)

Attached: arin10.webm (280x500, 361K)

Attached: YOYOMI.webm (1280x720, 658K)


Attached: 9b6ec100ee31c58f635b9cd7d68aed44.jpg (1365x2048, 196K)

Way interview. Crayon Pop 4 life bros

Attached: D-eVmppUYAASQhN.jpeg-1.jpg (1002x1334, 114K)

now thats what i call a 'joonk

Attached: 1559501681343.jpg (2095x1713, 1002K)

Better version that I made (you are welcome)

Attached: 1554656510515.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

Attached: 1532856704096.jpg (1364x2048, 216K)

Attached: ( . )( . ).webm (960x540, 2.92M)

ayyy lmao

Attached: RedFearlessKatydid.webm (420x1000, 2.94M)

long story short, Chrome Ent was a scumbag nugu company that pretended to make no money so they could pocket everything

Daily Dubu!

Attached: 1518755982552.jpg (1500x2250, 544K)


Attached: 07330e43676634a58808bd8c53a1aa8c.jpg (1167x1750, 235K)


Noona is eyeing you, user. How do you respond?

Attached: 15451445723650-2.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

/ourgirls/ really deserved better


Attached: 1552839920798.jpg (1431x1908, 348K)

I don't understand

Attached: file.png (1181x1362, 3.28M)

It does. I am just saying that a smoother gradient would have made it much nicer.

Was waiting for a new thread to post this. This took minutes to fix. How your upper portion doesn't have an grey botch and the gradient in the middle of the screen isn't jarring.

I don't even like Blackpink

Attached: Blackpink.jpg (1357x2048, 2.23M)

Attached: slutty.webm (648x1152, 1.93M)

I love her so much...

Attached: D-eChg5UwAII1y4.jpg (1995x1330, 197K)

Attached: Chungha (988).webm (1080x1920, 2.93M)

imagine if itzys next comeback is white wintercoat themed

Attached: 897.jpg (800x1200, 75K)

Attached: chaeyeon legs.webm (1080x1920, 2.82M)

Attached: 15547310699390.webm (1280x720, 470K)

thank you for your contribution

Attached: _b_31035g_g_c7fUd018svc7p8mq5x273uc_d6s4gk.jpg (1080x1080, 138K)

Attached: Chungha (989).webm (1080x1920, 2.7M)

now this, THIS is what I fucking want

ski resort concept i can almost see it

wow, she's beautiful


Attached: DzaoK45UcAAZrYQ.jpg (2000x1500, 341K)

Say something nice about Jimin.

Attached: 15620042854761.jpg (1080x1350, 293K)

surprise mina

Attached: 1556860507152.jpg (672x960, 55K)

AOTY confirmed

my favorite noona

Attached: 1501763324444.jpg (1280x1920, 302K)

Apparently it's not very nice to hug Jenny.

Attached: 1560068308855.jpg (562x960, 69K)

she's looking healthier here

worst voice in kpop

Talented noonas - best noonas.

big baby

Attached: DjR7a8IVsAA0Y3o.jpg (1800x2400, 449K)

there's lots of other image sets out there but there's something wrong with yeji poster(s) I believe

>tfw those tentacles will never wrap around you

Attached: file.jpg (996x1500, 145K)


Attached: D1YD7_yVsAArBz2.jpg (1200x1800, 183K)

Attached: Yi Soyeon.jpg (800x875, 103K)

she's certainly not obese

I have every image set I just post this one

Attached: 1534560787299.jpg (1197x1835, 226K)

wow any sharkman in?
She’s beautiful

OK that looks really nice friend thanks

big baby baby?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this is literally the girl of my dreams I’m so fucking lonely

Oh really?

Attached: 15620065511340.jpg (640x640, 54K)

why so serious? they look angry like sand is in their pussy or something.

based foxman

Attached: D-el_uIUIAAyxL8.jpg (1800x1200, 299K)

Leave our Yejibro alone

Attached: 1538784563319.jpg (4096x2730, 1.15M)

Attached: 1560464750927.jpg (1281x1566, 121K)

the moment irene realizes she is simply outclassed

Attached: 1543944007742.jpg (682x1024, 88K)


Attached: arin walk.webm (1176x1000, 2.95M)

any sharkman in

we love lisa honestly

Attached: vWcdm6b.jpg (600x481, 48K)

Attached: 5_37iUd018svczgq93gl3q5ik_nitq5k.jpg (1080x1057, 148K)

>Article: Hallyu idol member's father being sued for scamming people for 600 million won
>Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate
>5. [+51, -4] What other Hallyu idol 'Heo' is there than the guy we're thinking? Heo Young Saeng, is it your father?
>7. [+38, -1] Heo Young Saeng?
>8. [+30, -1] It's obviously him, Heo isn't a common last name
>9. [+27, -1] There's only one idol with the last name Heo ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's like when news of Yong Junhyung first broke out ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

>Heo Young Saeng (SS501)
>Heo Gayoon (4minute)
>Heo Solji (EXID)
>Heo Young Ji (KARA)
>Heo Minjin & Heo Minseon (Choa & Way from Crayon Pop)
>Heo Soo Yeon “Eunice” (DIA)
>It’s not all that rare in the K-pop world.

>Heo Minjin & Heo Minseon (Choa & Way from Crayon Pop)

fuck I feel nostalgic and sad all of a sudden... for real


Attached: file.png (683x1024, 1.53M)

Attached: IU.jpg (769x809, 47K)

And here is the one i made for myself to use. Posting it here if anyone wants this as their lockscreen

Attached: Phone Wall Compressed 4chan file limit.jpg (1440x2960, 3.02M)

Lol no. It's the opposite actually

Attached: 1561445721280.jpg (750x1125, 74K)

Attached: 1546824747412.jpg (1000x1500, 180K)

i think momoland is talentless, unoriginal, and fraudulent popular, but they don't deserve this

Attached: 996B35485CF3B68905.jpg (1200x1800, 482K)

So Gfriend vs Red Velvet vs G-idle.

Is the obvious winner Gfriend?

It's a male

can you prove it isn't? i rest my case.

thinking bout lisa

Attached: 1561482159997.jpg (377x377, 30K)

What the f*ck is wrong with small browns?

Attached: 1554443732085.jpg (1242x1445, 246K)

>think about lisa

Attached: 49907122_104746753892850_1592994245343925594_n.jpg (1080x1080, 45K)

go finish your homework, childyeon

Attached: C8GDq2HXkAA8HPH.jpg (900x1348, 859K)


Even filipinos had more respect for momoland, imagine that. dirty fucking crude filipinos thought jacking off to momoland would be going too far

cub is a disturbed individual who needs to be removed from twice

alright alright alright alright alright
gook gook gook can you blow my mind


As usual, pics or it didn't happen.

Attached: 1561987098139.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

yeonwoo is not in mexico, right?
i hope she is still busy recording her drama

Attached: DhhWWoBUYAAR1Q2.jpg (800x1200, 154K)

Attached: 1561942097757.jpg (3600x3600, 2.92M)

Yenny is back in black btw

Attached: IMG_20190702_202500.jpg (1200x1800, 234K)

Sounds plausible

Attached: 1562020670508.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Attached: file.png (840x815, 1.25M)

Attached: 1545637404168.webm (1172x1022, 2.41M)


wtf i like KTL now

after gfriend's awful new album? this is bad timing buddy lol

lamo, well props to that guy

why the FUCK aren't the feet in focus

they are very horny and on cocaine

i would get out if i were, momoland is going down the drain

Attached: h7v38rsgf3531.jpg (1000x1500, 109K)

Attached: 1520101432083.gif (500x321, 1.3M)

our girls with another win

Attached: otmvS8q.jpg (1440x1080, 185K)

secretly marrying that guy's wife

Attached: [Special] 우주소녀 (WJSN) (COSMIC GIRLS)_THE SECRET FILM (더 시크릿 필름){12258}-2.webm (978x1080, 566K)


unironically yes

Attached: HelpfulIgnorantDungenesscrab.webm (1158x1440, 2.89M)

did shuhua forget how to sing again?

Fuck you

bona definitely knows about feet

canadian bacon

Attached: 5Le_VcAAK0uu.jpg (1029x1200, 144K)

>those roasties
>our girls
speak for yourself

soft pleb

Attached: UnpleasantColossalBangeltiger.webm (762x1440, 2.95M)

Attached: 1535637049178.jpg (961x649, 107K)

nobody cares, it's tfw in the back of your head you can still hear the names heo minjin and heo minseon being shouted by an admittedly rather small bunch of overzealous ahjusshis during the fanchants, as if it was yesterday...
fuck me

Attached: 1559933659750.jpg (1836x1423, 463K)

lul i actually checked, shuhua is so fucking bad at signing they really did turn off her mic

8 6 7 6 8 9
She actually started singing her verse, but Basedeon gave her a kiss, and that flustered her, giving her an out to not make it awkward I guess

Haven't checked the actual album yet, but why 'awful'?

that ass should stay in korea

Attached: a_hdjUd018svc11eanmck926wi_t7scbk.jpg (850x1275, 104K)

we love gidle here

Attached: G8Tn41y.jpg (1536x2048, 519K)

it's just one guy spamming don't mind him

good god

Attached: batemanwaifu.webm (1280x544, 2.95M)

protein queen

yeonwoo really should just bail and do what ellin does every day. she could be a millionaire next year

Attached: ellin7.webm (640x800, 1.06M)

Attached: FeistyHandyFoal.webm (810x1440, 2.98M)

Attached: C9lQCv1U0AEVbjj.jpg (799x1200, 103K)

>people showing beach bags
>"hey my toenails have the same color from that one"
every chance she can get

Attached: 라디오 스타 623회 190626 1080i H264.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

pls don't look there, momoland is a pure group

Attached: file.jpg (2048x1366, 305K)

Nancy is so perfect, She needs to get the fuck out of momoland

Attached: EmotionalFamousGermanwirehairedpointer.webm (762x1440, 2.91M)

i'd guess they changed the name to be discreet to the idol, can't think of any hallyu heos from this gen


Attached: 1547816712845.jpg (1000x1500, 198K)

She no-showed it and they didn't tell the ticketholders until a week before

>Nancy is so perfect, She needs to get fucked

imagine spreading those cheeks and...

is that a diploma

She could fill entire group roster by herself

Ahh ok.

are you sad schizocucks ready for this?

because none of the songs are good, it all sounds like old recycled garbage


Yes I took it there so they could sign it. You can see they are admiring it.

Attached: file.jpg (1500x844, 204K)

that's mental illness alright

>go to a momoland fanmeet
>jizz flying though the air like bullets in a war zone

it's only a matter of time until she lashes out again

Attached: 160715 오마이걸(OH MY GIRL) 일본 출국 직캐 (834x800, 2.97M)

Attached: 1533094735698.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

Ariana who?

Attached: IMG_20190526_222251.jpg (1330x2048, 392K)

not that guy but it was just really bland despite each song sounding like it shouldn't be

looks like they're laughing at it

gfriend is roastie pop now


you guys ever notice how this guy always calls everyone "one guy" whenever people criticize gfriends and lovelyz music? does he whiteknight any other groups in the same manner?


U already know

Attached: 1536593107106.webm (480x480, 231K)

omg did it better than gfriend

is the momoland thing real? i can't find anything about it

anyone who calls busters blasters is getting reported to the police you have been warned

Attached: 1562055077961.jpg (1920x1280, 245K)

would probably date although I doubt she's capable of relationships longer than a couple days. still would

you ever notice how that one guy freaks out whenever somebody says it's just one guy?

Fever Season might have two decent/good b-sides
But I've only listened to it once, so far

you think?

this, the sooner the better

Well, she seems like one of the ones who wanted to date the most. Would any of twice be able to go longterm?

Attached: IMG_20190506_101558.jpg (1200x1800, 289K)

>one guy is one guy saying


Attached: HardtofindElaborateArabianwildcat.webm (920x1440, 2.98M)

leave my friend alone

Attached: 64882509_112702149846383_7161492140239561373_n.jpg (961x961, 121K)


No they are just smiling.

Attached: file.png (1080x1056, 1.66M)

because it's gfriend and they're not part of the "kpgcord approved masterlist of groups to post™" anymore

i love kpop

There are many of us Yejibros

Attached: 1533302088431.jpg (2048x1365, 221K)

Attached: perv.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

I'm calling them Busteds

i wonder how she knows euijin

ugliest twicegirl after cub


>Would any of twice be able to go longterm?
bro if it isn't obvious then you not seeing right

Attached: dubs smiles.jpg (1850x1231, 450K)

Attached: file.png (957x999, 2.9M)

Dubooty seems a bit retarded. Really, they all do

Attached: 1561318297939.webm (800x700, 2.7M)
forgot your sanna

Attached: UnfinishedClosedAzurewingedmagpie.webm (1226x926, 1.72M)

Attached: 1529166422845.png (228x292, 79K)

thank you
very true

Attached: 1530711717126.jpg (1352x2048, 248K)

unironically this

dahyun, why...

kpgcord don't real, you're an insane individual

imagine being that close!

what groups are on the list?

Attached: closeuprin.webm (612x560, 2.72M)

Attached: 1561692995152.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

Attached: 15518164442811.jpg (640x960, 74K)

when have they ever been approved by kpg? anons have been making fun of gfriend before discord even was a thing. remember grazia?

it always makes me mad when neet and seola get in the way


Attached: Arin Wave.webm (1920x1088, 2.42M)

Article: [Exclusive] JYP Entertainment to close their actor management department to focus on idols

Source: Korea Econ via Nate

1. [+897, -30] Honestly, JYP can get rid of everything else and just focus on launching new girl groups and be able to maintain their 'big agency' title just off of that ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+815, -54] JYP is better than YG. They know what the public likes and are thorough with their planning.

3. [+676, -24] JYP knows to hit that calculator after suffering through what happened with the Wonder Girls~~

4. [+62, -2] Looks like they're really planning to focus on Got7, Twice, and ITZY. I think this is the right way to go. Sure, actors are great to have, but it's better to focus on training idols as your main bread and butter. Way better than YG, who is on the decline now after investing in random clubs, restaurants, make up, and drugs.

5. [+40, -6] This is probably best for their actors too. JYP's acting system was a mess. Shin Eun Soo was a decent actress at 13... but at 16 now, she's pretty behind and awkward. What exactly did they teach her in those four years?

6. [+33, -4] All they need is twice for at least the next several generations to live comfortably off of

7. [+32, -8] I wonder how envious Park Jin Young is of Bang Shi Hyuk. I'm so glad Bang Shi Hyuk is the one behind their success. Imagine if it was Park Jin Young... that crazy arrogance... just thinking about it terrifies me ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+26, -0] Good decision. Not good to be doing too much.

9. [+22, -0] I noticed most JYP actors leave the company once they get their training and fame anyway ㅋㅋ Best not to train them at all if they're just going to leave.

10. [+20, -6] JYP doesn't have any good singers either. They have good dancers, though.

everyone except gfriend and lovelyz. they're both top 10 groups. ITS NOT FAIR!

Grazia was a forced meme like that one retard posting that small brown video

oh god the things i keep IMAGINING with this webm

yeoreum destroys that granny, deal with it

Attached: 190616 우주소녀 (WJSN) 설아 (SEOLA) 건대 팬사인회 직캠 (Fancam){QYsq4yhk0Q8}-9.webm (878x1044, 2.79M)

post the top 10 groups

No group is approved by kpg. Even when bigger groups like twice rv and bp releases something good they always get the same "wow, it's shit" reaction.

Attached: chaeyoung_shark.jpg (2000x3000, 1.23M)

Attached: DwEB_viU0AIeweJ.jpg (2048x1810, 724K)

2016 to maybe 2017 at the latest

blackpink actually is shit though

let me guess. it was one guy forcing it

Looks like a high end prostitute

meant for

and that's a good thing!

everyone liked ktl though

based that one guy

*puts down tablet*


Attached: 639839_338092_939_org.jpg (1200x1920, 453K)

pick up that tablet right now you fool

made for osculation

Attached: Hana10.jpg (1280x1920, 1.14M)

Attached: D-WQvtfVUAAkXX5.jpg (2730x4095, 1.05M)

freaking cute

Attached: IMG_20190702_232639.jpg (3000x2000, 656K)

chaeyoung is fucking ugly.

we did

if you're the chad monkey who do you hope wins?

Attached: 12312434454.jpg (2048x1365, 247K)

Attached: IMG_2135.jpg (812x1300, 688K)



Attached: 1531673334192.webm (700x1242, 2.89M)

Hyojung team

where's your jithoo avatar at?

imagine the weight

or Yeji...

don't make fun of her lisp or else

buddies and lovelinus seem to be more fragile than other fanbases here. I don't think they could survive without their discord boogeyman

right side, of course

mimi, jiho and seunghee are way too mean together

>user is that it?

Ooops! my bad.

Attached: 1548377101082.png (394x412, 121K)

Attached: file.jpg (1200x1800, 519K)

Attached: 1562053131187.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

dr kim's greatest failure, take her back

this is cute we want to hold it in our hands

oogie doesn't have a waist like that

ew, no

Attached: ugie.jpg (939x1080, 193K)

fucking delete this

pumpkin seolA

Attached: 1541047780314.jpg (1242x1214, 284K)

Attached: 1541425614574.jpg (1128x943, 99K)

on one hand, best ho. on the other hand, best rin. tough choice.

actually delete this and destroy your ssd

>Looks like they're really planning to focus on Got7, Twice, and ITZY
what about Stray Kids?

Attached: D6ScTuXU0AALO1g.jpg (1364x2048, 203K)

Attached: IMG_20190702_233106.jpg (1365x2048, 431K)

i would want the left side actually but i did suspect most people would chose the other

smug lizard

Attached: 1506089385422.jpg (810x1217, 133K)

cringe general

miyeon looks great there.

duuuuuuuuuumb bitch

no one knows who they are

because you're here, nigger faggot

miyeon mogging

the banana allergic of course

Attached: DabYZJ3V4AAJNSx.jpg (1536x2048, 464K)

literally the merzbow of kpop

Attached: D-eVmpqVUAArRIF.jpeg.jpg (1002x1334, 117K)

if you ignore her face

Attached: when they see your banana.jpg (3840x2160, 2.5M)

kek exactly

Attached: file.png (540x960, 775K)

nah uggos have always been hated by kpg and gfriend have some of the most busted faces in the business

So gugudan is definitely disbanding aren't they

Attached: 65524648_435525277044495_971909351044579927_n.jpg (959x899, 88K)

cutie pie ate the pie

ugly monkey

>10. [+20, -6] JYP doesn't have any good singers either. They have good dancers, though.
this desu

false. they would be in shock and awe.

ioi 2 will save them

because of Jiho, mainly?

Attached: file.jpg (1365x2048, 582K)


you forgot to call me a roastie and other buzzwords too

miyeon looks like a trans version of solar here

>who is sunye

Ok here is a question to you anons, what show appearance is more special: Idol room or Weekly Idol?


IOI2 will end up killing everyone else in the crossfire, that's precisely why Yeonjung pulled out to prevent harming WJSN

both are trash

looks more like joy to me


Attached: D-J-T3FVUAAUfCd.jpg_orig.jpg (2051x3075, 1.07M)

Now idol room because doni & coni

nowadays they're both quite boring, I tried watching the new gf and new rv but I got really bored

well, since weekly idol makes cams now, that one.

someone who's not even at JYPE anymore, I'm talking present

Is it because of the show, or the Idols fault?


Make it a Lisa thread


>who is baek yerin

this, but someone attractive instead

the show, the format isn't funny anymore


It should've been #MERRIESAGAINSTMEXICANS instead of #MERRIESAGAINSTMEN but no one wants to look racist

Attached: fap 140724 jimin 엠카운트다운 10주년 포토월 AOA 직캠 by Spinel-[02.00.286-02.06.459].we (723x1080, 2.93M)