Listenable noise rock/industrial

is this all there is?

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Big Black


"listeneable" lol what a fucking faggot, dont try to listen tl the genre if your faggot ass cant handle the sound.


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>he can't into godflesh

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Sonic Violence
Big Black

>noise rock/industrial
>posts no wave
Gold star, OP

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>calls out OP
>posts shoegaze instead of noise/industrial

The based energy is off the charts.

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implying they're not all the same thing and that album isn't all three of them

no wave wasn’t even a genre retard

you don't know what no wave is, it was a scene in new york that lasted for only a few years in the late 70s and 80s. swans has the influence but not the sound or the context. that swans record is more sludge than anything, not any noisier than most metal. pic related is my personal favorite

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check out:
Various Artists - No New York (produced by Brian Eno)

maybe you need to listen to SAF instead of Atomizer?


hey brother cool down on the homophobic remarks alright?

try B for this kind of post

Merzbeat is often cited as an intro to noise for plebs
Give it some time, the beat gives you something to hold on to while you take in the texture

I've haven't been on this board in 5 years and I come back to check and you retards are still giving shit suggestions, just with a different twist. This is the only correct answer

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i think the difference between accessible and true and pleb and real fan is a cancer, personally

conditioning yourself to enjoy garbage is not cool

and that album is a joke anyways, like someone put in an inordinate amount of time to say "you faggots will listen to anything with a drum beat in it"

>you faggots will listen to anything with a drum beat in it
That's what most noise actually is. If you listen carefully there's a beat.

Could you imagine being this far up your own ass?

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hey fag, tadpole kicks ass

Flux of Pink Indians
DAF - Produkt der Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundschaft
Stretchheads - Five Fingers, Four Thingers, A Thumb, A Facelift And A New Identity
Skullflower and Ramleh were kind of influenced by industrial
Lubricated Goat were for sure influenced by Swans



>no wave roots
this nigga knows the deal

10/10. I’ve listened to probably 4 hours worth of sister ray alone

I bet they sell their album on Bandcamp though

fucking faggot, don't bother

imagine talking all this shit and then recommending the most surface level music possible

what makes you think op hasn’t already listened to this album you absolute mong

the latest Daughters album

mad twink bitch?

But Atomizer is better


>Saw them live
>This is pretty cool, I'll head over to the merch table perhaps I'll buy a recor- oh no

imagine not being able to enjoy music because of politics

That's not the case at all. They were playing as a supergroup with another band so I don't think they were playing material of that record so I was weighing whether to take risk on it. That the guys all looked 50 and they still came up with that cringy title tipped the balance in favour of saving my money. I'm used to musicians being lefty retards, if the music is well done enough I can fully enjoy political sentiments I don't share.

>you peasants criticize feudalism, yet you farm the land, checkmate!

just found this, the sea scouts. really beautiful post-hardcore with almost shoegaze levels of noise. found it through the bass player of tacoma radar.
this shit was cringe
excellent picks

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Parroting "gotchas" from 2016 Facebook comics isn't an argument

wtf are you trying to argue nigger. not even that guy but don’t be such a faggot trying to win arguments in every post. no one likes your type

Pissed Jeans, Big Black, Rapeman, Scratch Acid, The Jesus Lizard, The Cows

lol settle down greypilled

You're trash nigger

>img is named folder

Jesus christ, OP. Have an open mind. Not all stereotypes about genres are true. Explore more. You're a person who visits Yea Forums, so I assume you're somebody whose passionate about music. Broaden your horizons. It's good to expose yourself to new things.