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You meant to post in the other thread, got the cool down message, went back, and accidentally posted a new thread. Accurate?
overrated and boring are not valid criticism
overrated isn’t, boring is
They are a bit overrated, but still pretty great. Many other bands were just as, if not more, influential as the beatles yet they don't get nearly as much credit or attention.
>the beatles, now THERE was a band. let me check their facebook page to see when the new remasters come out
Boring is one of the laziest non-criticisms you can level at a piece of music. Basically anything that is midtempo or slower, has any repitition, is vaguely experimental or has more than like 30 seconds without vocals is gonna be called boring by someone.
rap? more like c
music was better when john lemon was beating his wife
Boring is a perfectly valid musical criticism. Provided that the purpose of music is to instil some type of feeling, if a song fails to do that it’s worthy of scrutiny. Slower music is not necessarily boring; most of the “beautiful” works of music are often slow tempo. Repetition can be a useful tool, but it can also be used lazily and drone on to the point where it’s no longer enjoyable. In this case, it’s fair to call it boring. Experimental and boring are polar opposites so I’m not sure your point on that... Typically music that lacks innovation is what gets called boring, not something that’s experimental.
the beatles never produced anything vaguely experimental
>tomorrow Never Knows
>she Said She Said
>Rev 9
have you listened to a lot of experimental music? those songs only have gimmicks. 5 seconds of backmasking in 1968 was not the vanguard of experimentation in music
You don't know what experimental music means. Come back when you learn it.
I'll help you, listen to Bernstein's about She Said She Said:
look at all of these fans of experimental music. they probably all went home and listened to stockhausen, right?
>all experimental music sounds like stockhausen's
Thanks for proving my point that you don't know what experimental music means. Come back when you learn it.
should I learn about experimental music from the facebook boomers who shill the beatles 60 years on?
Definitely no, kid.
the beatles were ass, never produced experimental music, and john lennon beat his wife
Not relevant
If you don't know about experimental music, why post about it?
Based non-musician.
As I said, go study music a bit, then come back.
BTS are bigger than the beatles
>edama/mu/tants SEETHING that another based Beatles thread pushed their memetic posturing and art hoe threads into the archive
If you don’t acknowledge that the Beatles are /ourband/ you legitimately don’t belong here and ought to kindly fuck back off to r/lewronggeneration, sweatypooes.
BASED BTS, /ourkoreans/ learn something about music and come back if you don't think BTS are avant-garde
The Beatles Internet Defence force needs to leave
Slow music that conveys and instills a feeling or mood is not boring. Eat shit.
>Many other bands were just as, if not more, influential as the beatles
Such as?
They are, though. Music with guitars in it is boring and outdated.
Read the comment again faggot.
Educate yourself:
anything that becomes a worldwide super-sensation is going to be overrated, so yeah the beatles are overrated. they're still an incredible band and nobody should feel bad about them being one that became a super-sensation
When does school start back up? Jesus fuck.
why has the beatles internet defense force decided to hole up in Yea Forums? every time anybody says the slightest criticism of the beatles they come out of the fucking woodwork
WOW why does the world's most popular band have fans on this board????
A heinous and shadowy conspiracy must be the reason that people would rather discuss the Mad Lads from Liverpool instead of le potato-face album or an orange paedophile’s memetic quips!
>fans have to be fragile babbies that cant handle criticism or differences of opinion and sperg out at any negative mention of their favorite thing
you sound like a child
i sound like a child, because of a sentence you wrote that i don't agree with and never suggested?
what do you guys think about this remix?
mean some of their shit sounds like something the wiggles would play.
john lennon beat his wife
No shit, Redditor. That’s why he’s an ABSOLUTE MADMAN and /ourguy/. Do us all (including yourself) a favor and dilate
john lennon wanted to fuck his mother for his entire life and he never recovered from not getting the chance
If you don't think they're the best band ever, they're overrated
Sorry you're just autistic OP
Refer to: It’s equally apropos in this case.