>10k reviews vs 2k
>inb4 fantano reviews it and the rating drops by a whole star
>an actually good rap album vs zoomer art hoe bait
yeah who would have thought
>breaking news: transexuals rate nigger mumble rap album of the month #92736726 higher than nigger mumble rap album of the month #89772349
both are 6/10
>the desolate state of mainstream music
why wouldn't he like it? He loved the first project and this is just as good with some tracks that are better than anything they did before.
>freddie gibbs
>mumblerap in any capacity
Just because he sometimes raps too fast for your sub-70 IQ brain to comprehend doesn't mean he is mumbling
igor is good, but bandana deserves it more
While he definitley isn't, Shadow of a Doubt took a lot of influence from the mumbly sound of the time.
>Tyler the creator?
>Yea, no, I don't listen to mumble rap, sorry
he almost never gives anything an accurate number.
rym is shit
>implying RYM isn’t full of arthoes
just look at how well received all the boring indie shit is
sad reality we live in
absolutely based, trannies in rym comment box already seething because Freddie is allahpilled antivaxx.
Holy based
you realize RYM trannies support both of those right?
one could only hope so, bandana is pretty shitty. freddie ruins it