Norsecore edition
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hells headbangers edition
I'm asking one more time then I'll shut up
How is that a bm album cover and not a bdm cover
melodeath sucks
Melodeath is unironically good. Just because a subgenre is accessible doesn't mean it's bad you fucking hipsters.
>symphonic x metal
German power metal
Did you see my reply in the previous thread?
guitar 1: dun dun *melodic minor* dun *melodic minor* du-du-dun *melodic minor*
guitar 2: harmonize on the 5th
I'm sure there's some good melodeath but I haven't heard it yet
It's not that either
closest i got
I know this isn't it, but I'm posting it anyways.
this and in flame - subterranean are the only good melodeath releases
New Abbath album Outstrider is out already motherfuckers
Hail! Abbath here! Hail Satan!
In all seriousness, my new record is out and I'd love it if you guys would check it out. Listen now for free.
Nope but thanks
wow that sucks stop shilling please
Why does he keep getting kicked out of every band he joins?
He actually left Abbath willingly, supposedly because he "couldn't support the artistic direction they were heading in", ironic considering he's one the fakest motherfuckers in the Norwegian bm scene
not according to this guy he seems legit.
Give me some Brexit metal
Norsecore? More like gay core
Noisecore or die
this comes close
What do we think of Hawkwind?
Iirc season of mist announced it on normiebook and everyone was laughing in him at the comments. It reminds me of how the poseur from Nargaroth made a post about how The Lords of Chaos isn't trve kvlt Black Metal or whatever and everyone made fun of him, so he deleted his post like a pussy.
Birdflesh lives! Not for wimps.
normalfags would disagree with this guy
>that take on me
>I'm sure there's some good melodeath but I haven't heard it yet
have you tried these?
>Intestine Baalism - Discog
>Gyze - Northern Hell Song
>At the Gates - With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness
>Eucharist - A Velvet Creation
>Cromlech - ...And Darkness Fell
>Vehemence - God Was Created
>Insomnium - Above the Weeping World
>Sentenced - North From Here
trash, sounds like alestorm or some other complete total reddit fucking absolute fucking trash
I've literally listened to none of them, but was surprisingly good, so I'll give your recs a chance as well.
Infinitely based and redpilled
Melodeath fucking sucks, but I really like GYZE for some reason, it might be the dumb engrish.
They're also releasing a new album:
With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness is better
I like a bit of prog and psych rock but Hawkwind is kind of ass desu. I'd much rather listen to Yes or even Rush
Do you know the genre
Catchy bm
Did Nargaroth really do that? Oh shit I wanna see that post
Can you imagine a faggot doing faggot things?
>Intestine Baalism
Great guitar tone, melodic minor with pedaling on low A makes for shit riffs though.
I refuse to believe you actually enjoy this
>At the Gates
Pretty good
Also pretty good, turn up the fucking gain though
Nothing special, neither terrible nor good
Really drags on, not a lot of heterosexual riffs
Very gay
Actually great
I guess I should explore the genre a little more, there are a couple good records here and there, thanks for the recs.
Loudwire just released their 10 Up-And-Coming Metal Bands You Need to Hear in 2019 list:
>Knocked Loose
>Venom Prison
>Creeping Death
>Employed to Serve
>Devil Master
>Signs of the Swarm
Why is metal so popular in South America?
Awful band names. I assume the music is just as bad.
Power and the likes especially seem to be pretty loved there, I've noticed.
You guys talk a lot more about bands and people then you do metal.
I did some searching for you and this was the best I could find:
They read it out loud at 12:30
cause he is a cunt
I'm a fan of power, symphonic, gothic etc and every single YouTube video has 10:1 ratio in Spanish/Portuguese comments to English ones. And the "subtitolado" videos have millions of views while the "lyrics" ones can't reach 100k.
Eclipse today where I live, bros. Metal for this feel?
ok this is it
Not metal
>Knocked Loose
Not metal
Major scale black metal with deathcore-style lead on chvggs
Not metal
Gay post-black
>Venom Prison
>Creeping Death
Didn't expect them to have actually good death metal on the list
>Employed to Serve
Not metal
>Devil Master
Breddy gud black. Thanks for the rec, Loudwire??
>Signs of the Swarm
Brilliant list great job Loudwire congratulations
Because we live in a shithole that breeds violence and metal is one of the healthiest ways of getting rid of that anger.
I met a Colombian dude at a grind show recently, he was telling me how in SA people like what they call "ultra metal", which is pretty much blackened deathrash but with core moshing. Sounds fun from a distance
didn't mean to reply
Moonspell - Wolfheart
Listen to Ceremonium's No Longer Silent
I've dug through a ton of obscure Scandi melodeath, fwiw. Not much good out there besides what that guy already posted.
>Ceremonium's No Longer Silent
Kinda on the verge, but I like it. I wouldn't be opposed to non-scandinavian melodeath, it just can't be Gyze.
Maybe this?
I literally posted that for him last thread, he's sure it's a skull, and less spooky. Idk if we'll ever find it
We will never know indeed
By less spooky I meant the style of the songs. Anyway if I ever find it I guess I'll tell.
They (Ceremonium) are from NY, first album is good too if you like death doom.
You probably know of Amorphis, their first album is excellent and fairly melodic while being entirely riff-driven. After that one, they dialed up the gay a bit with each release.
That's precisely what I was referring, I'm pretty warm to power and trying to listen to more of it so I ran into this fact.
Speaking of which what's your opinion on Rhapsody? I really like them up until Power of the Dragonflame then I lose interest.
Extreme metal sucks
>25 ta life
Rick still owes me 20 bucks
>what's your opinion on Rhapsody
If it belongs in a pk video, I'll probably love it.
Ultra Metal was one of the many inspirations on Euronymous, but for some reason nobody ever mentions them
This is from fucking 87
It doesn't get more lo-fi than this
They're ok but to me they've always been a worse Blind Guardian. Their songs are catchy but focus too much on the choruses, while BG has killer choruses too but the whole song is also more than that and more interesting. Also their lyrics are a bit cringy. I don't hate them but not one of my favorite groups, despite them being one of the few famous bands in the genre from my country.
too classy, not lurid enough
>death doom
Fuck yeah, I'll check that out later.
I know of Amorphis by name, never actually gave them a listen. The '92 record is pretty good, the phrygian (?) section around the 7 minute mark is cool.
Holy shit that's raw as FUCK
Jinjer is based
fuck you
he just said they are not metal
Cool man, if you like that Amorphis album make sure you check out their EP which was recorded in '91 but released in '93. It's got a few of the same tracks but with a way darker, dirtier production. Much closer to the Finndeath sound prioneered by Abhorrence, whose song they cover on the EP.
Great rec m8, good shit
Newb at metal but any suggestions for non burzum songs with the lofi, grating, drone texture that Jesus'Tod has?
>Blind Guardian
Yes I'm going through their work and I like them, I just feel I haven't listened enough to judge. I just have a boner for Rhapsody's first voice.
what you posted is a shitty rip
and here is their 1984, real lo-fi shit which is just as good
Reencarnacion is also good although sloppy as fuck
They are though, why wouldn't prog metal / djent be classified as metal? If that's the case Meshuggah isn't metal either
Check out anything described as atmospheric black metal. There's also some dsbm that has a droning quality.
Tardigrada isn't evil but it does drone
I'm gonna be honest, I posted the video without listening first
Metal listeners tend to be low IQ dumbasses, or absolute fucking retards.
not in my case, I'm just mentally ill
Yeah I'm pretty dumb tbqh
I can’t even grasp the basic ideas behind high school physics. I can confirm your comment.
So after a quick listen through a couple songs
Pisces is prog rock with some high-gain at the end
Perennial is proggy metalcore
Who is gonna be the one is also proggy metalcore
I'm gonna assume they're proggy metalcore for the most part, which isn't metal. I'm not judging quality, just whether Loudwire managed to have half of their "metal" list in unrelated genres
IQ is meaningless.
IQ may or may not be a jewish invention, but nonetheless, metal attracts subhumans.
>low IQ
>tfw I'm an ESL and I can't understand 99% of the metal lyrics the first time I listen to a new song unless I go ever it looking at the lyrics.
Metal is strong music for weak people, more news at 11
Still I'm not ashamed of liking what I like, at least usually who's into metal doesn't cause any trouble
just bought a burzum tshirt, probably too scared to wear it in public. music for this feel?
It attracts subhumans and superhumans simultaneously.
Might get b& from the maryland deathfest
Then don't go, why spend time with people who can't handle a fucking shirt?
Pent up pain
A burning traps secretions inside
Involuntary celibacy
Deprivation by way of obsession
Stiffening with no release
Endless torment with no release
Holy shit it's actually about incels
And miss these bands?
I don't think so
This came out before incel became a common insult. But that band is lols in general, their album is quite literally about daddy issues (Patricidal Lust they call it).
What's your stance on the most metal piece of media there has ever been? [spoiler]Bastard!![/spoiler]
It's also sung by a woman, which is even worse
People without Y chromosomes should not be in metal
Well right, that's a given. Fuck Bay Area death metal.
based fuck women
fuck off
t. male feminist
I don't think you can beat Striborg
I have a Bachelor's in Physics and I'm starting grad school this fall so I figure my IQ is at least 110 if not higher.
Why is it so good bros?
>Come to /metal/ to find bdm/slam recommendations
>Found nothing
Why do you hate the genre so much?
Depends most metal listeners are actually high IQ if their taste is partician it also depends on the genre
that being said i'm a fuckin idiot
slam sucks
Bands that sound like slipknot? Please don’t kill
This is so underwhelming the vocals are fuckin awefull
King 810 was the new Slipknot for a bit
Is there a metal band that evolved in to "prog" and actually developed past it in to something else? I was listening to modern Maiden stuff for the first time the other day and realized their average song lenth is about 7 minutes now. Metallica are kinda the same.
I wake up to a bad dream every day.
what about this?
I can't find this album anywhere besides one channel on youtube. I found it on rutracker but there's no seeds. Slsk wasn't any help either. Am I really going to have to rip this shit from youtube?
here's the youtube link anyway
r8 my drone album, all made with a bass guitar and vocal samples
I immediately found it after one google search
Try leeching that rutracker for a few days, I once got that one obscure album after 2 weeks or so.
Well you've given me the courage I've needed to kill myself
Friend who owns a battlejacket doesn't like King Diamond. How do I tell him he's gay?
It's dm for corekids.
I really don't care for king diamond.
Glad I could help. Here's one final little piece of advice: [spoiler]try adding "rar" at the end of what you're looking for[/spoiler]
Cool, I somehow fucked the spoiler up. Looks like it's going to be a double suicide.
Song of the year right here
Where did you buy it from ?
Just wear it in public. I wore one for years before growing out of it and no problems at all. My Hispanic friend wears his in a fairly liberal city. As long as you aren’t in some lame city like Portland there should be no problems
This is like the black satans but for poseurs
Based and Cringepilled
desu as long as you didn't buy it from Varg I don't see the problem. Varg's politics don't really factor into his music that much
redbubble man
I don't want to wear apparel displaying what I like because I'm a nerd virgin and I'd cast a bad image.
Aren't those prints and shirts low quality, i hate stiff shirts, i usually check the bands websites for merch to ensure quality
Are you calling Suffocation, Brodequin or Devourment for "corekids"?
was joking bossman haha
post infernal hellgrööves, preferrably lesser known shit
the Virgin Opeth vs. the Chad Barren Earth
holy shit
It's brutal death metal.
was gonna say something in the sense of it being gay, but Black in Mind stopped me
One of my favorite BM records
>suffocation and devourment
Absolutely, especially their newer shit
ironic coming from a coreshitter
>Yeah, I love metal. Suffocation, devourment, the list goes on....
>implying either of those would listen to metal
Deathcore and Metalcore are complete shit. But actually thinking that BDM and SDM is coreshit is such an objectively bad opinion.
Slam and bdm is metal for people who listen to coreshit
brutal death is good but slam can be coreshit and has the worst fans
>Effigy of the Forgotten
get your ears checked lad
We get your point
That's because so many shitty deathcore albums are labelled as slam and it's fucking annoying.
>metal for people who listen to coreshit
Previous posts prove otherwise
yep, you're a fucking retard
>y-y-you're dumb!!!!!
Godtier album
lurk more before posting
>le lurk moar
Hello 2014 facebook immigrant
Devil Master fucking sucks.
you look like a faggot user
Well, that's what happens when you listen to bdm and slam
>Well, that's what happens when you listen to bdm and slam
>Yeah, I listen to bdm and slam. How did you know?
meanwhile another retard in another thread thinks Gojira are metalcore
I think you've got emo and brutal death metal mixed up sweetheart
The difference is minimal
lol fag
pls leave, I'd rather have a discussion with somebody who actually knows about metal
>browsing mu
>listening to gojira
someone post the tourist image
Need Metal GF
>browsing mu
well yeah this general is slow as fuck
>listening to gojira
they're a good band
Actually, this is less gay than those who listen to death metal.
>plz leave, I'd rthr have a discushon with smbdy who actually knowz about metal!! xD
Arent they black metal?
You are acting like a literal child
In another thread I was told /metal/ had a viking metal chart. Can a nigga get that?
sorry, we don't serve blacks
>*can a white gentleman obtain this .jpg?
where's your snapback and cargo shorts bro
In my 2004 nissan altima
Well sure thing pal, here you go
Thanks nigga bouta devour this shit
Earstretchers are worse than tattoos. No one worth anything wears them.
also if any grindfags are around i commandeered chartanon's grind chart and made it so there only 1 album per artist, if there is anything that doesnt belong speak now (im in the process of doing it to the rest of the charts as well for another roll chart) no flooding though i swear
>Blood Fire Death
Might as well throw the sludge chart up here as well
What the fuck? Man, they were really ahead of their time...
Mizmor isn't really sludge, is it?
>Men making death metal:
>Women making death metal:
I wanna fuck my dad
It's embarrassing really
based & ghoulspilled
Is there a power metal band where the vocalist doesn't sound like a massive fag? I get it, dragons, epicness and shit, but holy hell I'd like to hear those same things from someone who doesn't sound like he got his balls chopped off when he was 8, holy hell
Winters Bane, their first album had the motherfucking Ripper on vokills
Dragonforce's new singer really sucks.
Not really power Metal but Charlemagne: The Omens of Death
Oh god that’s even worse. Singer literally sounds like he’s this guy
>Dissing Christopher Lee
>BDM and slamz makes resident tourist seethe
is there a more based genre? I think not
Sounds like you just want trad, but here you go.
>Yeah, Moribund's Oracular Eyes, that's a classic
>Iron Mask
thanks user, exactly what I was looking for
Do they ban people for wearing burzum merch?
They banned someone for a Goatmoon patch
They banned a guy for wearing a goatmoon patch. Seeing a burzum shirt would likely cause a riot
this is great
well, now I have reservations about buying a Deathspell Omega shirt...
Better yet! An Arghoslent Hoodie
the only thing worse than a nazi is a nazi pedophile
I bought the cd to support the band, you should too
>tfw just bought a burzum hoody
I-i only did it because the gorement one is sold out
Metal for this feel?
gut - the nympho is a g
GOAT black metal album t bh
though I never understood why it's called HEart Of The Ages
porngore is the most based genre
sabbat really is based
>tfw you know she's fucking someone else
Does that lad in the back have a sword
based slam wiggers
Based femcel
ya'll wiggers can't top OG Clay
Relistening to Dopesmoker. Good shit
(its better with weed btw)
Listen to it on mushrooms and tell me it doesn't blow your fucking mind.
Based Soiposter
t. too big of a pussy to try psychs, especially at high dosages
fuck off, joe rogan listening pseud
Just cumtown buddeh
I just scratched my head until blood came out and now it's also on my keyboard. TRVE KEYBOARD OF BLOOD KVLT.
Only 3 hours and I can buy more beer. It's morning here in fucking shithole country.
this is playing rn
>tfw /metal/ said I'm not allowed to like Melodic metal
Feels bad. But Oh well
Anything as good as Darkthrone?
So what other genres are "reddit" and thus forbidden to like? Thrash, Metal, Melo, Black, Sludge, Doom. Am I missing anything use?
Only meloshit is bad. Thr*sh Metal has some gems here and there
Remove Black and add Core.
neat, time for some metalcore. Thanks user
Honestly sludge and doom are also very weak metal sub-genres Tb h
Sludge is the best. Give me some Heroin Sludge and I will be in a good mood
Why didn't you guys tell me that this is really fucking good
what has the best blast beats? i just want to hear the most inhuman percussion performance
it's on the metalhead's metal chart
why are you typing with your head?
cool to see shock narcotic on there, they're from my area and played a great opening set.
get rid of nails and gerogerigegege, add Birdflesh and Brigada Do Ă“dio
>/meal/ thinks sludge is for redditors
ok fags
>Peter Steele
>Based femcel
user, I...
Meth Drinker is some fine sludge
Using Sickness as a Hero is grind?
new abbath is pretty fuckin good
glad its not just him trying to one up Demonaz
Is it better than Gaahl's album and/or Darkthrone's?
not quite as good as gaahls, about the same as darkthrone
Long hair is only for women, user.
and mincecore scum. you know, haircuts never...
Any power/thrash metal like pic related?
Nile gets stale very easily but god damn do they kill it with their kick pedals
What are the best New Orleans Sludge Metal bands? Is Acid Bath the only good one?
I like these guys, but they are more on the grind side. Also, their name is forbidden.
Any conan/barbarian themed power metal tends to have a deeper voice
gimme some doom with good vocals and songwriting to listen to. power is alright but only if it has good riffs and isn't super campy or generic
reverend bizarre if you're man enough for the slow songs
I need more please
do you know khemmis? They have three albums and they get progressively more heavy and power metal influenced as they go on.
spiritus mortis albums from 2009 and 2016
metalcore sucks
Yes this is known
Whats the blackest black metal album out there?
Metallica - Black album
Where the Light Dies - Haikus ov The Damned
Glad to see this still being posted
why do you fucking care?
Ac dc - back in black
Who is the greatest band ever and why is it Obscura?
not into the screaming, but these instrumentals are pretty good
>not into the screaming
Are you in the right place buddy?
3/10 I can do better with photoshop and audacity
4/10 sounds like ghostbath and sun o)))
Made a baby and that baby even sucked more
Kek but vernon is crazy good.
>tfw National Socialist but have none of these
Is black magic ss really national socialist? They seem so tame.
Musically National Socialism was tame. They only allowed cool Jazz. If you played it hot, you would have your licence revoked.
Listen to the marches and popular music of the Third Reich - it is soft and beautiful
All of these are gay
Then make a better chart, fren
I need an essential forest rock chart guys
go into the forest and pick up a rock, then bang said rock against a tree
That's not it
Are you 100% sure you are even looking for a metal band? Japan had lots of very metal sounding hardcore bands during the 80's and 90's.
>Proof you're not a poser
I bought the Ad Arma! Ad Arma! one. It is pretty good. Although the banner on the back could have been put a little bit higher.