Fuck fantano for not being able to recognize greatness
Fuck fantano for not being able to recognize greatness
That album is at least a scaruffi 8
>albums a 2 tho
came here to say this
>implying Fantano 8 means anything now
This and The Seer got the same rating as Billie Ellish and Ariana Grande
>being a scrauffi drone and caring about his or Fantano's opinion
fantano is shit, I hope he gets worms in his fridge
If the guy who sung Near DT MI and Speedway sung every track except bmbmbm and Western this would be a 10
That's exactly the type of score this deserves, no more no less.
I gave it a 6, the songs just weren't that great, and the lyrics were bad. It felt like he didn't have anything to say.
Ot has 3k ratings now, still not on rym's chart for 2019
Yeah, but rym doesn't satisfy my need for a father figure
It's #1 on The Quietus' AOTYSF chart, which is a way more credible publication/reviewer than Fantano or Pitchfork
I can be your father user, i mean i kinda am already since i fuck your mom every night.
No they aren't, they are the same shit
black drummer
charts get updated today you nonce
uk bias tho
Greep should sing on every track.
>Implying scaruffy would give an 8 to an album this un innovative
Perhaps an 7. It does transcend its influences.
5/10 wont even bother past the first three tracks
At best this album is a 6
>but thats where it clicks