He did nothing wrong
He did nothing wrong
He should have openly supported the National Front when Smiths hit the big time
he's a fascist scumbag
Watch it, that's my boyfriend you're talking about buddy
He wore a pin that I don't like and thought things that I don't like
That's wrong imo
>thinking fascism is bad
Oh sweaty....
big yikes
>supporting fascism
I suggest you go back to the middle ages and take your whiny racist grandpa with you, bigot
He was held back by Johnny Marr
indeed. He's (quite literally) a dickhead,
who always sounds like he has too much jizz in his throat. I literally would rather listen to a chainsaw than to him sing. AND to top it all he's a fascist, which always look extra-bad on faggots. Like, bitch, the only reason you are not being prosecuted is LEFTISTS fighting for your human rights. Ungrateful shit.
imagine being this assmad that one (1) celebrity does not have the sanctioned establishment opinions
How mentally ill do you have to be to look around, see faggots having parades walking around naked in front of children, drug use increasing everyday, ANTIFA hitting old men with crowbars, young men cutting their dicks off and taking estrogen pills, and not think fascism would be beneficial?
It's not about being a celebrity, and it's FAR from being the establishment opinion, asshat.
Get your head out of your INFOWARS filled butt.
Well Morrissey is a raging faggot,
So I don't see how he's in your good book
*folds your thread*
*fixes it*
nothin..... personnel, kid B^)
He legitimately didn't, the whole thing is based off Burgers being retarded and not understanding British politics. He is supporting a party with no power led by a lesbian feminist because he wants to fight for animal rights.
>tfw no evil fascist nazi daddy like morrissey
Why even breathe?
>Burgers being retarded and not understanding politics
Most burgers don't even know about For Britain or his support of that party. It's mostly just adolescent VVitch slags and faggot Brits who care.
I bet you spend 12 hours a day on the internet. Leave the house for once you fucking mong.
morissey should have sex
With me(male)
I agree and also think that he's a admirable person for standing for what you believe instead of being a fake like millions of artists.
>"We protested for your sins!"
No, you idiot. It's the other side that was claiming it's a sin.
holy fucking BASED batman! opee got #REKT xD
He is the chad of soibois.