Music for this feel?

Music for this feel?

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Hmmmm atleast it’ll be easier to find each other now

Hate agent would be such an fucking badass name for a black metal band about social control, how they wanna rape you to death and other human evil

Attached: NSBM Chart.jpg (2000x8632, 3.34M)


What if I think both far right and far left are equally retarded in pretty much all cases?

disregard my last post, I suck cocks

Cute lizard

Attached: centrist.jpg (680x502, 49K)

Watch out guys, we got a big brain super duper intelligent centrist here!


can't thank you enough for this picture.

Wouldn't call myself intelligent, just not utterly retarded. I think it's pretty safe to say that any reasonable person feels the same way about radicals. Being any sort of an extremist is just a sign of complete closemindedness.

However this is Yea Forums, so everyone's retarded, including myself :^) eat my used tampon

Attached: B768fB4gUAc.jpg (433x269, 17K)

There are so many things I passionately fucking hate in that picture it's kind of incredible
Couldn't think of a song but this sums it up quite well

This is all I'm saying. All this violence, toxicity and anger from both sides is absolutely unneeded. Whatever happened to free speech and basic human rights?

Attached: 9Sy-iNs7wbw.jpg (960x551, 101K)

Based Facebook


politics always somehow end up on mu

Wasn't me

I'm not a fence sitting centrist, I just think both are retarded because they suffer from severe cognitive dissonance. Rightoid retards are extremely pro capitalism and hate "leftist commie retards" despite the fact that all the shit they whine about is a direct consequence of hyper globalist condumerism all thanks to capitalism. Ironically the soviet union was an oppressive shithole but ironically they were the most effective at fighting "degeneracy". You wouldn't see anyone even slightly resembling an autist because they'd be put in insane asylums. Leftists are all about respecting other cultures and living in harmony with nature yet they fetishise global cultural homogeny through kalergist imperialism. Globalism is cancer, capitalism is cancer, techno-industrial industry is cancer. Yet both sides support all these things despite them being in direct opposition to their suppposed values. I don't disagree with both left and right because "extremisn is not the answer the truth is somewhere in the middle there is no clear cut line". I disagree with both sides because they're both filled with cognitively dissonant fucktards who wholeheartedly support proponents of what they allegedly despise. Honestly at this point I'd much rather global extinction through global warming + nuclear war because humanity is too shit to continue existing.

>I'd much rather global extinction through global warming + nuclear war because humanity is too shit to continue existing

you and I. WE should start a cult.


good meme

>having facebook
boomer get out

I only use facebook to criticize facebook

>Whatever happened to free speech and basic human rights?
They're problematic. If you allow people to speak freely they might criticise government policy and they can't have that.